
It's sad! Mbappe announced that he will leave the team after the weekend of the league, Paris will not say goodbye, Real Madrid will not welcome!

author:Entertainment editor
It's sad! Mbappe announced that he will leave the team after the weekend of the league, Paris will not say goodbye, Real Madrid will not welcome!

On the pitch of Paris Saint-Germain, the city that never sleeps in France, there used to be a shining star, and his name was Mbappe.

The young player conquered the hearts of fans with his speed and technique, but now, he is about to say goodbye to this familiar territory and end his seven years in Paris.

It's sad! Mbappe announced that he will leave the team after the weekend of the league, Paris will not say goodbye, Real Madrid will not welcome!

Mbappe's departure announcement is like a sensation in the entire football circle.

The fans were still unsatisfied, as if they had been awakened from a dream, and found themselves in the midst of a huge "transfer farce".

The news was like a huge whirlpool that swept everyone into it at once.

It's sad! Mbappe announced that he will leave the team after the weekend of the league, Paris will not say goodbye, Real Madrid will not welcome!

From Paris to Madrid, from fans to the club's hierarchy, everyone is wondering what the transfer is really about.

And all this is like a football version of "farce".

From the start, it was like a choreographed drama, but there weren't as many fireworks, more of a delay in transfer fees and a battle between clubs.

It's sad! Mbappe announced that he will leave the team after the weekend of the league, Paris will not say goodbye, Real Madrid will not welcome!

Everyone has a different role to play in this transfer drama.

Kylian Mbappe is the warrior who is hungry for a new challenge, PSG is the team trying to keep him, and Real Madrid are the chasers on the lookout.

Mbappe's departure is like the climax of a "farce".

In the process, some laughed, some cried, some were angry, and some were looking forward to it.

It's sad! Mbappe announced that he will leave the team after the weekend of the league, Paris will not say goodbye, Real Madrid will not welcome!

This is football, always full of drama and uncertainty.

Who will be the ultimate winner in this transfer drama? Maybe it's Mbappe, who will embark on a new journey and meet new challenges.

Or maybe it's Paris Saint-Germain, who will continue to compete with a new squad.

Or Real Madrid, who will welcome a new star player.

It's sad! Mbappe announced that he will leave the team after the weekend of the league, Paris will not say goodbye, Real Madrid will not welcome!

Seven years ago, Mbappe was like a newcomer to the industry, innocent but with incomparable talent.

He displayed exceptional speed and technique on the pitch, as if he were a nimble cheetah, always navigating through the opposition's defence.

Every time he shot like a lightning strike, accurate and sharp, he was always able to penetrate the opposition defence and win the ball.

On the pitch, his presence was a feast for the eyes, and the fans seemed to be captivated by his performance, screaming and cheering, as if the whole world revolved around him.

It's sad! Mbappe announced that he will leave the team after the weekend of the league, Paris will not say goodbye, Real Madrid will not welcome!

His figure was like a bolt of lightning, piercing the sky, making people dizzy.

Under his leadership, the Paris Saint-Germain team is also like a giant ship that sets sail, gradually sailing to new heights.

His talent and hard work have made him a shining jewel on the pitch, and his performances have mesmerized the fans, as if they were in a world of passion and dreams.

It's sad! Mbappe announced that he will leave the team after the weekend of the league, Paris will not say goodbye, Real Madrid will not welcome!

Seven years have witnessed Mbappe's growth from an innocent newcomer to a mature and steady star.

This journey was full of challenges and hardships, but he always stuck to his dreams, worked hard, and constantly surpassed himself.

Time waits for no one.

Not long ago, Mbappe announced that he was leaving Paris, much to the disbelief of fans.

His years in Paris left the fans with too many good memories and surprises.

Every appearance he made was like a feast, and every goal he scored made the fans boil.

It's sad! Mbappe announced that he will leave the team after the weekend of the league, Paris will not say goodbye, Real Madrid will not welcome!

The reaction of Paris Saint-Germain was surprisingly lukewarm.

They didn't seem to feel sad or reluctant because of the departure of this meritorious player, but instead threw it away like a cigarette butt and didn't ask.

This reaction, like a silent betrayal, makes people dissatisfied and angry.

As if none of this had ever happened, as if Mbappe's glory days were just a dream, and his departure was just the end of a nightmare.

It's sad! Mbappe announced that he will leave the team after the weekend of the league, Paris will not say goodbye, Real Madrid will not welcome!

