
In 1944, Ye Fei went to the clinic to see a doctor, and after seeing a calligraphy and painting on the wall, he ordered: arrest the old doctor immediately

author:Xiao He Xiao He is full of stars

In 1944, Ye Fei went to the clinic to see a doctor, and after seeing a calligraphy and painting on the wall, he ordered: arrest the old doctor immediately. This happened during the most difficult period of the War of Resistance Against Japan. As one of the important generals of the Communist Party of China, Ye Fei was organizing guerrilla forces to expand his base area. In order to hide people's eyes, the Japanese puppet army actually opened a clinic near Ye Fei's station, and sent spies to pretend to be doctors to monitor Ye Fei. How did Ye Fei discover this conspiracy at that time? By what intuition did he see through the enemy's disguise? Why secretly arrest this "old doctor"? What kind of thrilling story is hidden behind this? Let's walk into those revolutionary years together and unravel the mystery of history.

Tito's legendary life story

In 1944, Ye Fei went to the clinic to see a doctor, and after seeing a calligraphy and painting on the wall, he ordered: arrest the old doctor immediately

Josip Broz Tito (25 May 1892 – 4 May 1980) was a famous Yugoslav revolutionary, politician and military strategist. Born into a poor peasant family in Croatia, he began a life of hard work as a child. In 1907, at the age of 15, Tito became a metalworker, came into contact with socialist ideas, and thus began the path of a revolutionary career.

After the outbreak of World War I, Tito enlisted in the army and was captured by the Russians in 1915, where he was brutally treated. In a Russian prisoner of war camp, he joined the Bolshevik Party and was baptized by Marxism-Leninism. The flame of the October Revolution of 1917 ignited the flame of revolution in his heart, and he was determined to contribute his own strength to the cause of the people.

In 1920, Tito returned to Croatia and joined the Croatian Communist Party. With his exceptional organizational skills, he soon became one of the most important leaders in the party. In 1937, he was elected secretary general of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia, at the helm of the work of the entire party.

In 1944, Ye Fei went to the clinic to see a doctor, and after seeing a calligraphy and painting on the wall, he ordered: arrest the old doctor immediately

After Nazi Germany invaded Yugoslavia in April 1941, Tito led the Yugoslav people in an indomitable armed struggle. He organized a powerful guerrilla force, adopted guerrilla tactics to stubbornly resist the German army, and fired the first shot in the anti-fascist armed struggle in Europe.

During the brutal war that lasted for four years, Tito, with his outstanding military command skills and bold revolutionary courage, led the guerrillas to turn the tide and finally won the complete liberation of the Yugoslav people. After the war, Tito took the helm of the Yugoslav Federation, opening a new chapter in socialist construction. His life is like a heroic epic, writing a glorious chapter in the people's war and the revolutionary cause.

A turning point in the war of liberation of Yugoslavia

In 1944, Ye Fei went to the clinic to see a doctor, and after seeing a calligraphy and painting on the wall, he ordered: arrest the old doctor immediately

On April 6, 1941, shortly after the German invasion of Yugoslavia, Tito ordered a popular uprising in Belgrade. It was the first armed uprising against Nazi German fascism on the European continent during World War II.

At the beginning of the uprising, although the Yugoslav People's Army was poorly equipped, it formed a powerful resistance to the German army with its desire for freedom and unyielding fighting spirit. In the Battle of Belgrade, they fought to the death, inflicting heavy casualties on the German army. However, the Germans were too strong in the end, and the Yugoslavs were soon defeated. By the end of 1941, all of Yugoslavia was almost completely occupied by the German Empire.

In the spring of 1942, Tito led the guerrillas into the guerrilla war phase. Taking advantage of the rugged mountainous terrain, they scattered around the country, harassing, raiding and ambushing the German army. Although their military strength is weak, they are organized, disciplined, and have repeatedly performed miraculous feats. At one point in the Mostar region, Tito's partisans even captured a German town.

In 1944, Ye Fei went to the clinic to see a doctor, and after seeing a calligraphy and painting on the wall, he ordered: arrest the old doctor immediately

In 1943, the situation deteriorated further. The Germans began a massive build-up of troops into Yugoslavia in an attempt to completely eliminate the partisan forces. Moreover, the ultra-nationalist organization "Traitors", in collusion with the German army, also began to massacre civilians in a frenzy, creating a massacre. In this difficult environment, Tito maintained a calm and resolute command acumen, vigorously reorganized the guerrilla forces, and concentrated superior forces to destroy the enemy.

