
Xiang Zuojia's Mother's Day Award: When the beauty is opened to MAX, who is the king of the 'thin' world?

author:Ah Yuan wants to sleep


Xiang Zuo's "Beauty Method": The duplex of maternal love and filters

In the warm atmosphere of Mother's Day, Xiang Zuo shared a set of family photos through social media, sending holiday wishes to the two women who played an important role in his life, Xiang Tai and Guo Biting.

Xiang Zuojia's Mother's Day Award: When the beauty is opened to MAX, who is the king of the 'thin' world?

In the photo, Xiang Zuo's smile is like the spring sun, warm and bright, and the two ladies are like flowers in spring, each blooming with a different style.

Xiang Zuojia's Mother's Day Award: When the beauty is opened to MAX, who is the king of the 'thin' world?

However, attentive netizens soon discovered that the beauty effect in the photo seemed to be a bit "excessive", so much so that some people joked that Xiang Zuo was not only concerned about his own beauty.

Xiang Zuojia's Mother's Day Award: When the beauty is opened to MAX, who is the king of the 'thin' world?

This discovery quickly sparked a wave of light-hearted ridicule on the Internet, with some netizens even joking that Guo Biting looked like a different person in the photo, and some humorously mentioned that Xiang Zuo's filter effect was reminiscent of Mike Jackson.

Guo Biting's "Slimming Cheats": From Sister Lang to Family Goddess


Guo Biting in the photo, compared with her image when she participated in the show before, is obviously much thinner, which also makes her appearance the focus of discussion among netizens again.

Xiang Zuojia's Mother's Day Award: When the beauty is opened to MAX, who is the king of the 'thin' world?

Some people speculate that Guo Biting's weight loss may be the result of high-intensity training and strict diet management when participating in the show. And in the family photos, her beauty seems to be more natural and intimate, as if to tell the world that she can appear at her best, whether on stage or at home.

Xiang Zuojia's Mother's Day Award: When the beauty is opened to MAX, who is the king of the 'thin' world?

Netizens expressed their appreciation for this, and some even joked that now Guo Biting and Xiang Tai are responsible for being beautiful like flowers, and Xiang Zuo is responsible for holding the baby, such a family division of labor is really happy.

Xiang Tai's "Slimming Miracle": The Power of Mother's Love


Xiang Tai's image in the photo has also attracted the attention of netizens. She lost a lot of weight, which surprised many. Some people speculate that this may be her efforts for health, while others believe that it is her hard work as a mother for the sake of her family and children.

Xiang Zuojia's Mother's Day Award: When the beauty is opened to MAX, who is the king of the 'thin' world?

Xiang Tai's slimming not only made her image look new, but also made people see the power of maternal love. This Mother's Day, Xiang Tai's image has undoubtedly given encouragement to many mothers to believe that no matter how old they are, they have the ability to make themselves more beautiful and healthy.

Xiang Zuo's "mother-in-law and daughter-in-law": the magic of time


Xiang Zuo generously responded to the discussion about Xiang Tai and Guo Biting's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law on social media. He mentioned that Xiang Tai and Guo Biting when they were young, one was bright and the other was gentle, and they each had their own style.

Xiang Zuojia's Mother's Day Award: When the beauty is opened to MAX, who is the king of the 'thin' world?

This contrast not only allows people to see the magic of time, but also makes people feel the harmony and beauty in the family. Netizens agreed with this, and some even joked that Xiang Zuo's words reminded people of those classic mother-in-law and daughter-in-law dramas, but here, the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law seems to be more harmonious and enviable.

Controversial Summary: The Boundary Between Beauty and Authenticity


In the discussion sparked by this set of family photos, the use of beautification effects became a minor point of contention.

Xiang Zuojia's Mother's Day Award: When the beauty is opened to MAX, who is the king of the 'thin' world?

On the one hand, beautification technology allows people to appear in front of the public with a more idealized image, satisfying people's pursuit of beauty; On the other hand, excessive beautification effects can make people lose their sense of authenticity, and even lead to discussions about truth and falsehood.

Xiang Zuojia's Mother's Day Award: When the beauty is opened to MAX, who is the king of the 'thin' world?

Everyone has their own opinion on this issue, some people think that beauty is a way of self-expression, and others believe that it should be pursued naturally and authentically. In any case, this set of photos undoubtedly provides a platform for people to discuss, and this Mother's Day, people not only feel the warmth of family, but also think about the boundary between beauty and authenticity.

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