The disappointment and incomprehension in the hearts of the fans are like an undercurrent, quietly surging.

They used to cheer for Mbappe and celebrate every goal he scored, but now they are beaten by the club's apathy.

In the hearts of fans, Mbappe is not only a player, but also a belief and a hope.

His departure means that Paris Saint-Germain will lose an irreplaceable leader and will lose a sky that belongs to him.

It's sad! Mbappe announced that he will leave the team after the weekend of the league, Paris will not say goodbye, Real Madrid will not welcome!

On their official website and social media, there is not even a single statement about Mbappe's departure.

This move was like a blow to the heart, which made people puzzled and disappointed.

In this digital age, where a simple tweet or an official statement can convey a huge amount of information, PSG has chosen to remain silent.

It's reminiscent of deleted photos, like an edited version of a movie that cuts out the good things of the past.

It's sad! Mbappe announced that he will leave the team after the weekend of the league, Paris will not say goodbye, Real Madrid will not welcome!

Those glorious moments were now erased by indifferent behavior, as if nothing had ever happened, and everything had become so pale.

In this era of information explosion, every action will be amplified and interpreted.

The silence of Paris Saint-Germain is undoubtedly an act of confusion and uneasiness.

Their attitude makes people lament the ruthlessness of time and the cruelty of the football world, but also makes people dissatisfied with the indifference of the club.

It's sad! Mbappe announced that he will leave the team after the weekend of the league, Paris will not say goodbye, Real Madrid will not welcome!

Even in the face of such indifference, Mbappe still chose to move forward firmly.

He knows he needs to face new challenges and continue to shine on a new stage.

This may be the only way for him to grow up, and it is also the motivation for him to continue to chase his dreams.

What's even more incredible is that Real Madrid has also remained silent about Mbappe's departure.

It's sad! Mbappe announced that he will leave the team after the weekend of the league, Paris will not say goodbye, Real Madrid will not welcome!

Despite widespread speculation in the media that they had already signed a contract, Real Madrid refused to speak like a three-year-old child, putting on a posture of "I'm not your father".

And Mbappe, he doesn't seem to care about all this.

He knew he was about to embark on a new journey to meet new challenges and opportunities.

Like a warrior with curly hair, his eyes sparkle with determination and he is unstoppable.

It's sad! Mbappe announced that he will leave the team after the weekend of the league, Paris will not say goodbye, Real Madrid will not welcome!

On the night of farewell, fans bid farewell to Mbappe, waving flags, singing songs and shouting slogans, as if to see off a wedding, except that there is no bride and groom, only a player who is going to travel far away.

At the ceremony before the start of the game, Mbappe walked into the stadium and greeted the fans with a smile, as if he was a king who ruled the world, solemn and confident.

At this moment, he is no longer an ordinary footballer, but a hero who is about to become a legend.

As the match progressed, Mbappe showed his strength and style as always.

It's sad! Mbappe announced that he will leave the team after the weekend of the league, Paris will not say goodbye, Real Madrid will not welcome!

He was everywhere on the pitch and created one opportunity after another for the team.

Although he failed to lead the team to victory in the end, the fans did not blame him, winning and losing is a matter of course, and the important thing is the process.

After the game, Mbappe bowed and thanked the fans and waved goodbye.

He turned away from the court, leaving behind a lonely but determined back.

At this moment, he seems to be a wandering poet, leaving a stage, but with endless stories and dreams.

It's sad! Mbappe announced that he will leave the team after the weekend of the league, Paris will not say goodbye, Real Madrid will not welcome!

On this farewell night, we send our most sincere wishes to Mbappe.

May he continue to be in great shape and mentality in his new environment and bring more exciting matches and unforgettable moments to the fans! At the same time, we also expect Paris Saint-Germain to get out of the trough and rise again as soon as possible!

Even with Mbappe gone, the world of football continues.

It's sad! Mbappe announced that he will leave the team after the weekend of the league, Paris will not say goodbye, Real Madrid will not welcome!

Stars are like clouds, legends are continuous, every player has their own story, and every team has its own legend.

It's like a never-ending competition, and there is no shortage of highlights and excitement.

Let's give Mbappe a final round of applause and praise for his courage and persistence.

Because no matter where he is, he will always be that shining star, always a part of the football world.

It's sad! Mbappe announced that he will leave the team after the weekend of the league, Paris will not say goodbye, Real Madrid will not welcome!

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