
Beef and it are a perfect match! Simply stir-fry a plate, especially for rice! It is recommended that the elderly and children eat 2 times a week

author:Foodie Program

Among the many home-cooked dishes, stir-fried oyster mushrooms with beef are undoubtedly a delicacy with good color and flavor. This dish is not only rich in flavor, but also nutritionally balanced, and is loved by adults and children.

Beef, as a high-protein and low-fat meat, has always been a favorite on the table. In this dish, the beef is skillfully sliced into thin slices that resemble pink petals, light and bouncy. In the process of marinating, the beef absorbs the essence of the seasoning, which not only removes the fishy smell, but also adds a bit of fresh flavor. The cooking oil then drizzles in like a gentle care, locking in the moisture of the beef and keeping it tender and smooth when cooking.

Beef and it are a perfect match! Simply stir-fry a plate, especially for rice! It is recommended that the elderly and children eat 2 times a week

Oyster mushrooms, a seemingly ordinary mushroom, have a delicious taste that cannot be ignored. It has a delicate taste and strong flavor absorption, and is able to blend well with the flavors of various ingredients. In this dish, oyster mushrooms go perfectly with beef. Oyster mushrooms absorb the freshness of the beef while adding a touch of freshness to the whole dish.

When cooking, a hot pan with cold oil is the key. The result is a beef that won't stick to the pan and retains its tender texture. When the marinated beef flipped in the pan and gradually changed color, the tantalizing aroma came to the nose. At this time, it is important not to fry it for too long, otherwise the texture of the beef will become old.

Beef and it are a perfect match! Simply stir-fry a plate, especially for rice! It is recommended that the elderly and children eat 2 times a week

The aroma of garlic is intertwined with the deliciousness of beef and oyster mushrooms, creating an indescribable deliciousness. The garnish with red peppers not only adds color, but also adds a touch of spicy flavor to the dish, which will whet your appetite.

Stir-fried oyster mushrooms with beef, this dish is not only rich in flavor but also nutritionally balanced. The protein of beef is perfectly combined with a variety of trace elements of oyster mushrooms, providing sufficient nutrients for the body. Both adults and children can find satisfaction in this dish. Its deliciousness lies not only in the combination of ingredients, but also in the love and pursuit of food by the chef.

Beef and it are a perfect match! Simply stir-fry a plate, especially for rice! It is recommended that the elderly and children eat 2 times a week

【Stir-fried oyster mushrooms with beef】

Ingredients: 1 piece of beef, 1 box of oyster mushrooms, 1/3 tablespoon light soy sauce, half a tablespoon dark soy sauce, 1/2 tablespoon oyster sauce, 1 teaspoon of white pepper, 1/2 teaspoon of ginger powder, 1 tablespoon of starch, 2 garlic, appropriate amount of shallots, half a red pepper


1. First process the beef, cut the beef into thin slices and add it to the bowl, add 1 spoon of light soy sauce + 1/3 spoon of dark soy sauce + 1/2 spoon of oyster sauce + 1 teaspoon of white pepper powder + 1/2 teaspoon of ginger powder + 1 spoon of starch to grasp and mix evenly, and finally pour in cooking oil and mix evenly to lock in moisture; Refrigerate and marinate for more than 15 minutes;

Beef and it are a perfect match! Simply stir-fry a plate, especially for rice! It is recommended that the elderly and children eat 2 times a week

2. Wash the oyster mushrooms, blanch the water, remove them and put them in the draining basket, drain the water; You don't need to squeeze the water dry;

Beef and it are a perfect match! Simply stir-fry a plate, especially for rice! It is recommended that the elderly and children eat 2 times a week

3. Heat the pan with cold oil, pour the marinated beef into it, don't be in a hurry to turn it first, wait for it to be set, and then turn it so that it won't stick to the pan; Stir-fry the beef on high heat until it changes color and it can be served, don't fry it for too long, otherwise the beef will taste old!

Beef and it are a perfect match! Simply stir-fry a plate, especially for rice! It is recommended that the elderly and children eat 2 times a week

4. Add a small amount of vegetable oil to another pot, add garlic slices and stir-fry until fragrant, then add mushrooms and red peppers and stir-fry together;

Beef and it are a perfect match! Simply stir-fry a plate, especially for rice! It is recommended that the elderly and children eat 2 times a week

5. Add 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce, half a tablespoon of dark soy sauce and half a tablespoon of salt to taste, and nothing else needs to be added. Then pour the beef in, add the green onion segments, and stir-fry together on high heat to reduce the juice;

Beef and it are a perfect match! Simply stir-fry a plate, especially for rice! It is recommended that the elderly and children eat 2 times a week

6. I haven't had such a match before, I really didn't expect that the beef and oyster mushrooms are fried and eaten together, it is really amazing, the beef is tender and smooth, the oyster mushrooms are very flavorful, and the two complement each other; Beef kids can also eat it, and it's super delicious!

Beef and it are a perfect match! Simply stir-fry a plate, especially for rice! It is recommended that the elderly and children eat 2 times a week

7. Beef has high protein content and rich nutrition, and is a kind of meat often eaten by adults and children, especially children, with a very good iron supplementation effect; Mushrooms contain a unique nutrient, that is, ergothioneine, which can effectively prevent Alzheimer's disease, and oyster mushrooms are the preferred one. It is recommended to eat about 300 grams of mushrooms per week!

Beef and it are a perfect match! Simply stir-fry a plate, especially for rice! It is recommended that the elderly and children eat 2 times a week

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