
Before he retired in '69, his fiancée came to visit him and was pleasantly surprised

author:Smoke Moon wrote

That was in 1969. I'm still in the army, and I'm about to retire. I was both excited and nervous, excited that I could finally return to my longing home, and nervous, I promised my fiancée Xiaofang that I would get married after retiring.

That day, I was practicing on the playground when the instructor came over, patted me on the shoulder, and said, "Xiao Li, someone is looking for you." I looked back and saw Xiao Fang standing there smiling, and I hurriedly ran over.

"Xiaofang, why are you here?" I asked in surprise.

"I miss you, I came to see you in advance." Xiao Fang's eyes bent into crescent moons.

We found a corner where no one was around and chatted about homely things. Just as we were talking, Xiao Fang suddenly mysteriously took out a piece of paper from her bag.

"What is this?" I took it in confusion.

"Just look at it." Xiao Fang's smile grew brighter and brighter.

I unfolded the piece of paper, and it read, "Approve Xiao Li's early retirement." I was stunned, I didn't expect this to be a surprise.

"Xiaofang, how did you do it?" I asked her in surprise.

"I found a lot of people and said a lot of good things to get this done." Xiao Fang said proudly.

I was so moved that I couldn't speak, so I could only hug her tightly. At that moment, I felt like I was the happiest person in the world.

However, the good times were short-lived. A few days later, the instructor found me and said with a heavy face: "Xiao Li, there is something wrong with your retirement procedures, and it may have to be postponed." ”

I was stunned all of a sudden, and my heart was in a hurry, like an ant on a hot pot. I hurried to find Xiaofang and tell her the news.

Xiaofang was also anxious, she said: "What can I do, I worked so hard to let you retire early." ”

The two of us sat there and sighed. Suddenly, Xiao Fang's eyes lit up and said, "There is, let's go find the chief." ”

So, we went to the chief's office. The chief listened to our intentions, frowned and said, "This matter is very complicated and not so easy to solve. ”

Xiao Fang was so anxious that she was about to cry, she threw herself on her knees and said, "Chief, please help, the two of us are waiting to retire and get married." ”

The chief looked at Xiao Fang, was silent for a while, and said, "Okay, I'll give it a try." ”

And so, we waited anxiously. In those days, I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep, and I lost a lot of weight.

Finally, on a sunny day, the chief came to me and said, "Xiao Li, your retirement procedures have been completed, and you can leave tomorrow." ”

With tears in my eyes, I shook the chief's hand tightly and thanked him repeatedly.

The next day, Xiaofang and I left the unit hand in hand. Along the way, we laughed and looked forward to a better life in the future.

Now, decades later, Xiaofang and I are full of children and grandchildren. Looking back on that time, I still feel my heart beating faster and excited. That year, that unexpected joy became the most precious memory of our lives.

Life after retirement is as sweet and warm as we envision. Xiaofang's wedding was simple and lively, and those comrades-in-arms who had fought side by side together came to congratulate one after another, and their faces were filled with sincere smiles, as if we also represented the longing for home and hope for the future in their hearts.

The days after marriage passed quickly, and Xiaofang became the pillar of the family, she took care of the housework, took care of the elderly, and took care of everything in order. And I also found a stable job in the local area and started a new life.

That day, when I came home from work, I saw Xiaofang sitting at the table with a hint of worry on her face.

"Xiaofang, what's wrong?" I walked over and gently patted her on the shoulder.

She looked up at me, and there was a hint of helplessness in her eyes: "I went to see our mother today, and her health is getting worse and worse." ”

I was silent for a while, and then said, "We have to find a way to treat my mother, don't worry about money, I'll figure it out." ”

During that time, I worked during the day and borrowed money everywhere at night, while Xiaofang took care of her mother wholeheartedly. Life is difficult, but we support each other and face it together.

One day, I learned from a comrade-in-arms that there was a new medicine in the army hospital that might help my mother's illness. I immediately went to the comrade-in-arms with hope, hoping that he could help get the medicine.

"This medicine is in short supply, but since it's you, I'll do my best." My comrade-in-arms patted me on the shoulder and agreed to my request.

The days of waiting are always long and anxious. Just when I was almost in despair, my comrades-in-arms finally brought good news. The day I got the medicine, I was extremely excited, as if the medicine bottle in my hand carried the hope of the whole family.

My mother's condition gradually improved after the medication, and the atmosphere at home was much more relaxed. Xiao Fang looked at her recovered mother, her eyes were full of gratitude: "You are really a lucky star for our family." ”

"No, it's the result of our joint efforts." I held Fang's hand tightly, and we looked at each other and smiled.

Time flies, time flies. Our children grow up and start to have a life of their own. And we're starting to enjoy retirement. Xiao Fang likes to plant flowers in the garden, while I like to sit in a rocking chair and watch her busy figure and enjoy the peace and tranquility.

Until one day, I inadvertently dug through the old pile of notes approving early retirement, and those old memories suddenly came to my heart. I looked at Xiao Fang, who was watering the flowers next to me, and a warm current surged in my heart.

