
Why do humans cheat? Science has discovered the "cheating gene", do you have these characteristics?

author:Senior science popularizer


The phenomenon of derailment is very common, and with the popularization of the Internet, the threshold for derailment has become lower and lower, but why do human beings cheat?

Some people think that this is because humans are not inherently monogamous animals, but in fact this is not accurate, and humans, like many animals, are monogamous animals.

So what is it that makes humans unable to resist the temptation to cheat?

Why do humans cheat? Science has discovered the "cheating gene", do you have these characteristics?

In fact, the reasons for this are very complex, but scientific research in recent years has found that the cause of derailment may be inextricably linked to genes.

So what genes are involved in the act of cheating?

What happens to people because of these genes?

So will these genes be present in everyone?

Why do humans cheat? Science has discovered the "cheating gene", do you have these characteristics?

1. How common is the behavior of cheating.

Why do humans cheat? Science has discovered the "cheating gene", do you have these characteristics?

Cheating is also known as "cheating", and cheating can be said to be something that almost everyone encounters or experiences, but why is cheating so common?

In the past, cheating was still something that only a few people would do, but with the rapid development of the Internet, cheating has become more common.

Why do humans cheat? Science has discovered the "cheating gene", do you have these characteristics?

When it comes to exploring why humans cheat, the topic of "voyeurism" cannot be avoided.

But even in early human society, there was a group of "voyeurs", and this also shows that human cheating behavior is also common from another side.

And the phenomenon of cheating is also a frequent occurrence in early human society, so how many people will cheat at the moment?

Why do humans cheat? Science has discovered the "cheating gene", do you have these characteristics?

The proportion of the phenomenon of derailment in the current society has always changed, so is it "legitimate" to derail in the current society?

In a survey of 13,000 people around the world, 46% of them had cheated in a relationship.

So what percentage of these 46% are men and women?

Why do humans cheat? Science has discovered the "cheating gene", do you have these characteristics?

The results show that 23% of men cheat and 12% of women cheat, so why is it that men cheat more than women?

How many married people have ever cheated?

According to the results of the survey, 12% of married people engage in cheating behavior, so why do married people engage in cheating behavior?

Why do humans cheat? Science has discovered the "cheating gene", do you have these characteristics?

Some people point out that the reason why married people cheat is that they are not confident in their feelings, and it is also an escape from feelings based on the form of extramarital affairs, while on the other hand, because married people are under greater social pressure, their sense of self-worth is not very strong, and their inner loneliness is also heavier, so they seek comfort through cheating.

2. What is the connection between genes and cheating?

Why do humans cheat? Science has discovered the "cheating gene", do you have these characteristics?

So why do humans cheat?

In the past, many people would have believed that humans were inherently monogamous, and that cheating was the original sin of humans.

However, with the continuous development of science and technology, people have more explanations for human behavior.

Why do humans cheat? Science has discovered the "cheating gene", do you have these characteristics?

Human beings, like many animals, are monogamous animals, but in the animal world, there are also cheating phenomena, so how did cheating occur?

After observing the animals, it was found that most of the animals that would cheat were males, and these males often had a stronger sense of territory and a stronger sense of "superiority".

Why do humans cheat? Science has discovered the "cheating gene", do you have these characteristics?

Of course, it is not impossible for female animals to cheat, but it is far less common than male animals, and there is also a phenomenon that these female animals are generally much more beautiful than ordinary female animals, and at the same time will have a high advantage in reproducing offspring.

In human society, there is the same situation as in the animal world, the proportion of men cheating is higher than that of women, and the proportion of women cheating is higher than that of ordinary women.

Why do humans cheat? Science has discovered the "cheating gene", do you have these characteristics?

Some people believe that the cause of this behavior is due to the ideology that has been ingrained in human society, but others believe that it is a genetic cause.

In a recent study, it was found that some people have a combination of genes related to the behavior of cheating, and this gene is inextricably linked to the behavior of cheating.

Why do humans cheat? Science has discovered the "cheating gene", do you have these characteristics?

And how do these genes affect individual behavior?

Among these genes, there are two genes that have a lot to do with cheating, the first is in the human body, which can resist the temptation of some behaviors and also affect the individual's decision-making.

There is also a gene that affects hormone levels and brain chemistry.

Why do humans cheat? Science has discovered the "cheating gene", do you have these characteristics?

3. Genes that affect hormone levels and brain chemistry.

And what are the genes in the human body that affect hormone levels and brain chemistry?

Among these genes, there is a gene called "antidiuretic hormone receptor", and this gene has a lot to do with resisting the temptation to behave abnormally.

However, there are two different positions in the human body, which also makes the resistance of the human body different.

In animals, researchers also observed them and found that the number and location of antidiuretic hormone receptors will have a certain impact on their cheating behavior.

In the study, there is an animal called "beaver", and the water is crucial to the reproduction of offspring, because the water has a lot of food and supplies, and it is also very rich in nutrients.

Males are very fond of mating with some of the better females, and will drive them to their own territory.

But there is a female animal called the "yellow brown rat" who will work with her partner to create a home and territory of her own, and these female animals will also work with their partner to care for and educate their children.

The researchers observed the animals moving freely and found that the males would do as described above, but there was a male who lived with his partner for a long time, but then cheated on him.

So why is this happening?

After studying the antidiuretic hormone receptors in these animals, it was found that although both animals had antidiuretic hormone receptors, they were not located in the same position, and the number of antidiuretic hormone receptors in the other animal was higher than in the first animal.

After studying antidiuretic hormone receptors in humans, researchers found that the number of antidiuretic hormone receptors in the human body not only affects the body's urine metabolism, but also affects the body's behavior.

So how do genes affect human behavior?

In the human body, there is a hormone called "dopamine", which is called "happy hormone", and the brain area that secretes dopamine in the human body is the "ventrolateral tegmental area", which is called the "reward center".

There are many ways to secrete this hormone in the human body, such as dopamine secretion when you see your favorite food or your partner, and dopamine secretion will also vary depending on the number and location of antidiuretic hormone receptors in the body.


In the human body, the amount of dopamine secretion does not necessarily affect the body's behavior, but in the case of dopamine secretion, the body's behavior may also be different from that of other people.

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