
Now that you're old, let's live well

author:Kiyowa Ruka
Now that you're old, let's live well

Finally lived to the age of being light and light, but people are already old.

I don't know if there are people like me who often feel this way.

Close your eyes and think about it, people are simple and simple in this life, and they will reach old age in the blink of an eye. Although I am unwilling, this is a law of nature, and no one can resist it! What to do, then live well.

Now that you're old, let's live well

So, what kind of way to live is called living well, of course, there are different opinions.

Like what:

Now that you are old, you must let yourself live happily.

Now that you are old, you also want to live a relaxed life by yourself.

Since you are old, you must also let yourself live beautifully.

Since you are old, you must also let yourself live with dignity.


Now that you're old, let's live well

Whether it is the above cognition or viewpoint, it is all good, and it can be said that it makes sense in some aspects. But all of them are one-sided, or not very objective and realistic. All ignore an undeniable fact. Because, everyone's old is different, not only people will have different degrees of aging at each age, but also the differences in each person's physical fitness, more economic conditions, as well as the difference between big cities and small towns, the difference between the rich land of fish and rice and the remote and backward countryside, the difference in geographical location between the north and the south, and so on, many factors have different degrees of impact on our old life.

Therefore, everyone's old years will not be the same, but should have their own way of living.

Now that you're old, let's live well

In my opinion, since you are old, as long as you think it is comfortable, it is appropriate.

Since you are old, accept the old reality. Think of everything simply, and do it with peace of mind. Try to think about it, nowadays, we finally don't have to study as hard as we did when we were young; You don't have to work as hard as you did when you were younger; is no longer a person, but also cautious and flattering to behave as a person when he is middle-aged. We have lived to the days when we can take charge of our own future. So, what's the point of getting old.

If you accept the reality of being old and know how to enjoy life, then the rest of your life will be as easy as it is.

Now that you're old, let's live well

There may also be people who grieve for their old age and infirmity. I said, don't care. Because, from birth to death in this life, living is just a process. As for living to old age, old age, and infirmity, it is very natural. What we have had in life, we have it, so many people who have not lived to be old have left before they have lived to the feeling of being old. We can live until our teeth fall out and our hair is white, we have tasted the taste of brilliance, and we have reaped the joy of autumn fruit, will you still be sad and sad for being old, old age, it really doesn't matter. Because, natural aging is also a beautiful scenery in the world. People who have lived to old age are actually the darlings of fate. What's more, that's you. Think about it, you will be happy and live well!

12 May 2024

Now that you're old, let's live well