
Is phlegm always in the throat pharyngitis? Doctor: Don't think it's pharyngitis, there may be these 5 diseases

author:Sharp eyes on the world

Lao Li and Lao Zhang, two long-time friends, met for a walk in the community park they frequented. The sunlight shone through the sparse clouds and dappled on the shoulders of the two, which was originally a leisurely and complacent scene, but Lao Li suddenly coughed a few times and looked embarrassed.

"This throat, I always feel like something is stuck lately," Lao Li frowned, gently stroked his throat with his hand, and continued, "At first, I thought it was the old pharyngitis again, drink more water, and a little throat candy will be fine." But it's been more than a week, and it's still like this. ”

Is phlegm always in the throat pharyngitis? Doctor: Don't think it's pharyngitis, there may be these 5 diseases

When Lao Zhang heard this, he said slowly: "Don't be careless about this, I read an article before, saying that there is always phlegm in the throat, and it may not be as simple as pharyngitis." Have you ever thought that something might be wrong somewhere else in your body that is signaling us? ”

A hint of surprise flashed in Lao Li's eyes, and then he fell into deep thought. Yes, this seemingly ordinary discomfort may hide a more complex health story behind it, waiting for him to uncover the truth.

01. Symptoms of pharyngitis

Voice changes: Hoarseness is one of the most common symptoms, and in severe cases, loss of voice may even occur. The vocal cords may be temporarily paralyzed by inflammation, making it difficult to pronounce.

Is phlegm always in the throat pharyngitis? Doctor: Don't think it's pharyngitis, there may be these 5 diseases

Throat discomfort: Patients often feel a foreign body sensation in their throat, as if something is stuck there, or a dry, tingling, burning sensation, and need to clear their throat from time to time in an attempt to relieve discomfort.

Pain: A sore throat that worsens when swallowing, especially when swallowing saliva or food. In acute pharyngitis, this pain may be accompanied by systemic symptoms such as fever, headache, and muscle pain.

Phlegm and cough: Although the title specifically refers to "always phlegm in the throat", pharyngitis is actually more likely to present as a dry cough or irritating cough, sometimes accompanied by a small amount of white or yellow sputum, especially in the morning.

Is phlegm always in the throat pharyngitis? Doctor: Don't think it's pharyngitis, there may be these 5 diseases

Other symptoms: including dyspnea, fever, fatigue, loss of appetite, etc. Patients with long-term chronic pharyngitis may also experience mood swings, such as irritability, because the persistent discomfort affects quality of life.

02. Is phlegm always in the throat pharyngitis? Or 5 diseases

Chronic pharyngitis: This is one of the most common causes, and long-term inflammation leads to sensitivity of the mucous membranes of the throat, sputum or foreign body sensation, and recurrent symptoms.

Gastroesophageal reflux: Stomach acid and digestive substances reflux into the esophagus or even the throat, irritating the mucous membranes and causing a sensation similar to pharyngitis, accompanied by symptoms such as cough, nausea, and bad breath.

Is phlegm always in the throat pharyngitis? Doctor: Don't think it's pharyngitis, there may be these 5 diseases

Cervical spondylosis: Changes in the structure of the cervical spine may compress nearby nerves, causing a foreign body sensation or discomfort in the throat area, often accompanied by neck pain or stiffness.

Esophageal cancer: Early esophageal cancer may cause only mild throat discomfort or difficulty swallowing, which can be easily mistaken for pharyngitis, especially if accompanied by weight loss and chest pain.

Thyroid disease: If the thyroid gland is enlarged, it may compress surrounding tissues, including the throat, causing a foreign body sensation or difficulty swallowing, and a neck mass may be found on palpation.

Is phlegm always in the throat pharyngitis? Doctor: Don't think it's pharyngitis, there may be these 5 diseases

03. How can we prevent it?

Practice good hygiene: Wash your hands frequently and avoid touching your face, especially your eyes, nose and mouth, to reduce the chance of spreading viruses and bacteria.

Eat wisely: Eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits, foods rich in vitamins C and E can boost immunity. Avoid spicy, fried, and excessively hot and cold foods to reduce irritation to the throat.

Drink plenty of water: Maintaining adequate water intake can help keep your throat moist, reduce phlegm formation, and promote the elimination of waste from the body.

Is phlegm always in the throat pharyngitis? Doctor: Don't think it's pharyngitis, there may be these 5 diseases

Quit smoking and limit alcohol: Both tobacco and alcohol are major factors in irritating the throat, and quitting smoking and limiting alcohol can significantly reduce the risk of pharyngitis and other respiratory diseases.

Exercise: Regular physical activity can strengthen physical fitness and improve immunity, but be careful to avoid strenuous exercise in an environment with poor air quality.

Keep indoor air fresh: Open windows regularly to reduce indoor pollutants and allergens, such as dust mites and pollen.

Use your voice wisely: Avoid talking or shouting loudly for a long time, protect your vocal cords, and reduce the burden on your throat.

Is phlegm always in the throat pharyngitis? Doctor: Don't think it's pharyngitis, there may be these 5 diseases

Managing stress: Long-term mental stress can affect immune system function, learn to relax, get enough sleep, and help prevent disease.

Regular check-ups: Detect and treat potential problems such as gastroesophageal reflux, thyroid disease, etc., that may affect the health of the throat.

The key to preventing pharyngitis and similar diseases is to establish a healthy lifestyle and good daily habits. By eating a balanced diet, exercising, getting rest, practicing good hygiene and avoiding bad habits, we can not only reduce our risk of disease, but also improve our quality of life and well-being.

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