
Coastal Primary School of Nanshan District No. 2 Foreign Chinese School (Group) held an interesting English dubbing competition for the third and fourth grades of the English Culture Festival

Shenzhen Business Daily Reading Client Reporter Zhang Xijun Fang Jie Correspondent Yang Xinyi

Listen to beautiful sounds, enjoy pleasant sounds, taste the joy of English, and open the door to the world. In order to highlight the charm of the English language, enliven the English learning atmosphere, and enhance the students' English expression skills, the Coastal Primary School of the Second Foreign Chinese School (Group) in Nanshan District, Shenzhen, held an English fun dubbing competition for the middle and middle grades (third and fourth grades) of the 5th English Festival on the afternoon of April 23.

Coastal Primary School of Nanshan District No. 2 Foreign Chinese School (Group) held an interesting English dubbing competition for the third and fourth grades of the English Culture Festival

Previously, each class held a class primary selection under the organization of the English teacher, and each class selected an outstanding team to participate in the school-level competition. On the field, the voice players of each class were fully engaged, pronounced words clearly, pronounced accurately, and grasped the emotions of the characters appropriately. On stage, they used their vivid and interesting voices to interpret many well-known original movie clips, such as "Mulan" and "Kung Fu Panda".

Coastal Primary School of Nanshan District No. 2 Foreign Chinese School (Group) held an interesting English dubbing competition for the third and fourth grades of the English Culture Festival

The judges of this competition are Principal Zhang Zhilin and Secretary Zhang Changyong of Coastal Primary School, Teacher Tang Jie, Teacher Chen Yuhan, Teacher Yang Xinyi and Teacher Li Shengyu of the English Group. The judges judged the contestants according to their performance in terms of voice intonation and speed matching, and finally selected the star of style, charm and tomorrow.

Coastal Primary School of Nanshan District No. 2 Foreign Chinese School (Group) held an interesting English dubbing competition for the third and fourth grades of the English Culture Festival

This dubbing competition promotes learning through competition, and builds a platform for students to show themselves and feel the beauty of language. "I hope that in the future, every child can learn English in happiness, grow up in learning, and harvest the wisdom of learning while reaping the learning results." Teacher Tang Jie of the English group said.

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