
The man won 10 million in the lottery, and he transferred money to his sister to buy a house for his ex-wife without telling his wife, and the court verdict came

author:Uncle Rongzhou


During the existence of the marital relationship, the income of one of the spouses winning the lottery is the joint property of the husband and wife, and the unilateral disposal is not used for the joint life of the husband and wife, that is, the destruction of the joint property by the party at fault, and the other party has the right to claim a slightly larger share of the property distribution.


The event passed

According to the news report, recently, Xiao Zhou in Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province was hit by a pie falling from the sky, bought a lottery ticket and won a jackpot of 10 million yuan, 8.43 million yuan after tax, so the jackpot can completely change the living conditions of an ordinary family, but Xiao Zhou did not tell his wife the news, after the jackpot arrived, he secretly transferred 2 million yuan to his sister, and used the bonus to pay 700,000 yuan to his ex-wife for the purchase of the house.

The man won 10 million in the lottery, and he transferred money to his sister to buy a house for his ex-wife without telling his wife, and the court verdict came

The wife was very angry after knowing the situation, and Xiao Zhou had a big quarrel, and she couldn't understand Xiao Zhou's behavior of transferring and using the joint property of the husband and wife without knowing it, especially for the very sensitive Xiao Zhou's ex-wife, it was inevitable that the wife felt that the two people were not rekindling the old relationship or still breaking the thread, so the wife filed for divorce with the court, asked for the division of the joint property, and asked Xiao Zhou to compensate two-thirds of the 2.7 million yuan secretly transferred.

The man won 10 million in the lottery, and he transferred money to his sister to buy a house for his ex-wife without telling his wife, and the court verdict came

The court found that the relationship between the husband and wife broke down and the divorce was granted, and Xiao Zhou's behavior was a transfer of the joint property of the husband and wife, and 60% of the transferred property was compensated to the wife.

Netizen comments

A netizen questioned: This can't be a lottery advertisement, right? The copy of this lottery advertisement is not new at all. No matter how well I put it, I won't be fooled into buying a lottery ticket. This is tricking us into buying lottery tickets. Are the lottery centers starting to make new scripts now?

Some netizens think: How lucky it is to win the lottery jackpot, it belongs to the joint property of the legal husband and wife, and it can directly improve the living conditions of the family, which is a good thing, transfer money to my sister or buy a house for my ex-wife, as long as I discuss with my wife and agree with it, of course, it is understandable, but concealing and secretly doing it, which is unacceptable to anyone who is a wife. Take 10,000 steps back, my sister is a family member, and transferring money to my sister may be understandable, but it is definitely unacceptable to pay the house purchase price to my ex-wife and not tell my wife, and the first reaction of normal people will be whether the two are rekindling their old feelings, whether there are all kinds of constant contact halfway, which is undoubtedly a betrayal of the loyalty obligation of husband and wife.

The man won 10 million in the lottery, and he transferred money to his sister to buy a house for his ex-wife without telling his wife, and the court verdict came

When such a thing happens, legally speaking, the wife's claim for divorce and division of property will also be supported by the law, after all, Xiao Zhou is the party at fault. It was originally a good thing, but it ended in tragedy, and it can only be said that money is still an important test of human nature, and some people are destined to fail to pass the customs.

Personal opinion

Judging from the reactions of netizens, it is mainly concentrated in two aspects: first, Xiao Zhou's act of secretly transferring and using the joint property of the husband and wife is inconsistent with the law and feelings, which could have made the family no longer worry about material things, but it has become a booster for the husband and wife to become strangers, which is obviously Xiao Zhou's problem. The second is the questioning of lottery winning, which reflects the huge crisis of confidence in the lottery, which is getting bigger and bigger.

The man won 10 million in the lottery, and he transferred money to his sister to buy a house for his ex-wife without telling his wife, and the court verdict came

Why is the lottery in such a huge crisis of confidence? This is mainly due to a series of events that have occurred in the past and the reaction of the lottery center. For example, many people in difficulty need help but do not see the shadow of the lottery center, the conditions of the welfare home need to be improved, and the personnel need help, but it is also difficult to see the figure of the lottery center. Moreover,Some catastrophes that occurred in the past,The performance of the lottery center is really collapsed,Either inaction or a lot of slow shooting,Busy not to help sometimes add blockage,Criticized.


Good things turn into bad things often in a thought, and some people can share sorrows but can't share joys, which is also a pity. The crisis of confidence in the lottery is getting bigger and bigger,But the number of people who buy lottery tickets is still only increasing,Even scratch lottery tickets in many places are bought out,Among them, there is a gambling nature in human nature,There are deeper problems behind it.

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