
Zhou Tao actually ran to play two with Wang Gang?

author:The vision of the breeze

CCTV host Zhou Tao feels that he has disappeared from the CCTV stage for a long time, but his impression has always been very beautiful, even if he is now over half a hundred years old, he occasionally appears to participate in some activities, and the state presented to everyone is still elegant, intellectual and beautiful. [Heart-to-heart] [Heart-to-heart]

Zhou Tao actually ran to play two with Wang Gang?
Zhou Tao actually ran to play two with Wang Gang?
Zhou Tao actually ran to play two with Wang Gang?

Zhou Tao, who is over half a hundred years old, is still elegant and intellectual

Unexpectedly, in the upcoming new TV series "Old Guy", Zhou Tao actually ran to play a couple with Wang Gang? [Flash of inspiration] [Flash of inspiration]

Zhou Tao actually ran to play two with Wang Gang?

Looking at the cast of "Old Guy", you know that it is the original cast of the hit drama "Iron Tooth Bronze Tooth Ji Xiaolan" 20 years ago, Zhang Guoli, Wang Gang, and Zhang Tielin got together again many years later to cooperate in a TV series, and took such a down-to-earth name as "Old Guy".

After reading the content introduction, it should be a story about the retirement community, which is also a hot topic in today's Chinese society. I wonder if I can get good ratings after the broadcast?

This should be Zhou Tao's first film and television drama, he only came to shoot a TV series after retirement, and he felt that his debut was a little late [covering his face] But people may just come to play tickets, after all, it was his old partner Wang Gang who invited her to play his wife, Wang Gang shouldn't have had a crush on Zhou Tao back then, right? Make your dreams come true through TV dramas? [Cute] [Cute] [Flash of inspiration] Haha, just kidding!

Zhou Tao actually ran to play two with Wang Gang?

Zhou Tao said that her first partner when she entered CCTV was Wang Gang

Back then, Wang Gang was Zhou Tao's first partner to enter CCTV, so the two were very familiar with each other. This time, Wang Gang, Zhang Guoli, and Zhang Tielin, the two old partners in "Iron Tooth and Bronze Tooth Ji Xiaolan", cooperated to shoot a new drama. He first thought of asking Zhou Tao to play his wife, that is, the heroine Xia Mingzhou, so he personally came forward to invite Zhou Tao to come out.

Maybe it was to save face for his old partner, and after reading the script, he felt that the role was quite suitable, so Zhou Tao starred in the first TV series in his life after retiring.

Zhou Tao actually ran to play two with Wang Gang?

In "Old Guy", Zhou Tao and Wang Gang play a happy family of three

Zhou Tao actually ran to play two with Wang Gang?

This time, Wang Gang invited Zhou Tao to play his wife

The TV series "Old Guy" will be simulcast on Jiangsu Satellite TV and Beijing Satellite TV on the evening of May 14, these three male protagonists have seen a lot of works, and they know their acting skills very well, but for Zhou Tao, the dark horse in the entertainment industry, full of some unknown expectations.

Will she leave the hosting position to break into the film and television industry like Aunt Ni Ping back then, and later won several actresses? [Flash of inspiration]

Zhou Tao actually ran to play two with Wang Gang?

Ni Ping left the hosting position to film and won several actresses, which also showed her talent as an actor

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