
Insight: Have you ever drunk all the world's 7 major spirits?

author:That Man in Oman
Insight: Have you ever drunk all the world's 7 major spirits?
Insight: Have you ever drunk all the world's 7 major spirits?
Insight: Have you ever drunk all the world's 7 major spirits?
Insight: Have you ever drunk all the world's 7 major spirits?

Li Xiaobai's legendary journey with the Seven Great Spirits

In the distant Tang Dynasty, there was a young man named Li Xiaobai, who was smart and clever, liked to travel all over the world, and was especially fond of the world's fine wines. Li Xiaobai often said: "Life must be happy, don't make the gold bottle empty to the moon." "Wine is an indispensable companion in his life.

One day, Li Xiaobai heard in a wine shop in Chang'an City that there are seven major spirits in the world, each with its own merits, which is intoxicating. His heart fluttered, and he decided to embark on a legendary journey to find these seven spirits.

At the first stop, Li Xiaobai came to the border of the Western Regions. He had heard that the wines were full-bodied and had a unique fruity aroma. In the yellow sand, he found a tavern. The owner of the tavern, a gray-haired old man, warmly invited Li Xiaobai to taste his wine. Li Xiaobai took a sip and immediately felt that the taste was mellow and fruity, as if he was in a vineyard. He was amazed and talked with the old man for a long time, and then reluctantly left.

Leaving the Western Regions, Li Xiaobai came to the Jiangnan Water Town. He heard that the rice wine here was as warm as jade, and the mouth was soft. He strolled through the misty and rainy water towns in the south of the Yangtze River, looking for the legendary rice wine. Finally, in a quaint wine shop, he found his favorite rice wine. The yellow wine is golden in color, fragrant, soft and sweet in the mouth, and has an endless aftertaste. Li Xiaobai had a good conversation with the owner of the wine shop, and the two raised their glasses and drank together and talked about life.

Leaving Jiangnan, Li Xiaobai came to the frontier of the northeast again. He had heard that the liquor there was as strong as a flame and had a unique spicy taste. In the cold and windy frontier, he found a winery. The owner of the winery is a bold man, and he warmly invites Li Xiaobai to taste his own liquor. Li Xiaobai picked up the wine glass and drank it all. Suddenly, a hot sensation rushed from his throat to the top of his head, as if a flame was burning. He exclaimed, "Good wine! Wine! "I had a pleasant evening with Dahan over wine and chatter.

After staying in the northeastern frontier for a while, Li Xiaobai embarked on a journey to the southwest. He heard that the rice wine there was sweet and delicious, with a strong rice aroma. On the southwestern edge surrounded by mountains, he found a tavern owned by mountain people. The owner of the tavern was a simple mountain man, and he brought out a jar of home-brewed rice wine for Li Xiaobai to taste. Li Xiaobai took a sip, only to feel that the rice wine was sweet and delicious, and the rice fragrance was overflowing, as if he was in a rice field. He sat around the fire with the mountain people, drinking wine and chatting, feeling the tranquility and peace of the mountains.

Leaving the southwest, Li Xiaobai came to the distant coast of the South China Sea again. He had heard that the rum there was mellow and strong, with a unique maritime flavor. On the shores of the choppy South China Sea, he found a bar by the sea. The owner of the bar, an enthusiastic seafarer, introduced Li Xiaobai to his rum. Li Xiaobai took a sip, only to feel that the rum was mellow and strong, with a hint of saltiness of the ocean and the smell of sunshine. He drank and carnivaled with the seamen, feeling the vastness and freedom of the sea.

After a pleasant vacation on the coast of the South China Sea, Li Xiaobai embarked on a journey to the north. He had heard that the vodka there was crystal clear and had a unique pure taste. On the snowy northern border, he found a Russian-style bar. The owner of the bar, a blonde Russian beauty, introduced Li Xiaobai to her vodka. Li Xiaobai picked up the wine glass and drank it all. I only feel that the vodka is clear and transparent, and the taste is extremely pure, as if it can cleanse the soul. He toasted with Russian beauties and talked about the culture and customs of the two countries.

After an unforgettable night on the northern frontier, Li Xiaobai finally completed his legendary journey to find the Seven Great Spirits. He returned to Chang'an City and wrote his experience into a book - "The Legend of the Seven Spirits". The book caused a sensation in the city of Chang'an, and people rushed to buy and read it. Li Xiaobai has become a celebrity in Chang'an, and his story has inspired countless young people to embark on a journey to find their dreams.

At the end of "The Legend of the Seven Spirits", Li Xiaobai wrote: "Life is like a journey, we are all looking for our own wine. Whether it's wine from the Western Regions, rice wine from Jiangnan, baijiu from the Northeast, rice wine from the Southwest, rum from the South China Sea, vodka from the north, or sake from home, each wine has its own unique taste and story. As long as we feel and taste the good times and life experiences brought to us by these fine wines, we can find our own happiness and joy. ”

This book has become a classic in Chang'an City and has been passed down for thousands of years. And Li Xiaobai's story has also become a good story and legend in people's mouths. He used his own experience to tell people that as long as we are brave enough to pursue our dreams and the things we love, we can find the beauty and happiness in life. This positive energy and positive spirit have always inspired future generations to keep moving forward.

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