
Yang Zhenning has "no power to return to the sky"! Weng Fan has been "setting up a bureau" for many years, and finally came to an end

author:William Chen

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William Chen

Edited by William Chen

Yang Zhenning has "no power to return to the sky"! Weng Fan has been "setting up a bureau" for many years, and finally came to an end


Love, is there really an age boundary?

When a love story spanning half a century is presented to us, should we judge and define it from a secular perspective?

Let us follow the footsteps of Weng Fan and Yang Zhenning and witness the immortal love chapter they wrote in 26 years.

Yang Zhenning has "no power to return to the sky"! Weng Fan has been "setting up a bureau" for many years, and finally came to an end

Brave pursuit of love: the perseverance and determination of a 25-year-old girl

In 1995, a 25-year-old girl named Weng Fan made a shocking decision: she wanted to spend the rest of her life to love a man 48 years older than her - the famous physicist Yang Zhenning.

In a society where traditional beliefs are deeply rooted, such an age difference will undoubtedly attract countless criticisms and doubts.

However, in the face of the world's incomprehension and prejudice, Weng Fan showed wisdom and courage beyond his age.

She is convinced that true love has nothing to do with age, status, or worldly eyes.

Yang Zhenning has "no power to return to the sky"! Weng Fan has been "setting up a bureau" for many years, and finally came to an end

In the face of love, she chose to follow her heart bravely and firmly walked on the road of being with Yang Zhenning for a lifetime.

This kind of fearlessness and perseverance is what touches Weng Fan's hearts the most.

Together: hand in hand through the wind and rain of life

After 26 years of trials and hardships, Weng Fan has fulfilled his original promise with his youth and love.

When Yang Zhenning was old, Weng Fan became his strongest backing and warmest support.

Yang Zhenning has "no power to return to the sky"! Weng Fan has been "setting up a bureau" for many years, and finally came to an end

She cared for the physical and mental health of this scientific giant with meticulous care; With her extraordinary wisdom and insights, she ignited Yang Zhenning's infinite passion for scientific research.

The two have walked through the mountains and valleys of life hand in hand, and witnessed the flow of time and the enduring love together.

Weng Fan used his own way to interpret what is the love of "mutual affection" and what is the promise of "never abandoning".

Her dedication and persistence make this love that spans age even more moving.

True Love Across Ages: The True Meaning of Love

The love story of Weng Fan and Yang Zhenning has interpreted what true love is for the world.

Yang Zhenning has "no power to return to the sky"! Weng Fan has been "setting up a bureau" for many years, and finally came to an end

They have proved with their actions that true love can transcend the barriers of age, identity, and status, and can overcome all kinds of obstacles in reality.

In Weng Fan's eyes, even though the 96-year-old Yang Zhenning has gray hair and faltering steps, his eyes are still bright, and his heart is still full of love for life and scientific research.

In Yang Zhenning's heart, it is Weng Fan's support and encouragement for many years that has become the driving force and source for him to keep moving forward.

Their love is not only an emotional connection between two people, but also a spiritual fit and a spiritual resonance.

This kind of true love that spans ages allows us to see the purest and most essential side of love.

Yang Zhenning has "no power to return to the sky"! Weng Fan has been "setting up a bureau" for many years, and finally came to an end

Selfless dedication: a moving chapter of boundless love

Weng Fan's dedication to Yang Zhenning is not only a commitment to love, but also a manifestation of selfless dedication.

In the face of secular prejudice and gossip, she chose to be fearless and inclusive.

In her own way, she interprets what true love is and what is the power and wisdom of women.

In this love, Weng Fan showed an extraordinary mind and bearing.

She doesn't ask for anything in return, doesn't care about gains and losses, but silently guards the lover in her heart.

Yang Zhenning has "no power to return to the sky"! Weng Fan has been "setting up a bureau" for many years, and finally came to an end

This spirit of boundless love is touching and admirable.

Weng Fan's choice allows us to see the most beautiful and glorious side of human nature, and gives us a new understanding of love and life.

Science and love: the realm of life that complement each other

Yang Zhenning is a world-renowned scientist who has dedicated his life to exploring the mysteries of the universe.

And the appearance of Weng Fan has added another color to his life.

