
What creatures are contrary to the laws of life? Jumping out of the Three Realms, have you ever heard of "Tai Sui"?

author:Fat cash cow


In Chinese theology, Tai Sui refers to the god who governs the order of the world.

However, biologically, Tai Sui is also known as "meat reishi" and has medicinal properties.

So what exactly is Tai Sui?

And why do Chinese theology and biology define Tai Sui so differently?

What creatures are contrary to the laws of life? Jumping out of the Three Realms, have you ever heard of "Tai Sui"?

1. Tai Sui in theology.

What creatures are contrary to the laws of life? Jumping out of the Three Realms, have you ever heard of "Tai Sui"?

In Chinese theology, Tai Sui is the god in charge of the order of the world, mainly responsible for reincarnation and other affairs, so Tai Sui is also known as "Yama" or "Jade Emperor".

According to folk sayings, Tai Sui will change its direction every three years, so people should avoid Tai Sui's "rush" or "offense".

On the 23rd day of the twelfth month of the lunar calendar, people will prepare some offerings to invite Tai Sui and pray that Tai Sui will bring good luck to them in the new year.

What creatures are contrary to the laws of life? Jumping out of the Three Realms, have you ever heard of "Tai Sui"?

Although Tai Sui is a god, there is a mysterious existence among the people, that is, a fungal plant with very high medicinal value - meat reishi.

The scientific name of meat Ganoderma lucidum is "Tai Sui", also known as "Tai Sui Cao" or "Tai Sui Zhi", but it is not actually a type of Ganoderma lucidum.

So, what does this mushroom plant have to do with fleshy reishi?

In fact, Ganoderma lucidum is a fungal plant with medicinal value, so the folk also call this plant "Tai Sui", and Tai Sui is also regarded as a kind of medicinal material in the folk, used for stewing chicken, making soup, etc., with very high medicinal value.

2. Meat Ganoderma lucidum.

Meat reishi is a very ancient organism and is considered to be a composite organism, which is composed of a variety of fungi.

Tai Sui was widely used for edible and medicinal purposes in ancient times, so the ancients called Tai Sui a lot, some called it "meat Ganoderma lucidum", some called it "Ganoderma lucidum grass" and even some called it "bear snake grass" and so on.

That's why we found that Tai Sui has different appearances and textures.

What creatures are contrary to the laws of life? Jumping out of the Three Realms, have you ever heard of "Tai Sui"?

This creature grows in a shady environment, so it is difficult for us to see it in life.

In ancient times, because Tai Sui looked like a pig's brain, people named him "pig head fungus".

In modern times, some people have changed the name of Tai Sui to "Banyan Mushroom".

Even people in different regions have different names for Tai Sui, so in the legend, "Tai Sui has three hundred and sixty-five names, so everyone has their own Tai Sui name" is also the origin.

What creatures are contrary to the laws of life? Jumping out of the Three Realms, have you ever heard of "Tai Sui"?

As a composite creature, Tai Sui looks more like a tree in appearance, with its trunk and branches covered in moss and a faint smell of grass.

Through this layer of cyan moss, we can see that Tai Sui reveals white mycelium, which will emit a faint light under the sunlight, which is very beautiful.

The mycelium of Tai Sui is very fragile, so we must pay great attention to it in ordinary times, and we must not let Tai Sui be harmed, otherwise it will affect its growth!

Tai Sui's stem has a kind called "yellow peach" growing on it.

This yellow peach has a very unique fragrance and smells very good.

Tai Sui feeds on branches and bark, so if a small section of a Tai Sui branch is cut off, it will affect its growth!

So when Tai Sui is discovered, it will cause some bad things.

Therefore, when the ancients took Tai Sui, they always placed some wooden blocks underneath, and once something happened, the wooden blocks would be broken.

What creatures are contrary to the laws of life? Jumping out of the Three Realms, have you ever heard of "Tai Sui"?

3. The vitality of Tai Sui.

What creatures are contrary to the laws of life? Jumping out of the Three Realms, have you ever heard of "Tai Sui"?

Tai Sui has a very strong ability to survive and self-healing, even if Tai Sui is divided into several pieces, each piece can grow a new Tai Sui.

Tai Sui also has a very high cold tolerance, so it can survive in very extreme environments, and it also has a very strong ability to adapt to the outside environment, so people worship it as a magical plant.

The living environment of Tai Sui is also very harsh, so Tai Sui, which grows in different environments, will also show different forms, so scholars' research on Tai Sui has gradually become diverse.

Tai Sui has been used by people for food and medicinal purposes in ancient times, so for its medicinal value, it is also called "meat Ganoderma lucidum".

In ancient times, because the value of Ganoderma lucidum was very expensive, people used Tai Sui to pass off as Ganoderma lucidum, so Tai Sui's fame gradually became greater.

So how amazing is Tai Sui?

Tai Sui also has a very magical function, that is, it can treat cataracts, so in ancient times, people who suffered from cataracts would use Tai Sui to treat!

In modern times, doctors still have reservations about the medical value of Tai Sui!

So if someone suffers from cataracts, don't treat them with Tai Sui, it's best to go to the hospital!

Tai Sui was also used by people in ancient times to stew chicken, soup and other ingredients, because Tai Sui has a very high medicinal value, so when people use Tai Sui to stew chicken, it can bring a very comfortable feeling.


As a very magical existence, Tai Sui has a very high medicinal value, so it was widely used for edible and medicinal purposes in ancient times, and in modern times, the medicinal value of Tai Sui needs to be further studied!