
In 78, when I worked in a supply and marketing cooperative, I mistakenly sold salt as sugar to a woman, but I didn't expect to meet her again on a blind date

author:History of Excellence

[This content is an adaptation of a short fictional story, please watch it rationally, and do not sit in the right seat]

"I want sugar, why are you giving me salt!"

Facing the fierce man in front of me, I was so proud that I said that this was sugar.

But the big man said: "I can't eat salt or sugar, you can taste it yourself!" ”

I dipped my hand in the "sugar" on the table, "It's broken!" It's really salt. ”

I immediately apologized to the big man in front of me, and gave him a pack of sugar for free out of my own pocket.

But after the big man left, I suddenly reacted, a girl just now also came to buy candy, maybe I gave her salt!

In 78, when I worked in a supply and marketing cooperative, I mistakenly sold salt as sugar to a woman, but I didn't expect to meet her again on a blind date

After this time, I immediately chased it out, but after all this time, the girl was long gone...

I am an ordinary employee working in a supply and marketing cooperative, and my father died of illness when I was a child, leaving me and my mother to rely on each other.

My mother named me Li Dayong, hoping that I would become a strong and brave man in the future.

Although life was very hard, under the careful guidance of my mother, I still succeeded in my studies, and after graduating from high school, I was hired by the county's supply and marketing cooperative.

In the supply and marketing cooperative, I am a salesperson, and my daily job is to stand in the counter for a day, selling daily necessities to customers.

Because he is honest and kind-hearted, he greets everyone with a smile.

It was only when I was 24 years old that my mother began to worry about my marriage.

Although I am honest, I also have my own backbone, and I always want to marry a good daughter-in-law and glorify my ancestors with my own efforts.

But there are not many young women of school-age in the county, and most of them are better than me.

I'm just an ordinary salesperson, and I don't know which girl is willing to take a fancy to me.

In this way, I went to work every day to sell goods, and went home from work to accompany my mother, and the days passed day by day, and I didn't know where the future was.

Until this day, an unexpected mistake completely changed the trajectory of my ordinary life......

On this day, I came to the supply and marketing cooperatives early as usual to start the day's work.

As soon as the roller shutter door was opened and the counter was tidied up, a young woman walked in.

She looked like she was in her early twenties, handsome, plain but neatly dressed.

"Hello, I want to buy two catties of sugar." She said softly.

I hurriedly answered and turned to look for candy on the shelves. The shelves are very similar to all kinds of salt, sugar, and flour.

I picked up a packet and handed it to the girl in a paper bag without looking at the label.

The girl paid with a smile on her face and left with the bag.

I watched her slender back disappear outside the door, and only slowly withdrew her affectionate eyes until I couldn't see it.

But it wasn't until a big man came to buy white sugar that I realized that the white sugar I just gave to that girl was actually "salt"!

All day, I was restless, always looking forward to the girl's return.

In 78, when I worked in a supply and marketing cooperative, I mistakenly sold salt as sugar to a woman, but I didn't expect to meet her again on a blind date

But until the end of work, there was no trace of her.

For several days in a row, I was in a trance, and I almost made a few mistakes at work.

Even my mother noticed that something was wrong with me and asked me if I was not feeling well.

I could only force a smile and say that it was okay, but my heart was a mess.

Just when I was about to despair, a news came that the leader of the supply and marketing cooperatives wanted to introduce me to someone.

I heard that she is the daughter of a distant relative, who works in the county bank and is also beautiful.

My mother was overjoyed and urged me to go to the appointment.

I don't have any expectations in my heart, my mind is still full of the girl who bought candy, alas, it's really a narrow road.

With the feeling of breaking the can, I stepped into the hotel box of the blind date.

When I looked up, I was dumbfounded. Isn't it the girl who sat across from me who came to buy candy that day?!

At that moment, my whole body froze and my brain went blank.

Unexpectedly, the road is narrow!

I was at a loss and stammered, "You... Hello, I... I am..."

"You're the salesperson that day, right? Li Dayong?" The girl looked at me with a smile on her face.

"I'm sorry, I sold you salt as sugar that day, didn't you notice it when you drank tea?"

I rubbed my hands together and carefully apologized.

"I found it, that tea is salty enough!" The girl laughed.

I was slightly relieved to see that she wasn't angry.

hurriedly explained: "I'm really sorry, it's all my fault for being careless, don't worry, I'll change it for you, and..."

The girl waved her hand and interrupted me: "It's okay, in fact, I found out that day, but I just didn't say anything."

"Huh? Why don't you tell me if you find out?" I was a little surprised.

"That's right, because I think you're quite interesting, you should be very serious about your work, but you just happened to make a mistake."

The girl blinked and smiled slyly. "How do you know I'm serious about my work?" I was even more surprised.

"The leader of the supply and marketing cooperatives is my uncle, and he mentioned you to me, saying that you are an honest young man, that is, your mother-in-law's." The girl said mischievously.

I blushed all of a sudden, it turned out that the leader had already known my situation, and it was estimated that this blind date was also specially arranged.

"That's... And what was your first impression of me?" I asked cautiously.

"It's not bad, honest people are my dish, as for my mother-in-law, I'll treat it in the future!" The girl said playfully.

At that moment, my heart was pounding, and I was so excited that I almost couldn't speak.

