
When I retired from the army in '95, my fate changed

author:Capital Observation Jun

I was twenty years old, a beautiful athlete. In 1995, a sudden injury forced me to say goodbye to the sports field I loved. After retiring, my life seemed to lose its direction all at once.

That day, I was alone on a park bench in a daze, thinking about the way forward. At this time, a strange old man came over and asked me with a smile: "Young man, what are your plans after retirement?" ”

I smiled wryly and replied, "I don't know, maybe I'm going to work." The old man smiled mysteriously, took out a note from his pocket and handed it to me: "If you want, you can go to this place and try it." ”

There was an address written on the note, and I looked at the old man suspiciously: "Where is this?" Why should I go to this place? The old man smiled and said, "You'll know when you go, and there may be unexpected gains." ”

With curiosity, I followed the address to find the place. It turned out to be a sporting goods store. The owner, an enthusiastic middle-aged man, saw me with a hint of surprise in his eyes: "You're the national champion?" I heard you're retired, would you be interested in joining us? ”

I was stunned, I didn't expect this shopkeeper to know about me. After some conversation, I learned that this sporting goods store specializes in providing employment opportunities for retired athletes. The owner, who is also a retired athlete, understands our plight and created the platform for us.

That's how I became a part of the sporting goods store. Here, I have met many like-minded friends, and everyone encourages each other to make progress together. Soon after, I was promoted to store manager because of my outstanding performance.

However, life is not all smooth sailing. One day, a group of thugs suddenly came to the store and threatened us to pay protection money. I refused without hesitation, and as a result, they retaliated. During that time, our business in the store plummeted, and many employees chose to leave.

Just as I was in despair, the old man who had given me the address reappeared. He told me, "Young man, you have to be brave in the face of difficulties in order to achieve real growth." With that, he handed me a phone number and said it was someone who could help me solve my problem.

I dialed the phone number, but I didn't expect it to be the number of the police station. With the help of the police, we managed to solve the problem of gangsters. After this incident, I have strengthened my determination to do a good job in this sporting goods store.

After a few years, our business has grown bigger and bigger, not only opening a number of branches in the city, but also helping many retired athletes solve employment problems. And I also found a new purpose in life in the process.

Now that I'm over forty years old, I think back to the mysterious old man who changed his fate after retiring. Although I still don't know his true identity, I am forever grateful for the opportunity and courage he gave me.

Life is like a race, sometimes we will encounter setbacks, but as long as we face them bravely, we will always find a new way out. And I will continue to work hard for retired athletes on this road and create more miracles.

Time flies, and my sporting goods store has become a beautiful sight in the city. Everyone who walks into the store can feel the unique warmth and strength. And I have also found my own value and mission in this career.

One early spring afternoon, I was sorting out my newly arrived sports gear in the store when suddenly, the door was pushed open and a familiar figure walked in. That's my former teammate, Li Qiang. There was a hint of exhaustion on his face, and it was clear that life was not easy for him.

"Dude, I heard that you are here to help retired athletes, I ......" Li Qiang's words were not finished, and his voice was already a little choked.

I stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder: "What do you say, we are brothers, if there is any difficulty, carry it together." ”

After some conversations, I learned that Li Qiang's life has been unsatisfactory since he retired, and the burden of his family has made him breathless. Without saying a word, I immediately arranged for him to work in the store and told him, "This is your home, let's work together, and life will be better." ”

In this way, Li Qiang became a member of our big family. His arrival has strengthened my determination to help retired athletes.

One day, I received a strange phone call, and a familiar voice came from the other end of the phone: "Young man, is that you?" I'm the old man who gave you the address. ”

I was so excited that I almost jumped up: "You old man, you finally show up!" I have always wanted to thank you all these years. ”

The old man smiled: "Your growth is the best thank you to me." I'm calling you to tell you that there is an opportunity that may allow you to help more retired athletes. ”

It turned out that the old man learned that the General Administration of Sports of China planned to carry out a public welfare project to support retired athletes, and he hoped that I could actively participate and contribute to this project.

I didn't hesitate to say yes. In the days that followed, my team and I went all out to plan a series of activities aimed at helping retired athletes solve their employment, psychological and life problems.

On the day of the launch of the project, there was a lot of noise, and many retired athletes rushed to hear the news. At the event, I met the old man who changed my life. He looked at everything in front of him and smiled with satisfaction: "Young man, you did it, I'm proud of you." ”

I held the old man's hand tightly: "Without your guidance, I would not be where I am today. Thank you. ”

As the program progressed, more and more retired athletes were helped, and their lives were turned upside down. And I, in the process, have gained one precious friendship after another.

Time is like a song, life is like a play. On the stage of fate, I am no longer the glamorous athlete I once was, but an ordinary person who works for the well-being of retired athletes. Along the way, there were hardships and tears, but more laughter and hope.

