
The old man remarried 35 days after his wife's death, and the son accused his stepmother of being unkind: she was the one who killed my mother

author:Blowing in the wind

In the living room of Li Dajiang's house, the atmosphere was extremely heavy. The black-and-white photo hanging on the wall is a portrait of Li Dajiang's late wife, and on the sofa below, Li Dajiang is sitting precariously next to a middle-aged woman dressed plainly, Zhang Mei.

"Dad, what's going on?" Li Qiang's voice was obviously angry and puzzled, he had just returned from the field and heard the news as soon as he entered the door.

Li Dajiang sighed, his eyes a little evasive: "Qiangzi, I know this is very sudden for you, but Aunt Zhang is a good person, she will take good care of us." ”

"Take care of us? Can she compare to my mother? Li Qiang's emotions were excited, and he pointed at Zhang Mei, "She has only been here for a few days?" How long has my mom been gone? Are you so anxious to find someone to replace my mother? ”

The old man remarried 35 days after his wife's death, and the son accused his stepmother of being unkind: she was the one who killed my mother

Zhang Mei stood up, her hand trembling slightly: "Qiangzi, I ......"

"Shut up!" Li Qiang interrupted her words and glared at her father angrily, "Have you been waiting for this day for a long time?" ”

"Hadron, don't do this." Li Dajiang's tone carried a hint of pleading, "Zhang Mei and I are sincere. ”

"Really?" Li Qiang sneered, "It's so sincere that you haven't even passed my mother's first seven, so you're in a hurry to remarry?" ”

The old man remarried 35 days after his wife's death, and the son accused his stepmother of being unkind: she was the one who killed my mother

Zhang Mei's tears rolled in her eyes, and she choked up and said, "Qiangzi, your father and I really love each other, and I don't want to ...... like this."

"In love?" Li Qiang's anger was even stronger, "My mother's bones are not cold, you are here to talk about love?" ”

Li Dajiang stood up, and his voice became firm: "Qiangzi, I know you are sad, but life has to go on." Zhang Mei is a good woman, she will help us through this. ”

"Difficult?" Li Qiang's tears also flowed, "You guys are dancing on my mother's grave!" ”

The old man remarried 35 days after his wife's death, and the son accused his stepmother of being unkind: she was the one who killed my mother

"Hadron, please, don't do this." Zhang Mei's voice was crying, "I just want to live a good life, I ......"

"You go!" Li Qiang pointed to the door, his voice was cold, "You are not welcome in this home!" ”

Zhang Mei looked at Li Dajiang, then at Li Qiang, and finally silently packed up her things and walked out with her head down. Li Dajiang looked at Zhang Mei's back, his eyes were full of helplessness and guilt.

Zhang Mei's departure did not quell Li Qiang's anger, and he began to treat his father and the newly formed family with silence and indifference. Whenever Zhang Mei tried to communicate with him, Li Qiang always had a cold face and turned to leave, leaving Zhang Mei standing in place awkwardly.

The old man remarried 35 days after his wife's death, and the son accused his stepmother of being unkind: she was the one who killed my mother

"Qiangzi, the meal is ready, come and eat." There was a hint of anticipation in Zhang's voice, hoping that a warm dinner would ease the tension at home.

Li Qiang didn't respond, just came out of the room, walked straight to the dining table, sat down without saying a word, and bowed his head to eat.

Li Dajiang looked at his son, then at Zhang Mei, and said softly: "Aunt Zhang Mei's cooking is delicious, you can taste it." ”

"Hmph, no matter how good the dish is, it can't warm people's hearts." Li Qiang replied coldly and continued to eat, and the atmosphere fell silent again.

The old man remarried 35 days after his wife's death, and the son accused his stepmother of being unkind: she was the one who killed my mother

Zhang Mei did not give up, she began to work harder on housework, hoping to prove her kindness with her actions. Every day, she is the first to get up and the last to sleep, and every corner of the house is cleaned by her.

"Qiangzi, look, Aunt Zhang Mei has cleaned up the house." Li Dajiang tried to ease the atmosphere, pointing to the spotless floor.

Li Qiang just sneered: "What about cleaning?" Can the dust in my heart be swept away? ”

When Zhang Mei heard this, the rag in her hand involuntarily stopped, she took a deep breath, and continued to wipe the table silently.

