
The mother-in-law was worried about her daughter-in-law's salary and quietly took away the salary card, but who knew that the daughter-in-law showed her tricks and her mother-in-law did not dare to make trouble


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The mother-in-law was worried about her daughter-in-law's salary and quietly took away the salary card, but who knew that the daughter-in-law showed her tricks and her mother-in-law did not dare to make trouble

I am Li Xiaofang, an ordinary housewife living in a small town. My husband Xiaowei and I have been married for seven years and we have a lovely son, Xiaobao. Although I live an ordinary family life, it is full of endless warmth and affection.

Our family lived in an inconspicuous alley, and the neighbors knew each other. In particular, the Zhang family, which is across the door from my family, has a particularly close relationship with us. Zhang's house lives my husband's mother, a typical traditional mother-in-law. Although she occasionally nags, her love for me and Xiaobao is meticulous.

Recently, however, our family has been caught in a delicate conflict. The trigger for this contradiction was my salary. I work as a clerk in a small company and don't earn much, but I can barely make ends meet my family. Lately, I've noticed that I always have less money in my payroll card than I actually receive. I began to wonder if someone was secretly doing something, and the biggest suspect was my husband's mother, the mother-in-law of the Zhang family.

I began to investigate in secret, trying to find out the truth. Until one day, I decided to have a showdown with my mother-in-law. I sat calmly in the living room, waiting for her arrival, but my heart was full of anxiety and doubt. What kind of changes will this face-to-face dialogue bring to our families?

The mother-in-law slowly walked out of the kitchen, a cup of hot tea in her hand and a warm smile on her face. She sat across from me, smiled and said, "Xiaofang, you look a little wrong, is there something bothering?" Tell your mother-in-law about it. ”

I was a little nervous, but I still pretended to be calm and said, "Mother-in-law, I recently found out that the money in my salary card is always less than I actually receive, and I wonder if something is wrong. ”

When my mother-in-law heard my words, the smile on her face froze suddenly, she was silent for a moment, then sighed softly and said, "Xiaofang, I have also heard about this matter, it may be that there is something wrong with the bank." I'll help you ask. ”

I hesitated, but nodded. The mother-in-law stood up and prepared to go out to the bank to ask for clarification. I looked at her back, still a little suspicious, but I thought I might be suspicious. After all, my mother-in-law has always been very good to me and should not do anything to hurt me.

The mother-in-law was worried about her daughter-in-law's salary and quietly took away the salary card, but who knew that the daughter-in-law showed her tricks and her mother-in-law did not dare to make trouble

After a while, my mother-in-law came back, still with a kind smile on her face, and handed me a note in her hand. I took the slip of paper and looked at it, and it said the bank's statement. My eyes widened and I was shocked to find that a sum of money had been transferred to another account, and the recipient was actually my mother-in-law!

I was stunned, confused. I don't know what to do, why does my mother-in-law take my salary? I remembered the signs that had come before, and an indescribable wave of anger and disappointment welled up in my heart. But I know that now is not the time to have a seizure, and I need to think calmly and figure out a solution to this problem.

I took the bank statement and said to my mother-in-law, "Mother-in-law, this statement shows that my salary has been transferred to your account, can you give me an explanation?" ”

When my mother-in-law heard my words, her face changed slightly, but she quickly regained her composure and said, "Xiaofang, I don't know much about this matter, it may be that there is a problem with the bank." I'll ask again to see what the hell is going on. ”

Although I didn't quite believe her explanation, I still chose to believe it. After all, she's my husband's mom, and I don't want a rift between us over this. But I was also secretly determined that no matter what, I would find out the truth.

A few days passed, and the doubts in my heart did not dissipate, but became heavier and heavier. I decided to look into it secretly and see if I could find more clues. So, I began to carefully observe my mother-in-law's every move, trying to find evidence that she was hiding my salary.

One night, I pretended to be asleep early and waited for my mother-in-law's action. Sure enough, in the middle of the night I heard a slight movement, and I opened my eyes to see my mother-in-law quietly walking into the living room. She opened the drawer, took out a bank card, and walked to the door, ready to go out.

The mother-in-law was worried about her daughter-in-law's salary and quietly took away the salary card, but who knew that the daughter-in-law showed her tricks and her mother-in-law did not dare to make trouble

I felt nervous, and hurriedly got up and followed. I followed behind my mother-in-law, careful not to make any noise. The mother-in-law walked to a corner, stopped, took out her mobile phone and started to operate.

I took the opportunity to get closer, trying to see what she was doing. But just then, a sudden gust of wind blew and my hair was blown messy. I couldn't help but let out a slight "um" sound, and my mother-in-law jerked her head up and spotted me.

"Xiaofang, why are you here?" The mother-in-law asked in surprise.

I smiled awkwardly and said, "I, I accidentally got up to go to the bathroom, and when I saw you here, I came out and took a look." ”

My mother-in-law frowned slightly, and didn't seem to believe my explanation, but she nodded anyway and didn't say anything more. I was secretly glad in my heart that my action was successful, at least not being discovered by my mother-in-law.

