
Mosquito coils are not the best way to repel mosquitoes? In fact, mosquito repellent is very simple, and you are not afraid to open the window all night

author:Shi Jiwen Tan
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Mosquito coils are not the best way to repel mosquitoes? In fact, mosquito repellent is very simple, and you are not afraid to open the window all night

After the beginning of the summer solar term, in addition to the gradual increase in temperature, the annoying creatures, mosquitoes, also gradually return to life, and the day of not sleeping well at night and being bitten during the day will soon come.

In order to reduce mosquito bites, everyone usually uses mosquito coils and mosquito repellent lamps, including mosquito nets, long clothes and long sleeves, but in the end, it is difficult to escape mosquito bites.

Mosquito coils are not the best way to repel mosquitoes? In fact, mosquito repellent is very simple, and you are not afraid to open the window all night

In fact, the biggest nemesis of mosquitoes is not mosquito coils, and the effective way to repel mosquitoes is also very simple. What is the best way to repel mosquitoes?

Effective mosquito repellent method

The simplest and most effective mosquito repellent method, the materials used, are essential in daily life, and are essential for every household.

Mosquito coils are not the best way to repel mosquitoes? In fact, mosquito repellent is very simple, and you are not afraid to open the window all night

The first is the soap mosquito repellent. Take out the soap at home and use scissors or other tools to chop the soap into pieces to avoid too large particles. Then prepare an appropriate amount of laundry detergent and brown sugar, put these things together, pour in a glass of water and stir thoroughly.

Mosquito coils are not the best way to repel mosquitoes? In fact, mosquito repellent is very simple, and you are not afraid to open the window all night

Put it in a dark, damp place, which is the best place to hide not only for mosquitoes but also for many bugs. For these mosquitoes, dark and damp places, which are not often cleaned and seen by humans, are relatively safe and help to lay eggs.

Mosquito coils are not the best way to repel mosquitoes? In fact, mosquito repellent is very simple, and you are not afraid to open the window all night

Sugar is a sweet substance, exuding bursts of sweetness, and the smell can travel far away, while brown sugar is relatively sweeter, and mosquitoes may lay their eggs here.

I thought it was a treasure spot for hatching eggs, but I never thought that in addition to brown sugar, there was also alkaline soap in the water, and the eggs could not survive here. This is undoubtedly to solve the phenomenon of insects flying around from the roots.

Mosquito coils are not the best way to repel mosquitoes? In fact, mosquito repellent is very simple, and you are not afraid to open the window all night

Information source:"Don't panic if there are many mosquitoes at home, teach you a local method, how many mosquitoes will be killed" (2022.7.3)

Mosquito coils are not the best way to repel mosquitoes? In fact, mosquito repellent is very simple, and you are not afraid to open the window all night

If you feel that this operation is too troublesome, you can also try the second way, octagonal mosquito repellent. The materials used in this method will definitely be available at home as long as you cook, and the difficulty is relatively small, and you can carry it around, which is more convenient.

Mosquito coils are not the best way to repel mosquitoes? In fact, mosquito repellent is very simple, and you are not afraid to open the window all night

The ingredients to be prepared are a bowl of boiling water, a few star anise, and small portions of spray bottles. Put the prepared star anise in boiling water and soak it thoroughly for more than half an hour.

Then pour the water soaked in star anise into a small spray bottle, and the homemade mosquito repellent artifact is ready. Not only is it easy to use, but it's also easy to carry.

Mosquito coils are not the best way to repel mosquitoes? In fact, mosquito repellent is very simple, and you are not afraid to open the window all night

Before going out, spray it on the body, the irritating smell makes mosquitoes dare not approach, so as to repel mosquitoes and reduce mosquito bites. A small bottle doesn't take up much space in your pocket or bag.

However, it is important to note that as the smell is pungent, avoid spraying it in the eyes. If you accidentally get it in the eye, you should quickly rinse it with running water, and do not rub it directly with your hands, which will hurt the eyeball and the skin around the eye.

Mosquito coils are not the best way to repel mosquitoes? In fact, mosquito repellent is very simple, and you are not afraid to open the window all night

Mosquito bites are inevitable in summer, and even if you are fully prepared, this thing with no probability at all can be completely prevented. In addition to the wind oil essence and flower water used in life to relieve itching, it can also stop itching medicinal wine, and the effect is better.

Prepare an appropriate amount of Coptis chinensis, Chonglou, fresh mint, Sophora sophora, rhubarb, fresh honeysuckle, miscanthus salt, soak these materials with 75% degree alcohol, after seven days, filter and remove the slag, and then add about 100ml of water, mix evenly, and it is done.

Mosquito coils are not the best way to repel mosquitoes? In fact, mosquito repellent is very simple, and you are not afraid to open the window all night

Put your own liquor in a small watering can, and spray it on the wound if you don't want to itch and scar after a mosquito bite. If the bite is mild, it can be applied once to relieve the itching, which is easy to use and effective.