The old man remarried 35 days after his wife's death, and the son accused his stepmother of being unkind: she was the one who killed my mother

One day, Li Qiang came home and saw Zhang Mei drying clothes in the yard, and every piece of clothing was carefully patted and smoothed by her.

"Aunt Zhang Mei, let me help you." Li Dajiang walked out and wanted to help.

"No, I can do it myself." Zhang Mei smiled and refused, she didn't want Li Dajiang to fall into such an embarrassing situation.

Li Qiang stood at the door, looking at the two people in the courtyard, with mixed feelings in his heart. He turned and walked into his room and closed the door, thinking to himself that maybe he should re-examine Zhang Mei and his thoughts on his mother's death.

The old man remarried 35 days after his wife's death, and the son accused his stepmother of being unkind: she was the one who killed my mother

Li Qiang's mood fluctuated like a roller coaster, and he began to avoid Zhang Mei at home intentionally or unintentionally, but the doubts in his heart became stronger and stronger. One night, while rummaging through some old objects in his room, he stumbled upon some letters hidden in the bottom of the closet.

The letter was an exchange between his father and Zhang Mei, Li Qiang's hand trembled, he hesitated, but still opened one of them.

"Oe, I know the bitterness in your heart, but please believe me, I have no intention of interfering in your family. I just want to give you some support when you need it. Zhang Mei's handwriting is neat and gentle.

Li Qiang's heart shook suddenly, and he continued to look through other letters, each of which revealed Zhang Mei's concern for Li Dajiang and respect for the Li family.

The old man remarried 35 days after his wife's death, and the son accused his stepmother of being unkind: she was the one who killed my mother

"Aunt Zhang Mei, my wife's condition is getting worse and worse, and I don't know what to do." Li Dajiang's letter was full of helplessness and sadness.

Li Qiang's eyes moistened, and he realized that he might have misunderstood Zhang Mei. He remembered Zhang Mei's bits and pieces at home, her diligence, her patience, and her silent endurance of her indifferent attitude.

The next day, Li Qiang took the initiative to talk to Zhang Mei at the dinner table: "Aunt Zhang Mei, I ...... yesterday"

Zhang Mei was stunned for a moment, then replied with a smile: "Qiangzi, it's okay, I understand your feelings." ”

The old man remarried 35 days after his wife's death, and the son accused his stepmother of being unkind: she was the one who killed my mother

When Li Dajiang saw this scene, a trace of comfort flashed in his eyes: "Qiangzi, you can think like this, Dad is very happy." ”

Li Qiang lowered his head, his voice was a little choked: "Dad, Aunt Zhang Mei, I'm sorry, I ...... before"

"It's okay, Hadron, we're all over." Zhang Mei gently interrupted him and sandwiched him a piece of his favorite braised pork.

Li Qiang's heart was full of guilt, but he also felt a hint of relief. He began to re-examine his preconceptions about Zhang Mei and his views on his mother's death. He knows that it will take time to truly accept Zhang Mei, but he is willing to try.

The old man remarried 35 days after his wife's death, and the son accused his stepmother of being unkind: she was the one who killed my mother

On the day of the family reunion, the atmosphere in the Li family was extremely tense. Relatives sat around the dinner table, Li Qiang's eyes fell on Zhang Mei from time to time, and her busy figure in the kitchen seemed a little lonely.

"Aunt Zhang Mei, I've worked hard for you today." Li Dajiang's nephew whispered that he had always had a good impression of Zhang Mei.

Zhang Mei smiled and waved her hand: "It's okay, this is what I should do." ”

At the dinner table, Li Qiang suddenly stood up, and his voice broke the harmony at the dinner table: "Aunt Zhang Mei, I have something to ask you." ”

The old man remarried 35 days after his wife's death, and the son accused his stepmother of being unkind: she was the one who killed my mother

Everyone's eyes turned to Li Qiang, and the atmosphere froze all of a sudden.

"Qiangzi, let's talk about it after eating." Li Dajiang tried to ease the atmosphere.

But Li Qiang insisted: "No, Dad, I have to ask this matter clearly." Aunt Zhang Mei, what happened between you and her when my mother died? ”

Zhang Mei's face turned pale instantly, she put down the dishes and chopsticks in her hand, tears rolling in her eyes: "Qiangzi, I know you have always doubted me, but there is really nothing between me and your mother." ”

The old man remarried 35 days after his wife's death, and the son accused his stepmother of being unkind: she was the one who killed my mother

"What do you say about the letter?" Li Qiang asked.