The turning point came at the end of 1943. The Allies began a massive bombardment of the Yugoslav region, dealing a heavy blow to the German army. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Tito decisively launched several major attacks, crushed several "crusades" of the German army, and completely turned the tide of the war. In 1944, as the Allies opened up a second front of the battlefield, the German forces on the Balkan front continued to weaken, and instead were firmly pinned down by the Yugoslav partisans.

By the end of the war in 1945, Tito's direct command of partisans had numbered more than 800,000, making it one of the most powerful partisans in Europe. They fought bloodily on the road to liberation and finally won the complete freedom of the Yugoslav people. Tito thus became a national hero of the Yugoslav Liberation War and won the infinite love of the people.

In 1944, Ye Fei went to the clinic to see a doctor, and after seeing a calligraphy and painting on the wall, he ordered: arrest the old doctor immediately

An agent disguised as a doctor

At the beginning of 1944, the situation became more and more serious for the Japanese army. Under the stubborn counterattack of Ye Fei's guerrillas, their base areas in the Soviet-central region were constantly threatened and attacked. In order to grasp Ye Fei's whereabouts, the Japanese army decided to send an agent disguised as an old doctor to open a clinic near Ye Fei's station, so as to secretly monitor Ye Fei.

The agent was unidentified, but was known to be a Japanese Army spy who was responsible for carrying out special tasks in the anti-Japanese positions in North China and the Soviet Union. After rigorous training, he is not only proficient in Chinese and familiar with the theoretical knowledge of Chinese medicine, but also has excellent medical skills and can perfectly play the role of an old Chinese medicine doctor.

In 1944, Ye Fei went to the clinic to see a doctor, and after seeing a calligraphy and painting on the wall, he ordered: arrest the old doctor immediately

In March 1944, the spy carried a large number of Chinese herbs and medical equipment, mixed with civilians to a small village near Ye Fei's station, and opened a low-key clinic. At first, the clinic was very quiet, but with the superb medical skills of the agent himself, many patients gradually gathered.

Agents posted a handwritten calligraphy at the clinic to highlight the clinic's "legitimate" medical status.

However, who would have thought that this signboard would become the "incriminating evidence" of the agent's identity? Ye Fei, as a vigilant old revolutionary, naturally smelled the smell of conspiracy from the sudden opening of the clinic. After two rounds of covert investigations to no avail, he decides to go to the clinic himself to reveal the agent's true identity.

In 1944, Ye Fei went to the clinic to see a doctor, and after seeing a calligraphy and painting on the wall, he ordered: arrest the old doctor immediately

Ye Fei pretended to be a patient from other places to go to the hospital, and carefully inspected the calligraphy and painting full of fraud in the ward. After years of combat experience, he had made out traces of the agent's disguise in a few subtleties. Sure enough, Ye Fei's firm intuition was not wrong, he was secretly being watched by Japanese agents!

After returning to the station, Ye Fei immediately ordered to quietly arrest the "old doctor" and find out his true identity and intentions. In order to prevent the Japanese from learning about it, the operation had to be kept in absolute secrecy, so the agents were secretly taken away until they were finally handed over to their superiors for trial.

Judgment of the situation

In 1944, Ye Fei went to the clinic to see a doctor, and after seeing a calligraphy and painting on the wall, he ordered: arrest the old doctor immediately

In the spring of 1944, as an important leader of the Communist Party's underground anti-Japanese armed forces, Ye Fei was organizing guerrilla forces in the Soviet Union and Central China to expand his base areas. During this period, the forces of the two sides were in a phase of stalemate, the situation was stalemate, and any slight omission could lead to the loss of the opportunity to counterattack.

When the scouts discovered that the opening of the clinic was abnormal, Ye Fei was extremely vigilant. According to the usual practice, he first sent two groups of scouts to secretly investigate, but no suspicious clues were found. However, Ye Fei's years of experience in galloping the field told him that the enemy would never expose his flaws so easily.