This girl is not only beautiful and generous, but also so reasonable, she is simply my dream girl!

It seems that God made me make a mistake in order to send her to me!

We looked at each other and smiled, our eyes shining with joy.

In this way, an oolong sale unexpectedly opened my sweet marriage.

Since then, a new page has been turned in my life......

In 78, when I worked in a supply and marketing cooperative, I mistakenly sold salt as sugar to a woman, but I didn't expect to meet her again on a blind date

We went on dates, watched movies, went shopping, chatted late into the night, and talked about everything.

I took her to taste all kinds of snacks in the streets and alleys, and she taught me how to dance the popular disco.

We admire each other, are attracted to each other, are in love, and seem to be born a couple.

Xiaomei is lively and cheerful, full of vitality and enthusiasm for life.

The sunny breath on her body gradually infected me, who was introverted and shy.

With her encouragement, I regained my high school literary dreams and began to write novels and essays in my spare time.

Xiaomei was my first reader and gave me a lot of pertinent opinions and suggestions.

With the sustenance of writing, my ordinary life has become colorful and full of anticipation every day.

At the same time, my work in the supply and marketing cooperatives has become more and more handy, and my leaders and colleagues have praised my ability and enthusiasm.

The days flowed calmly and sweetly, and in a blink of an eye it was the first anniversary of our love.

In 78, when I worked in a supply and marketing cooperative, I mistakenly sold salt as sugar to a woman, but I didn't expect to meet her again on a blind date

I'm going to surprise Xiaomei, I'm going to officially propose to her!

I secretly bought a simple ring and asked Xiaomei out for dinner.

That night, I held flowers in my hand and knelt down on one knee, and Xiaomei covered her mouth in surprise.

"Xiaomei, from the first time I saw you, I fell in love with you deeply."

"This year has been the happiest day of my life."

"I want to spend every day with you."

"Will you marry me and be my wife?"

Xiaomei had tears in her eyes and nodded excitedly: "I do!" I happily picked her up and spun around and cheered loudly on the street.

Passers-by looked sideways and smiled knowingly.

At that moment, happiness came so suddenly, I almost flew into the sky!

That's when the unexpected happened.

The day after I proposed to Xiaomei, we were both called to talk by the leaders of the supply and marketing cooperative.

It turned out that Xiaomei's uncle had been transferred due to work reasons, and the new leader son had always liked Xiaomei, so he was very jealous of me.

He added fuel and vinegar to his father's new leader, slandered me for delaying work because of falling in love, and even spent money to find a big man who sold the wrong candy at that time to accuse me.

And the new leader asked me to break up, otherwise I would get out of the supply and marketing cooperative.

Hearing the news, Xiaomei and I were dumbfounded.

Explanations are useless, but what can I do if I lose my job?

So, I discussed a bold plan with Xiaomei: elopement!

We secretly bought two train tickets to Shenzhen, intending to go to the forefront of reform and opening up.

In 78, when I worked in a supply and marketing cooperative, I mistakenly sold salt as sugar to a woman, but I didn't expect to meet her again on a blind date

Before leaving, I left a letter for my mother, explaining the reasons and asking for her understanding and blessings.

In this way, Xiaomei and I stepped on the train heading south and began an unknown journey.

In Shenzhen, we rented a small house, worked during the day to earn money, and cooked together at night to plan for the future.

Although life is poor, as long as you can be with your beloved, it is the greatest happiness.

Gradually, we adapted to life here, I worked as a salesman in a factory, and Xiaomei worked as a shopping guide in a clothing store.

We share weal and woe, work hand in hand, and our feelings are getting deeper and deeper.

Three years later, we had saved up enough money, and with the support of our hometown, we finally got married in Shenzhen.

On the day of the wedding, we made a special trip back to the county seat after a long absence.

In 78, when I worked in a supply and marketing cooperative, I mistakenly sold salt as sugar to a woman, but I didn't expect to meet her again on a blind date

Walking into the supply and marketing cooperative, the familiar counters and shelves brought tears to my eyes.

In a trance, it seems that everything is still the same, and the only thing that has changed is that there is a beautiful bride next to me.

I took Xiaomei's hand, went to the counter, took a bag of sugar from the shelf, and paid it to the salesperson.

"It's this bag of candy that 'tricked' you into coming to me." I said to Xiaomei with tears in my eyes.

"Fool, in fact, from the first time I saw you, my heart was already yours." Xiaomei held my face and said affectionately.

At that moment, all the grievances and hardships turned into sweet tears.

After many twists and turns, we finally achieved positive results and began a happy married life.

Looking back on that ordinary day, it was like a lifetime.

Life is so wonderful, an inadvertent mistake, but it has become a good story.

As my mother used to say, nine times out of ten, life is not as expected, and the key depends on how you deal with it.

I am glad that I grasped that incident and reaped love and happiness.

This is the story of me and Xiaomei.

It's unpretentious, but it's precious.

It's like the old saying: Despite the darkness, there is always a light for you; Despite the mud, there's always a pair of galoshes to keep you on your way.

As long as you have hope, as long as you stick to your dreams, life will always smile and happiness will eventually come.

(This work is a short story, the plot is purely fictional, if there is any similarity, it is purely coincidental.) All people, places and events are artistically crafted and are not intended to offend or disparage any individual, group or organization. )

(The picture comes from the Internet, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete.) )