
Shizhong District held a comprehensive drill for disaster prevention and mitigation in 2024

Shizhong District held a comprehensive drill for disaster prevention and mitigation in 2024

May 12 this year marks the 16th National Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Day. On May 11, the 2024 comprehensive drill for disaster prevention and mitigation in Shizhong District, hosted by the Shizhong District Emergency Management Bureau, was held at Xiaoba Experimental School in Leshan City. Through earthquake emergency evacuation drills, popular science knowledge lectures, earthquake knowledge quizzes, etc., the activities promote the popularization of popular science knowledge of earthquake prevention and disaster reduction, improve the school's emergency management ability and the earthquake prevention and avoidance ability of teachers and students, and then achieve the purpose of "educating a student, influencing a family, and driving the whole society".

Shizhong District held a comprehensive drill for disaster prevention and mitigation in 2024
Shizhong District held a comprehensive drill for disaster prevention and mitigation in 2024

At half past 2 o'clock in the afternoon, after the students watched the review video of the "5.12 Wenchuan earthquake" in the classroom, with the sound of an earthquake warning signal on the campus, all classes immediately stopped all activities...... The whole exercise process was tense and orderly, the teachers and students strictly abided by the drill discipline, showed good emergency response capabilities, realized the safe and orderly evacuation of teachers and students of the whole school, and achieved the expected purpose of the drill.

Shizhong District held a comprehensive drill for disaster prevention and mitigation in 2024
Shizhong District held a comprehensive drill for disaster prevention and mitigation in 2024

"If you were in a classroom when the earthquake happened, where should you hide?" "What should you do if you're outside?" "Why can't I use an elevator in the event of an earthquake?" …… In the earthquake knowledge quiz session, the children enthusiastically raised their hands to participate in the answers, which further consolidated the knowledge of earthquake prevention and disaster reduction. At the end of the activity, the students sang the "Earthquake Safety Song" to learn self-protection, keep earthquake prevention in mind, and practice safety in action.

Shizhong District held a comprehensive drill for disaster prevention and mitigation in 2024

During the activity, the relevant persons in charge of the district's primary and secondary schools and district-level departments and towns (streets) observed the scene. Next, Shizhong District will take this event as an opportunity to cooperate with education, natural resources and other departments, focusing on schools and other densely populated places, to promote the development of disaster prevention, mitigation and relief work in the whole district on a regular basis. The education department will strengthen the guidance and supervision of earthquake prevention and disaster reduction in schools to ensure that various education and drill activities are carried out in a solid and effective manner; The emergency management department will do a good job in improving the emergency plan and material reserves, and improve the emergency rescue capability; The propaganda department will intensify publicity efforts to popularize the knowledge of earthquake prevention and disaster reduction, and enhance the earthquake prevention awareness and response ability of the people of the whole region.

Source: Rong Media Center, Shizhong District, Leshan City

Reporter: Zhang Dayang, Zhu Qian

Editor: Chen Sijie

Editor-in-charge: Zhang Dayang

Editor-in-chief: Wang Zhuoran

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