
It's a big deal! Passers-by touched the car and were claimed 10,000 yuan follow-up: the owner is fine, the "spectator" has an accident!

author:One plus one equals depression



'Son is mayor'? 'The family member is an official, and the compensation is 10,000 yuan, and he was let go on the spot?

It's a big deal! Passers-by touched the car and were claimed 10,000 yuan follow-up: the owner is fine, the "spectator" has an accident!

The Truth: A simple touch of strife sparked

On May 12, a traffic dispute occurred in a parking lot in Chengdu, Sichuan. According to eyewitness accounts, a drunk man accidentally touched an elderly man's vehicle while passing through the parking lot. Subsequently, the old man angrily demanded 10,000 yuan in compensation from the man, and took violent actions to threaten and beat him.

Official Bulletin

According to a May 13 report from the Chengdu Chenghua Public Security Bureau, they received a report from a woman who said her vehicle had been damaged. The police quickly arrived at the scene to deal with it, and when the man was passing by Changrong Street after drinking, he touched and knocked on an off-road vehicle parked on the side of the road, and the owner found scratches after stopping it. The man was asked to apologize, but the man disagreed, and the two tore each other apart. The police said that the two sides had reached an understanding through negotiation and signed a peace and security mediation agreement. However, the information mentioned in the online rumors such as "his son is the mayor", "his family is an official", "he asked for compensation of 10,000 yuan", and "he was let go on the spot" and other information were not true after investigation.

It's a big deal! Passers-by touched the car and were claimed 10,000 yuan follow-up: the owner is fine, the "spectator" has an accident!

According to the investigation results of the public security organs, they have placed Zhang (male, 25 years old) and Rao Moumou (male, 21 years old) under administrative detention in accordance with the law. This move shows that the public security organs will not tolerate the spread of rumors, and it also sends an important message to everyone: do not believe rumors on the Internet, and obtain true information through official channels.

Internet hype: Are the facts so consistent with the rumors?

The traffic dispute sparked widespread online hype. For a time, various versions, comments, and ridicule about the incident flooded social media platforms. However, should we believe these rumors?

It's a big deal! Passers-by touched the car and were claimed 10,000 yuan follow-up: the owner is fine, the "spectator" has an accident!

In fact, online hype often exaggerates facts and takes things out of context in order to attract attention and create topics. Although there was indeed a dispute in the incident, the information spread on the Internet about Luo's "son is the mayor" and "his family is an official" is purely false. This kind of false information not only brings distress to the parties concerned, but also misleads the public about the correct understanding of the incident.

Netizens are hotly discussed

Did Luo say that her son was the mayor? If Luo hadn't said it, the people who eat melons are spreading rumors; If it is said, the people who eat melons are not rumors, if Luo's son is indeed the mayor, then it is a bit inappropriate to detain the people who eat melons, if Luo's son is not the mayor, then Luo is spreading rumors and should be detained.

It's a big deal! Passers-by touched the car and were claimed 10,000 yuan follow-up: the owner is fine, the "spectator" has an accident!

The parties to the dispute are fine, and the people who eat melons who spread rumors have been detained, haha

It's a big deal! Passers-by touched the car and were claimed 10,000 yuan follow-up: the owner is fine, the "spectator" has an accident!

At such an old age, there is no concept of the rule of law at all. "Mayor"? What happened to the mayor? Can you punish people casually? It is now a society governed by the rule of law, and everyone should act within the limits of the law. Besides, even if your son is really a mayor, you don't think about your son's reputation. It is in response to Wang Shuo's famous saying: If the three views are not correct, the older you are, the more ignorant you are!

It's a big deal! Passers-by touched the car and were claimed 10,000 yuan follow-up: the owner is fine, the "spectator" has an accident!

How to view the social issues behind traffic disputes?

The incident has sparked widespread speculation and questioning. Why did the old man ask the man for $10,000 in compensation? Are there other interests behind this? How exactly did the two sides come to an understanding? We need to think deeply about these questions.

First of all, there is no conclusive evidence of the reason why the old man demanded 10,000 yuan in compensation. There has been speculation that it may be related to the extent of damage to the vehicle, but the specifics still require further investigation. Perhaps, this is also a hype tactic to achieve some kind of goal by creating controversy. After all, he is rampant, and his son is the mayor and so on, and he dares to say anything like that!

It's a big deal! Passers-by touched the car and were claimed 10,000 yuan follow-up: the owner is fine, the "spectator" has an accident!

Second, why did the two rumor-mongers spread disinformation? Do they have other backgrounds or motivations? These issues require a more in-depth investigation by the police. We should remain highly vigilant against online rumor-mongering and take a serious crackdown on such illegal acts. The Internet is not a place outside the law, and everyone should be responsible for their words and actions.

It's a big deal! Passers-by touched the car and were claimed 10,000 yuan follow-up: the owner is fine, the "spectator" has an accident!

Finally, some people lack awareness and respect for basic rules such as law and morality, which leads to frequent social disputes. The spread of disinformation has also exposed the psychological problems of some people. It is extremely irresponsible for some people to use false information to satisfy their own selfish interests and desires, even in pursuit of short-term exposure without regard for the interests of others.

It's a big deal! Passers-by touched the car and were claimed 10,000 yuan follow-up: the owner is fine, the "spectator" has an accident!


Laugh to death! Is it really a matter of stealing chickens and rice, the parties involved in the matter, and the two sides reconciled? You rumor-bearer has been administratively detained! Let you talk nonsense, let you talk nonsense!

Everyone should reflect on whether their words and actions are in line with social norms and whether they respect the rights and interests of others. We should be based on facts, look at events rationally, and not be blinded by rumors.

It's a big deal! Passers-by touched the car and were claimed 10,000 yuan follow-up: the owner is fine, the "spectator" has an accident!

In this era of information explosion, each of us is a disseminator and receiver of information. However, we must be aware of the impact our words and actions may have on others, and we must always be skeptical of information.

Rumors stop at the wise!