
74-year-old Sheng Hailin has changed greatly! Cut double eyelids and beg for a son-in-law, 14-year-old twin daughters are under a lot of pressure!

author:Xiao Wu talks about gossip 6

Sheng Hailin, this name may not be unfamiliar to many people.

As an elderly mother, her story of giving birth to twin daughters has attracted widespread attention, bringing confidence and role model to older orphaned parents.

74-year-old Sheng Hailin has changed greatly! Cut double eyelids and beg for a son-in-law, 14-year-old twin daughters are under a lot of pressure!

Her life is much more than that, and along the way, her actions and practices have caused a lot of controversy.

I think that at the beginning, Sheng Hailin bravely ushered in a new life at an advanced age, and this courage is indeed admirable.

Her story is like a ray of light in the darkness, bringing hope to parents who are also suffering from misfortune.

But as she became popular online, some changes also quietly happened.

74-year-old Sheng Hailin has changed greatly! Cut double eyelids and beg for a son-in-law, 14-year-old twin daughters are under a lot of pressure!

For example, the fact that she cut her double eyelids was considered by some people to be irresponsible for her body and life, oops, this is really unexpected!

Let's talk about her children's education requirements, it is really strict! She did not allow her daughter to marry far away, and also asked to find a son-in-law, all because of her eldest daughter's experience.

But isn't that a bit too absolute? No wonder some of them are not accepted!

74-year-old Sheng Hailin has changed greatly! Cut double eyelids and beg for a son-in-law, 14-year-old twin daughters are under a lot of pressure!

Moreover, some people think that Sheng Hailin's twin daughters always seem to be tired and under a lot of pressure.

Perhaps it was their mother's demands that made them a little overwhelmed, causing some people to hate Sheng Hailin more and more, thinking that she might lose fans in the future if she continued like this.

74-year-old Sheng Hailin has changed greatly! Cut double eyelids and beg for a son-in-law, 14-year-old twin daughters are under a lot of pressure!

Today, 74-year-old Sheng Hailin is really still full of energy! You see, she even took her twin daughters to Phnom Penh, Cambodia for a tour! Oops, it's really amazing! You see, when she was traveling, her mental state was so good, and her whole face was radiant, as if she had endless energy.

Look at her daughters, they are already half a head taller than her, the mother and daughter stand together, the picture is really interesting.

74-year-old Sheng Hailin has changed greatly! Cut double eyelids and beg for a son-in-law, 14-year-old twin daughters are under a lot of pressure!

However, as soon as this matter was exposed, netizens exploded, and the discussions came and went! Some people think that it is too dangerous to travel abroad at such an age of 74! They were worried about whether Sheng Hailin's body could withstand this long journey and foreign environment.

Moreover, some people say that she is doing this to make money.

Come to think of it, after all, she has nearly 700,000 followers, and since she gave birth, there has been no end to the reports and choices about her.

74-year-old Sheng Hailin has changed greatly! Cut double eyelids and beg for a son-in-law, 14-year-old twin daughters are under a lot of pressure!

Actually, we can understand why netizens say that.

After all, it is indeed quite surprising to travel at such an age.

But maybe Sheng Hailin just wants to see more of the outside world while she can still walk, and create more good memories with her daughters.

Moreover, she has so many fans, it doesn't seem like a bad thing if she can earn some money by traveling by the way.

Maybe Sheng Hailin just feels that although she is old, she can't be old, she just wants to live her own wonderful life.

74-year-old Sheng Hailin has changed greatly! Cut double eyelids and beg for a son-in-law, 14-year-old twin daughters are under a lot of pressure!

She took her daughters to Phnom Penh, Cambodia, perhaps to broaden their horizons and experience different customs.

She may feel that this is not only good for the development of her daughters, but also makes the bond between mother and daughter deeper.

After arriving in Cambodia, Sheng Hailin played to her heart's content, and also posted photos and videos of the mother and daughter playing.

She even made a video of the gameplay guide, oops, what a lot of care! However, she once took her daughter to the local reproductive hospital, marked the name and received an advertisement, which was questioned as an obvious marketing method, and it should not promote IVF.

74-year-old Sheng Hailin has changed greatly! Cut double eyelids and beg for a son-in-law, 14-year-old twin daughters are under a lot of pressure!

Sheng Hailin's two daughters are tall and gentle, and Sheng Hailin herself has changed her status because of her children, and she can still make money as an Internet celebrity.

She also made a short video of her parenting ideas, which can be regarded as keeping pace with the times! After Sheng Hailin's husband passed away, it was really hard for her to make money, but she had a strong vitality and a lot of investment in her children.

In the face of her daughter's missing father, she silently paid attention to her daughter's growth and told her pain and sorrow to the outside world, which also made people see the soft side of her heart.

74-year-old Sheng Hailin has changed greatly! Cut double eyelids and beg for a son-in-law, 14-year-old twin daughters are under a lot of pressure!

Although the outside world has many doubts about her, some people say that she uses her daughter to protect her old age, it is undeniable that her financial investment and spiritual support for her daughter's growth are indeed very large.

Take this trip to Cambodia as an example, some people think it is dangerous, but Sheng Hailin said that it is very safe.

After the trip to Cambodia, Sheng Hailin and her daughter danced at home! Look at her, she shows her feminine charm and unyielding mentality, and her energetic appearance really doesn't look like a 74-year-old man!

74-year-old Sheng Hailin has changed greatly! Cut double eyelids and beg for a son-in-law, 14-year-old twin daughters are under a lot of pressure!

Sheng Hailin's life was full of drama and controversy.

Her bravery is admirable, but some of her actions can't help but be controversial.

While she is trying to pursue her own life, she also seems to ignore some outside voices.

But maybe this is her, a unique and tenacious Sheng Hailin.

74-year-old Sheng Hailin has changed greatly! Cut double eyelids and beg for a son-in-law, 14-year-old twin daughters are under a lot of pressure!

Her story is like a realistic version of a TV series, with ups and downs in the plot, which makes people sigh sometimes and sigh at times.

She has done things that many people dare not think of at an advanced age, and the hardships and dedication involved are probably only known to herself.

In any case, Sheng Hailin's existence allows us to see the multiple possibilities of life.

Her story also makes us think about how we can balance our own pursuits with the views of others when faced with life's challenges and choices.

74-year-old Sheng Hailin has changed greatly! Cut double eyelids and beg for a son-in-law, 14-year-old twin daughters are under a lot of pressure!

Perhaps, instead of simply judging her, we should draw some courage and strength from her experience.

Her life may not be perfect, but her tenacity and hard work deserve our respect and learning.

In this disturbing world, Sheng Hailin writes her own legend in her own way, let's continue to pay attention to her story and see what kind of wonderful display she will have in the future! Oh, I wish she and her daughters could live happily ever after!

74-year-old Sheng Hailin has changed greatly! Cut double eyelids and beg for a son-in-law, 14-year-old twin daughters are under a lot of pressure!

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  • The information in this article is from:
  • [1] "Sheng Hailin took her twin daughters to Cambodia to make money"
  • [2] "11 years ago, a 60-year-old mother who lost her only mother gave birth to test-tube twins, and then said frankly: If there is an afterlife, I will not ask for it again"
  • [3] "74-year-old Sheng Hailin took her twin daughters to twins, 14-year-old is taller than her mother"