This is a realm where science and love complement each other: Weng Fan provided the most solid support for Yang Zhenning's scientific research career with her love;

Yang Zhenning has "no power to return to the sky"! Weng Fan has been "setting up a bureau" for many years, and finally came to an end

And Yang Zhenning, with his knowledge and enthusiasm, also infected and inspired Weng Fan to continue to grow and forge ahead.

In their lives, science and love are no longer two separate themes, but are intertwined and complement each other, composing a touching chapter of life.

This balance between science and love is the ideal state that many people pursue all their lives.

Yang Zhenning and Weng Fan used their lives to provide us with a perfect model.

Love Across Time and Space: A Love Legend Reappears

The love between Weng Fan and Yang Zhenning is a legend that transcends time and space.

Yang Zhenning has "no power to return to the sky"! Weng Fan has been "setting up a bureau" for many years, and finally came to an end

In their own way, they have redefined the connotation and boundaries of love.

26 years of companionship have witnessed the endurance of their emotions;

The age difference between 96 and 51 years old makes this love shine even more.

Their stories tell the world that love should not be bound by time and space, as long as you have sincere and fiery emotions, you can create your own miracle.

This kind of love across time and space seems to only exist in movies or novels, but Yang Zhenning and Weng Fan used their lives to turn this legend into reality.

Yang Zhenning has "no power to return to the sky"! Weng Fan has been "setting up a bureau" for many years, and finally came to an end

Their experiences have inspired and inspired countless people who are hesitant and confused on the road of love.

The Power of Love: The Brightest Light in Life

Through the love story of Weng Fan and Yang Zhenning, we feel the great power of love.

Love can transcend time and space, transcend age, and dissolve all obstacles.

It is precisely because of the support of love that Yang Zhenning can continue to climb the peak on the road of science; It is precisely because of the companionship of love,

Weng Fan can continue to grow and forge ahead in the journey of life.

Yang Zhenning has "no power to return to the sky"! Weng Fan has been "setting up a bureau" for many years, and finally came to an end

They used their own life experiences to interpret the true meaning of love and illuminate the lives of countless people.

This power of love not only exists between them, but also in the hearts of everyone who believes in love and pursues love.

It encourages us to face life's challenges bravely and encourages us to stand firm in our love.

Because we know that where there is love, there is hope and miracles.

Extraordinary life choices: the courage to pursue oneself

Weng Fan's choice to stay with Yang Zhenning is not only a love decision, but also a life choice.

Yang Zhenning has "no power to return to the sky"! Weng Fan has been "setting up a bureau" for many years, and finally came to an end

In the eyes of the world, she may have given up a lot: youth, freedom, more possibilities.

But she chose what she really wanted in her heart, and chose to join hands with her lover and walk with true love.

This extraordinary choice requires great courage and courage.

It means putting aside outside judgment and interference, and it means facing unknown risks and challenges.

But Weng Fan did it, in her own way, she pursued her inner self, the most essential and precious thing in life.

Yang Zhenning has "no power to return to the sky"! Weng Fan has been "setting up a bureau" for many years, and finally came to an end

This kind of courage to pursue oneself is worthy of everyone's learning and admiration.

Companionship to old age: love at its best

When Yang Zhenning was 96 years old, Weng Fan was still waiting by his side, silently giving support and love.

This scene allows us to see the most beautiful and moving appearance of love.

The so-called "companionship to old age", isn't that what it is?

When the youthful face is gone, the pace of the year is slowing down, and the true love is still there, without reducing the original heat and sincerity.

Yang Zhenning has "no power to return to the sky"! Weng Fan has been "setting up a bureau" for many years, and finally came to an end

This kind of companionship is not a huddle, not flattery, but a heartfelt and unconditional giving.

It's moving, and it's also yearning.

Yang Zhenning and Weng Fan used their own stories to interpret what is the love of "holding the hand of the son and growing old with the son", giving countless people their expectations and yearning for beautiful love.


The love legend of Weng Fan and Yang Zhenning is a swan song that spans half a century.

With 26 years of perseverance and perseverance, they have written an immortal chapter about true love for the world.

Yang Zhenning has "no power to return to the sky"! Weng Fan has been "setting up a bureau" for many years, and finally came to an end

This story teaches us that true love is not limited by time and space, and its power is far more powerful than we think.

Let us take them as an example and love as a beacon to ride the wind and waves in the voyage of life and move forward bravely.

Let us use our own way to write our own legend and create the most shining and moving chapter in our lives.