Back at home, I quietly checked my mother-in-law's phone while she was asleep. Sure enough, in her chat logs, I found some information about my salary. It turned out that my mother-in-law secretly transferred my salary to her account because she felt that my salary was too small and was worried about the quality of life of me and Xiaobao.

Seeing this, I was moved in my heart, but with a hint of helplessness. I understood that my mother-in-law's intentions were good, but her way was too risky. I decided to talk to her tomorrow to solve this problem, and at the same time told her that I didn't need her to do this, and that we could discuss solutions and solve problems together.

The mother-in-law was worried about her daughter-in-law's salary and quietly took away the salary card, but who knew that the daughter-in-law showed her tricks and her mother-in-law did not dare to make trouble

The next day, I found my mother-in-law, sat in the living room, and talked to her seriously about it. My mother-in-law listened to my explanation, and with a hint of apology on her face, she said, "Xiaofang, I know that I am wrong to do this, but I am so worried about you. ”

I smiled and comforted, "Mother-in-law, I know that you are for our good, but we are a family and should face the difficulties in life together. Next time there is something, we can discuss it together and solve it together, and don't do such a thing again. ”

My mother-in-law listened to my words and nodded, and the expression on her face gradually softened. We sat together and began to discuss our next plans, and for a while, the house was filled with a harmonious and warm atmosphere. I feel extremely relieved that my relationship will be strengthened by this communication.

After this candid conversation, my relationship with my mother-in-law became more harmonious. We began to trust each other and discuss our plans for the future. My mother-in-law also promised that she would not handle my salary without permission in the future, but would discuss the family financial problems with me and work together to make a reasonable spending plan.

As the days passed, the relationship between me and my mother-in-law got better and better. We often cook together, chat, and share moments of life. I found that my mother-in-law is actually a very good person to deal with, and she is also very supportive and caring for my married life. Every time I have something to worry about, she always listens patiently and gives me some advice and help.

Gradually, my perception of my mother-in-law also changed, and I no longer felt that she was a nagging old lady, but regarded her as a real friend and family member. I began to be willing to share my joys and sorrows with her, and she was unsparing in her support and understanding.

With the joint efforts of my mother-in-law and me, our family's life is getting better and better. My relationship with my husband is also more harmonious, and there is a lot less friction and misunderstanding between us, and there is a deeper affection and tacit understanding between us. Xiaobao also thrives in such a family atmosphere, he has become more and more sensible and sensible, and our family is happy and happy.

The mother-in-law was worried about her daughter-in-law's salary and quietly took away the salary card, but who knew that the daughter-in-law showed her tricks and her mother-in-law did not dare to make trouble

One day, my mother-in-law and I were sitting in the living room drinking tea and chatting about homely things. My mother-in-law suddenly smiled and said to me: "Xiaofang, do you know, I was thinking recently, we have one less child in our family, I wonder if it's time to add a younger brother or sister to Xiaobao?" ”

When I listened to my mother-in-law's words, I couldn't help but laugh, and a warm current welled up in my heart. I know that my mother-in-law really wants our family to be happier, so she has such thoughts. I picked up the teacup, touched her cup gently, and said with a smile, "Mother-in-law, this is a good idea, we can think about it." ”

My mother-in-law listened to my words, and with a satisfied smile on her face, she patted my hand gently and said, "Okay, let's work together to make our family happier." ”

My mother-in-law and I looked at each other and smiled, our hearts filled with gratitude and joy. I know that having such an understanding and supportive mother-in-law is the greatest happiness of my life. We will continue to work together to face life's challenges until we grow old together.

Our lives go on, full of laughter and warmth. Together with my mother-in-law, I was planning for the future and preparing for the arrival of new family members. Every day, we are working hard for this dream, hoping to realize our wish as soon as possible.

However, just when we were in a good mood, a sudden disaster shattered our peaceful life. One night, my husband suddenly felt chest tightness and discomfort, and I rushed him to the hospital. After a series of examinations, the doctor's expression became solemn. I felt a panic and didn't know what was going on.

The doctor told us that my husband had a serious heart condition and needed immediate surgery. I panicked and didn't know what to do. Seeing this, my mother-in-law walked up to my side, gently held my hand, and said, "Xiaofang, don't worry, we will definitely find a way." ”

The mother-in-law was worried about her daughter-in-law's salary and quietly took away the salary card, but who knew that the daughter-in-law showed her tricks and her mother-in-law did not dare to make trouble

I listened to my mother-in-law's words and settled down a little. Our family worked together and actively cooperated with the doctor's treatment. After some efforts, her husband's surgery was very successful and his health gradually improved. I looked at my mother-in-law gratefully, knowing that it was her support and encouragement that kept me going.

As my husband recovered, my mother-in-law and I became more closely together. We support each other to face life's challenges together and make our families stronger and happier. Slowly, our lives returned to their normal trajectory, and although our husbands needed more care, we were grateful and cherished each day.

After this storm, the relationship between me and my mother-in-law has deepened. We have learned to trust, tolerate and understand each other, and we have overcome life's challenges together. I know that having such a strong mother-in-law is the greatest happiness of my life. I will always cherish this family affection, take care of our family with my heart, and make our lives full of love and warmth.

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