
Dongxiang County held the awarding ceremony of the provincial earthquake prevention and disaster reduction science popularization demonstration school

author:Dongxiang County Rong Media Center

Original Dongxiang County Rong Media Center

In order to give full play to the exemplary and leading role of the earthquake prevention and disaster reduction science popularization demonstration school, we will continue to promote the popularization of earthquake prevention and disaster reduction science publicity activities into the campus. On the occasion of the Earthquake Prevention and Disaster Reduction Day, on May 11, the Dongxiang County Earthquake Bureau held a provincial earthquake prevention and disaster reduction science popularization demonstration school awarding ceremony in Xingfu School, which was attended by the relevant person in charge of the County Education Bureau and all teachers and students of Xingfu School.

Dongxiang County held the awarding ceremony of the provincial earthquake prevention and disaster reduction science popularization demonstration school

At the ceremony, the "Notice of the Gansu Provincial Earthquake Bureau on Announcing the Results of the 2023 Gansu Provincial Earthquake Prevention and Disaster Reduction Science Demonstration School and Science Education Base" was read out, and the license was awarded to the happy school.

Dongxiang County held the awarding ceremony of the provincial earthquake prevention and disaster reduction science popularization demonstration school

In recent years, the Dongxiang County Earthquake Bureau has attached great importance to the popularization of science on earthquake prevention and disaster reduction, coordinated the education department to include the knowledge of science popularization in the school education and teaching plan, made full use of campus broadcasting, theme class meetings and other ways to widely carry out earthquake prevention and disaster reduction science popularization activities on campus, and regularly organized emergency drills to effectively improve the ability of teachers and students to deal with earthquake disasters and build a solid line of defense for campus safety. In the next step, the county earthquake bureau will take the opportunity of creating a demonstration school for earthquake prevention and disaster reduction science to further strengthen the publicity of earthquake prevention and disaster reduction science, continue to popularize the knowledge of earthquake emergency avoidance, self-help and mutual rescue, and continuously improve the public's emergency response capacity for earthquake disasters.

Dongxiang County held the awarding ceremony of the provincial earthquake prevention and disaster reduction science popularization demonstration school

Before the ceremony, the county earthquake bureau organized an earthquake prevention and disaster reduction earthquake emergency evacuation drill in Xingfu School.

Reporter: Ma Jinhai