
Love is a high-dimensional energy, and not caring about getting love will make the soul shine.

author:Liwen is pleasing to the heart


Love is a high-dimensional energy, and not caring about getting love will make the soul shine.

Don't take my love

As sunshine

My love

It's just a flash in the pan.

Love is a high-dimensional energy, and not caring about getting love will make the soul shine.

I don't believe it

The love you give me

will last forever,

Because I like the new and hate the old

Deep down

The weakness of human nature.

Love is a high-dimensional energy, and not caring about getting love will make the soul shine.

When the human heart


Fluctuations of love

It also moves with the wind.

Love is a high-dimensional energy, and not caring about getting love will make the soul shine.

We love to use

Noble quality

inflict it on others

Don't think about the nature of human nature.

Love is a high-dimensional energy, and not caring about getting love will make the soul shine.

With the beauty of fantasy

to cover up the ugliness of the truth,

The result can only be yourself


Love is a high-dimensional energy, and not caring about getting love will make the soul shine.

Love is one in itself

Give wholeheartedly,

It doesn't matter if it's rewarded or not.

High-dimensional energy

I don't care about getting,

Love makes the soul shine.

Love is a high-dimensional energy, and not caring about getting love will make the soul shine.

But at the same time

The other party should know how to reciprocate

Only give to each other

Love will play a beautiful melody.

Love is a high-dimensional energy, and not caring about getting love will make the soul shine.

True love

It is to make the heart broad

Understand the world


vicissitudes of life,

Only be grateful

A moment of beauty.

Love is a high-dimensional energy, and not caring about getting love will make the soul shine.

Don't hold a grudge against someone else

Departure and change

Because of the change

It's the world

The nature of all things.

Love is a high-dimensional energy, and not caring about getting love will make the soul shine.
Love is a high-dimensional energy, and not caring about getting love will make the soul shine.

Recognize beauty, explore beauty,

Discover beauty and love beauty

Follow the footsteps of beauty

Live a beautiful life

Liwen Yuexin,

In beautiful words

Delight the mind.

Editor: Ru Liwen,

Lovers of literature

He likes literature and poetry

May life and poetry always accompany each other,

May time and beauty always depend on each other!

The picture is from the Internet