"Xiaofang, do you remember when you retired early for me?" I took the note and walked up to her.

Xiaofang wiped the dirt on her hands, took the note, and said with a smile: "Of course I remember, it is a testimony of our love." ”

I hugged her gently, and my heart was filled with emotion. Those hardships and hardships in the past have now become precious treasures in our common memories. And this note has also become the brightest chapter in our love story.

The days went by like this, and our lives were calm and peaceful. The children started their own families, and Xiaofang and I had more time to enjoy our own time.

One weekend, the kids proposed to celebrate 50 years of our marriage with a golden wedding party. After hearing this, Xiaofang's face flushed with a girlish flush, and she looked at me with a happy glint in her eyes.

"Fiftieth anniversary, time flies." Xiao Fang said softly.

"yes, it feels like we just got married yesterday." I took her hand and felt the marks of the years between our fingers.

On the day of the commemorative party, the children decorated their home in a warm and romantic way. Those old comrades-in-arms also came, and everyone sat around and recalled the bits and pieces of the past. We tell the story of those years, laughter and tears intertwined.

"Xiao Li, you and Xiao Fang are role models in our group." An old comrade-in-arms raised his glass and said.

"Wherever we are, we are just ordinary people, living the life of ordinary people." I humbly replied.

After dinner, Xiaofang and I sat on the balcony and looked at the stars. She leaned on my shoulder and asked softly, "You say, what will we be like in the next fifty years?" ”

I smiled and hugged her tightly: "No matter what it looks like, as long as we are together, I am satisfied." ”

The years have carved their marks on our faces, but our hearts are still young. We will still be moved by each other's little surprises, or will we quarrel over the trivial things in life, and then reconcile.

One day, while sorting through old photos, I found a photo of us when we were younger. In the photo, we are smiling so brightly, so carefree. I showed the photo to Xiaofang, and she looked at it with tears in her eyes.

"You see, how young we were." Her voice was choked.

"Yes, but I think you're more beautiful now." I gently wiped away her tears.

Xiao Fang smiled, and that smile was as bright as it was fifty years ago. I know that no matter how the years change, our love will never fade. Our life may no longer be as ups and downs as when we were young, but it has the depth and stability that has been precipitated over the years.

We go on with our lives, walking hand in hand in the morning light every day and reminiscing together in the sunset. Our story doesn't have a thrilling plot, but it has countless heartwarming moments. These moments, like stars dotting the night sky, ordinary and bright, constitute our unique love epic.

In our peaceful life, suddenly one day, Xiaofang suddenly fell ill. She had been in good health, but I was very alarmed by the sudden illness this time. The doctor told us that Xiaofang needed immediate surgery.

I held Xiaofang's hand and comforted her, "It's okay, everything will be fine." ”

Xiao Fang smiled weakly and said softly, "I've lived for a long time, if there's really anything, don't be too upset." ”

My heart tightened, and I held her hand tightly: "What nonsense, you will definitely get better." ”

The operation went very smoothly and Xiaofang recovered quickly in the hospital bed. I was there for her every day, telling her jokes and telling her stories from our youth. Xiaofang always had a smile on her face, as if to tell me that she would definitely get better.

One day, I was telling a story to Xiao Fang when I suddenly heard a familiar voice: "Xiao Li, you are here." ”

When I looked back, it turned out to be my old comrade-in-arms, Lao Wang. He walked over, looked at Xiao Fang lying on the hospital bed, and whispered, "Xiao Fang, are you okay?" ”

Xiao Fang smiled and nodded: "I'm fine, Lao Wang, it's great that you came to see me." ”

Lao Wang sat down and talked to us about the past. He told us that he now works in a nursing home and specializes in caring for the elderly. He said that when he saw those old people, he always thought of us old comrades-in-arms.

The three of us talked for a long time, laughing constantly. Xiaofang's spirit is also much better. When Lao Wang left, he looked at me and said, "Xiao Li, you take good care of Xiao Fang, she is a good woman." ”

I nodded, looking at Lao Wang's back, my heart was full of gratitude. I know that no matter what happens, I will be by Xiaofang's side, take care of her, and love her forever.

Xiaofang's condition gradually improved, and she began to regain some strength. We decided to go to the nursing home together to see Lao Wang, and also to see the elderly people by the way. We arrived at the nursing home and were warmly received by Mr. Wang.

The environment of the nursing home is very good, and the elderly live a peaceful life here. Together with Lao Wang, we sang songs and told jokes to the old people, and the faces of the old people were full of happy smiles.

Looking at these old people, my heart is full of emotion. I know that we too will grow old and need to be cared for. But with love and companionship, we can get through every stage of life, whether it's hard or smooth.

Xiao Fang's body gradually recovered, and we continued with our daily lives. Every day, we take a walk together, reminisce about the past together, and look forward to the future together. Our love, like those stars, is ordinary, but it shines with extraordinary light.