Life will always surprise us inadvertently. And what I want to do is to continue to move forward with that firm belief and hold up a blue sky for the retired athletes.

The days passed quietly in a busy and fulfilling way, and my team members and I kept running to get help for more retired athletes. Our efforts have been widely recognized by the society, and many enterprises have joined our public welfare projects.

One weekend, I was in the store discussing the progress of the project with a few retired athletes, when suddenly, the door was pushed open by a huge force. A burly middle-aged man barged in, his face full of anger.

"You guys are calling a program to help retired athletes? I think it's a money scam! The man asked loudly.

I stepped forward and tried to calm his anger: "Sir, if there is any problem, you can speak slowly, and we will try our best to solve it." ”

The man glared at me, took out a newspaper, and pointed to a report on it: "Look at it, this is your project, and someone is using this project to defraud!" ”

My heart shook and I immediately realized the seriousness of the matter. I apologized to the man and promised to investigate the matter as soon as possible. After sending the man away, I immediately gathered my team members to discuss countermeasures.

After some investigation, we found out that there were indeed people using the name of our project to commit fraud. This made us so angry that we decided to call the police and set the record public.

With the help of the police, the fraud gang was quickly caught. In order to prevent similar incidents from happening again, we have strengthened the monitoring of the project and increased transparency, so that everyone involved has a clear understanding of the progress of the project and the use of funds.

Although this incident has brought us a certain negative impact, it has also made us realize that public welfare needs to be more rigorous and transparent. We took this opportunity to carry out a comprehensive rectification and optimization of the project.

Soon after, the project was launched again, and this time, we had the support and trust of more people. Many retired athletes have regained their direction and confidence in life through our help.

In the process, I also gained many touching stories. For example, an athlete who has been retired for many years opened a gym with the help of us, which not only realized his dream of starting a business, but also drove other retired athletes to find employment.

Another retired athlete, through our counseling, got out of the shadow of depression and reintegrated into society and became a community volunteer.

These stories have strengthened my conviction that our efforts are meaningful. Every retired athlete is a bright star, and as long as they are given a chance, they can brighten their lives.

Time is like flowing water, and in the blink of an eye, I am over fifty years old. The years have left their mark on the face, but the passion in the heart has never faded. I am still sticking to my post of helping retired athletes, and I continue to move forward with faith.

In this journey full of challenges and hopes, I know that every miracle that changes destiny comes from our joint efforts and perseverance. In the future, there are more stories waiting for us to write, and more dreams waiting for us to realize.

One sunny morning, I stood in front of the store, looking at the bustling streets, and my heart was full of emotion. Over the years, my team and I have worked tirelessly to help retired athletes. Our efforts have been widely recognized by the society, and many enterprises have joined our public welfare projects.

Suddenly, a young retired athlete, Xiao Li, hurriedly ran in, his face filled with anxiety and anticipation. I immediately greeted him and asked with concern, "Xiao Li, what's wrong?" ”

Xiao Li said breathlessly: "Boss, I heard that there is a retired athlete entrepreneurship competition, I want to participate, but I don't know how to prepare, can you help me?" ”

I smiled and patted him on the shoulder: "Of course, our team will fully support you." Tell me, what are your ideas and plans? ”

A gleam flashed in Xiao Li's eyes: "I have always wanted to open a specialty restaurant that focuses on healthy eating and provides nutritious and balanced meals for retired athletes. ”

I nodded and encouraged him: "That's a great idea, retired athletes need a healthy diet to stay in shape. We'll help you develop a detailed business plan and provide you with the necessary resources and support. ”

Over the next few months, my team members and I did our best to help Li prepare for the startup competition. We provided him with guidance on market research, financial planning, marketing strategy, and helped him raise start-up capital.

Finally, the day of the entrepreneurship competition has arrived. Xiao Li stood on the stage and confidently presented his entrepreneurial plan to the judges and the audience. His speech was vivid and moving, and won unanimous praise from the judges.

When the judges announced that Xiao Li had won the first prize in the competition, the audience erupted in warm applause. My team members and I hugged each other excitedly and cheered for Xiao Li's success.

Xiao Li's entrepreneurial plan was favored by investors, and he managed to raise enough funds. Soon after, his specialty restaurant opened and became a new gathering place for retired athletes. The restaurant not only provides delicious and healthy meals, but also provides a platform for retired athletes to communicate and help each other.

Seeing Xiao Li's restaurant doing a booming business, my heart is filled with joy. This is not only an affirmation of our team's efforts, but also the best interpretation of the perseverance and courage of the retired athletes.

Time is like a song, life is like a play. On the stage of fate, I am no longer the glamorous athlete I once was, but an ordinary person who works for the well-being of retired athletes. Along the way, there were hardships and tears, but more laughter and hope.

Life will always surprise us inadvertently. And what I want to do is to continue to move forward with that firm belief and hold up a blue sky for the retired athletes.