If you don't want to leave a scar, stick to using it multiple times, not only to avoid mosquito bites again, but also to avoid scarring. This medicated wine is not only suitable for mosquito bites, but also for bee stings.

Mosquito coils are not the best way to repel mosquitoes? In fact, mosquito repellent is very simple, and you are not afraid to open the window all night

Information source: Shangguan News - "Why do mosquitoes always bite you? These mosquito repellent methods are effective→ (2023.8.19)

Mosquito coils are not the best way to repel mosquitoes? In fact, mosquito repellent is very simple, and you are not afraid to open the window all night

Why do mosquitoes keep biting you?

Summer is coming, and although mosquitoes are becoming more and more rampant, humans who are also "food" have a different experience. Some people are frequently "favored" by mosquitoes in the summer, while others are not worried at all.

Some people summarize the reason for this phenomenon as "blood type". Legend has it that mosquitoes prefer type O blood, and these people's blood is more salty and sweet, which is loved by mosquitoes. But in fact, this is just a rumor in society, and there is no evidence at all. But mosquitoes really like to bite some people.

Mosquito coils are not the best way to repel mosquitoes? In fact, mosquito repellent is very simple, and you are not afraid to open the window all night

The first category is people who sweat easily. These people have a strong metabolism, and when the temperature is not high, they will sweat when they exercise, not to mention the ridiculously high temperature in summer, even if they sit still, they will sweat like rain, and they can't wipe it off, which is easy to attract the "attention" of mosquitoes.

People who sweat a lot often tend to have a high level of lactic acid in their blood, and the sweat excreted from the body is also acidic, and the gas volatilizes in the air, which has a fatal attraction for this nasty creature.

Mosquito coils are not the best way to repel mosquitoes? In fact, mosquito repellent is very simple, and you are not afraid to open the window all night

That's why they like to bite small children and pregnant women, while older people get fewer bites. The reason why children bite is because children are energetic, even in the hot summer, they can't stop their desire to play, and sweating is unavoidable.

As for pregnant women, it is because the body temperature of pregnant people is usually higher than that of ordinary people, and this change in temperature is a big temptation for mosquitoes.

Mosquito coils are not the best way to repel mosquitoes? In fact, mosquito repellent is very simple, and you are not afraid to open the window all night

The second group is people who like to wear dark clothes. Mosquitoes are known to be most active at night, preferring to come out late at night when the light is low to "feed" compared to the harsh eyes during the day.

Mosquito coils are not the best way to repel mosquitoes? In fact, mosquito repellent is very simple, and you are not afraid to open the window all night

In summer, especially in the countryside, this annoying creature begins to buzz in the ears as the night goes to bed. The next morning, the bag was covered with mosquito bites. Sometimes, when you are asleep and unconscious, the mosquito bag has already been scratched.

Mosquito coils are not the best way to repel mosquitoes? In fact, mosquito repellent is very simple, and you are not afraid to open the window all night

It can be seen that mosquitoes prefer to bite people who wear black clothes compared to people who wear light-colored clothes such as white. Dark-colored clothes reflect relatively dark light and have strong heat absorption ability, so they have become the first choice for mosquitoes who like heat and dark.

By the same token, mosquitoes are more likely to actively choose darker, redder-skinned people than those with lighter skin.

Mosquito coils are not the best way to repel mosquitoes? In fact, mosquito repellent is very simple, and you are not afraid to open the window all night

If you don't want to be bitten by mosquitoes, try to wear some light-colored clothes in summer and do a good job of sun protection, otherwise the darker the skin, the greater the possibility of being bitten.

Mosquito coils are not the best way to repel mosquitoes? In fact, mosquito repellent is very simple, and you are not afraid to open the window all night

sources of information; Guangming Network - "Why do mosquitoes always bite you? These 4 types of talents are the favorite of mosquitoes, and mosquito repellent methods are learned" (2021.6.16)

Mosquito coils are not the best way to repel mosquitoes? In fact, mosquito repellent is very simple, and you are not afraid to open the window all night

Write at the end

In addition to the tips introduced above, the existence of mosquito nets and toilet water is also essential, and special attention should be paid to hygiene in summer, the home should be kept clean and tidy, and the garbage bags should be cleaned up in time to avoid suitable places for mosquitoes to hide at home.

Mosquito coils are not the best way to repel mosquitoes? In fact, mosquito repellent is very simple, and you are not afraid to open the window all night

Although mosquitoes are small, many people think that it is a big fuss to prevent mosquitoes, but in fact, after being bitten by mosquitoes, it is not as simple as a long bag and itching for two days.

Mosquitoes carry many viruses, such as dengue fever and malaria, which have been widely reported before, are transmitted by mosquitoes, ranging from medicine and injections to life-threatening diseases. It's better to pay attention to it usually, just in case.

sources of information; Beijing News-"News One More Degree|May Enters the Dengue Fever Epidemic Season, Please Seek Medical Attention Immediately If You Have These Symptoms" (2024.5.6)

Mosquito coils are not the best way to repel mosquitoes? In fact, mosquito repellent is very simple, and you are not afraid to open the window all night
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