
Attaboy! The two female students donated 10,000 yuan in scholarships to give back to the school's cultivation of themselves!

author:Miss Lin sees the world

For many students, it is the dream of many students to be admitted to the ideal university, and after graduation, find a good job and have a good future, and the two girls use their personal experience to prove to everyone that as long as they set certain goals and make unremitting efforts, they will always achieve their ideals!

Attaboy! The two female students donated 10,000 yuan in scholarships to give back to the school's cultivation of themselves!

张晓康是‬中南财经‬政法大学金融学院‬的‬学生‬,刚‬进入‬学校的‬时候‬,她‬发现‬班里‬的‬学生‬成绩‬都‬很好‬,而‬自己‬的‬成绩‬则‬差强人意‬,是‬班里‬的‬倒数‬! 于是‬从‬那时候‬开始‬她‬便‬将‬提高‬学习‬成绩‬放在‬了‬第一位‬,最终‬成绩‬突飞猛进‬获得了‬99的‬高分‬,因此‬也‬成功‬加入‬到了‬学院‬组建‬的‬“伴‬学‬坊‬”团队‬!

Attaboy! The two female students donated 10,000 yuan in scholarships to give back to the school's cultivation of themselves!

The team is like a little tutor for other students, giving lessons to other students every Sunday night, and her main responsibility is to prepare and teach well! It is also this experience that her learning thinking has undergone earth-shaking changes, from student thinking to teacher thinking, thinking about how to make students understand, the knowledge framework should be so built, the key points should be so grasped, etc., she also realized that there was a big problem in the previous learning method, so after the change of thinking, not only the academic performance has improved rapidly, but also more and more students come to listen to the class, from a few people before to more than a dozen people later, and won the national scholarship for two consecutive years!

Attaboy! The two female students donated 10,000 yuan in scholarships to give back to the school's cultivation of themselves!


Attaboy! The two female students donated 10,000 yuan in scholarships to give back to the school's cultivation of themselves!

而同样优秀的还有陈佳蕙,在‬校园期间‬参加‬了‬各种‬支教‬活动‬,通过线上参与联合国训练研究所的相关会议,与外国友人展开跨时差的学习交流。 最终‬其‬以‬优异‬的‬成绩被‬保研‬至于华中科技‬大学!

Attaboy! The two female students donated 10,000 yuan in scholarships to give back to the school's cultivation of themselves!

After being successfully guaranteed the research institute, the two decided to donate the scholarship to the college after serious consideration, they believe that it is with the help of alumni and teachers that they have achieved today's results, and now they also want to use their meager strength to repay the school!

Attaboy! The two female students donated 10,000 yuan in scholarships to give back to the school's cultivation of themselves!

From their experiences, we can see that in order to be successful, we must put in enough efforts, and only by persevering can we reach the other side of success!