Zhang Mei took a deep breath, she knew it was time to tell the truth: "When your mother was sick, I did get closer to your father, and that was because your mother wanted someone to take care of your father, and she didn't want your father to be alone." ”

The relatives at the dinner table began to whisper, and Li Dajiang's face became complicated.

"When your mother was in the hospital bed, she took my hand and asked me to promise her that if she was gone one day, I would take good care of you and your father." Zhang Mei's voice choked, "I agreed, because I love your mother and your father." ”

The old man remarried 35 days after his wife's death, and the son accused his stepmother of being unkind: she was the one who killed my mother

Li Qiang was stunned, he didn't expect the truth to be like this. He looked at Zhang Mei, and a complex emotion surged in his heart.

"Qiangzi, what Aunt Zhang Mei said is true." Li Dajiang's voice was also a little trembling, "Your mother did have such an explanation before she died. ”

There was silence at the dinner table, only Zhang Mei's sobs. Li Qiang's heart was full of guilt and shock, and he realized that he had been misunderstood and prejudiced all along.

"Aunt Zhang Mei, I'm ......" Before Li Qiang's words could be finished, he was interrupted by Zhang Mei.

The old man remarried 35 days after his wife's death, and the son accused his stepmother of being unkind: she was the one who killed my mother

"Hadron, you don't need to say anything, I understand you." Zhang Mei wiped her tears, smiled and said, "We are all a family, let the past pass." ”

Li Qiang stood in place, his heart turbulent. He looked at Zhang Mei, a trace of remorse flashed in his eyes, and finally spoke: "Aunt Zhang Mei, I'm ...... I was wrong. ”

Zhang Mei's tears were not dry, she shook her head lightly, and said gently: "Qiangzi, you are not wrong, it's just that we all want to protect this family too much." ”

Li Dajiang stood up and patted his son's shoulder, with a hint of choked in his voice: "Child, we all need time to understand and accept." ”

The old man remarried 35 days after his wife's death, and the son accused his stepmother of being unkind: she was the one who killed my mother

Li Qiang took a deep breath, he walked up to Zhang Mei, lowered his head, and said sincerely: "Aunt Zhang Mei, I shouldn't treat you like that." I...... I think we can start over. ”

A hint of surprise flashed in Zhang Mei's eyes, she held Li Qiang's hand, and her voice trembled: "Qiangzi, I've been waiting for you to say this." ”

From that day on, Li Qiang began to work hard to repair his relationship with Zhang Mei. He took the initiative to help with housework, cooked with Zhang Mei, watched TV together, and even started calling her "Mom".

"Mom, the braised pork you made is so delicious." Li Qiang praised while eating, this was the first time he called Zhang Mei like this.

The old man remarried 35 days after his wife's death, and the son accused his stepmother of being unkind: she was the one who killed my mother

Zhang Mei's face showed a long-lost smile: "As long as you like to eat, Mom will make it for you every day." ”

Li Dajiang looked at them, his heart full of relief. He knew that the family was slowly returning to its former harmony.

Time flowed like water, and months passed in the blink of an eye. The relationship between Li Qiang and Zhang Mei became closer and closer, and they began to get along like real mother and son.

One day, Li Qiang took Zhang Mei to sweep his mother's grave. Standing in front of the tomb, Li Qiang bowed deeply: "Mom, I've come to see you." ”

The old man remarried 35 days after his wife's death, and the son accused his stepmother of being unkind: she was the one who killed my mother

Zhang Mei also prayed silently on the side, and she said softly: "Sister, don't worry, I will take good care of this family, take care of Dajiang and Qiangzi." ”

Li Qiang held Zhang Mei's hand, and his heart was full of gratitude: "Mom, thank you." ”

A trace of tears flashed in Zhang Mei's eyes, and she smiled and said, "We are a family, no need to say thank you." ”

On the way back from the cemetery, Li Qiang and Zhang Mei walked side by side, their shadows stretched long in the reflection of the setting sun. Li Qiang knows that although his mother is no longer there, this family is still full of love.

The old man remarried 35 days after his wife's death, and the son accused his stepmother of being unkind: she was the one who killed my mother

This article is a microfiction, please do not sit in the opposite seat