Soon after, the Scout reported that the clinic was no ordinary clinic and that there were many suspicious things about the old doctor. Ye Fei judged the situation and decisively decided to go in person, disguised as a patient to investigate the truth.

In 1944, Ye Fei went to the clinic to see a doctor, and after seeing a calligraphy and painting on the wall, he ordered: arrest the old doctor immediately

As soon as he entered the clinic, Ye Fei found something unusual. Although it seems to be a lively medical scene, there is a sense of disobedience everywhere. For example, although the medical utensils in the clinic look old, none of them have any traces of actual use. The patients in the clinic also give the illusion of a deliberate arrangement.

The most eye-catching thing is the so-called "handwritten ink treasure" on the wall.

Sure enough, after a closer look, Ye Fei found that there was a secret hidden in the calligraphy and painting. Some of the strokes in the calligraphy and painting are repeatedly smeared, apparently deliberately done with hands and feet. What is even more suspicious is that the place where the calligraphy and painting is signed is a rare Japanese name, not a Chinese name.

In 1944, Ye Fei went to the clinic to see a doctor, and after seeing a calligraphy and painting on the wall, he ordered: arrest the old doctor immediately

With his keen instincts from years of fighting, coupled with his familiarity with the tactics of the Japanese army, Ye Fei finally caught the conspiracy behind this clinic. He concluded that this was the secret monitoring point set up by the Japanese army near the station, and that the "old doctor" was actually a disguised identity of a Japanese agent!

Acting cautiously is the basic quality of the revolutionary struggle, and Ye Fei knows that this matter is very important, and the slightest omission will lead to a big mistake. To this end, he secretly returned to the station and ordered the "old doctor" agent to be quietly arrested, and the news must not be leaked.

Wise judgment at a critical moment

In 1944, Ye Fei went to the clinic to see a doctor, and after seeing a calligraphy and painting on the wall, he ordered: arrest the old doctor immediately

After Ye Fei saw through the secret surveillance points set up by the Japanese army near the station, he decisively decided to arrest the Japanese agent disguised as an "old doctor" first. This move not only destroyed the Japanese spy network, but more importantly, prevented them from taking the opportunity to infiltrate or even destroy the camp of the Eighth Route Army.

Back at the station, Ye Fei immediately summoned several capable generals and deployed a specific plan for this secret operation. In order to prevent the Japanese from learning about the news in advance, they decided to adopt a night attack, quietly surround the clinic, and capture the agents in one fell swoop.

On the night of the operation, several detachments quickly launched an encirclement and took their positions. When the agent woke up, he was being held out at gunpoint by the guerrillas. Seeing that the situation was not good, he actually pulled out his legs and wanted to escape, but was shot in the knee by Ye Fei himself, and fell to his knees on the spot.

In 1944, Ye Fei went to the clinic to see a doctor, and after seeing a calligraphy and painting on the wall, he ordered: arrest the old doctor immediately

Next, they tied up the unconscious agent and quietly transferred him to a secret stronghold. At this time, the action has entered the last moment, and the slightest mistake may cause the opportunity to be lost. Ye Fei ordered all personnel to maintain absolute confidentiality, and anyone who disclosed the information would be severely punished.

After the transfer was successful, Ye Fei ordered someone to interrogate the agent in detail. With strong willpower and unique interrogation methods, they soon grasped the true identity of the other party and the purpose of the other. It turned out that this person was an agent sent by the Japanese military intelligence department, and was responsible for carrying out infiltration, surveillance, assassination and other tasks in areas behind enemy lines.

According to the results of the interrogation, the agents secretly monitored Ye Fei's every move from the moment he came to the clinic, and planned to carry out the assassination plan in the near future. Fortunately, Ye Fei saw through this conspiracy and brought him to justice in time. Otherwise, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Immediately, Ye Fei decided to keep the case strictly confidential and not open to the public. He was careful that if he publicized the matter, the other Japanese agents would be ready to move, which would cause even more unrest. At the same time, he ordered the agent to be escorted to a higher department to thoroughly investigate the whole story.


In this way, Ye Fei not only successfully broke the Japanese army's infiltration tricks around the base area, but more importantly, won the initiative for the next battle and ensured the safety of the base area. At the critical moment, he once again demonstrated excellent strategic judgment and protected the lives of the masses.

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