
Another unconventional promotion mode, can it become popular, let's take a look at it together~

author:Everyday RPG Raiders Group

Everyday RPG

It's been a long time since I've played a powerful tower defense map.,Recently, it seems that the platform is the world of survival.,The few of the ten maps that can be popular are survival.,The chicken liver gets the most is also a survival map like Hawkeye and the Destiny God Realm.。

It shouldn't be.,According to previous years,The first two quarters are the time of tower defense outbreaks.,Good pictures one after another,In order to find this answer,Chicken decided to go to the test hall to find it.,This search really made me find something.。

There is a map that has attracted the attention of the chick with its different ways of ascension, this map is "A Leaf Covering the Sky", I didn't expect the cultivation of immortals to also infiltrate the tower defense map, and to cross the thunder tribulation in the tower defense map, which was never thought of.

Whether this map can attract players' attention with this unique way of boosting, let's take a look at it today.

Another unconventional promotion mode, can it become popular, let's take a look at it together~
Another unconventional promotion mode, can it become popular, let's take a look at it together~

At first, it was normal to just enter this map.,It's not like we've never seen this kind of innate talent choice.,It's just that we haven't seen it in the tower defense map.。

Another unconventional promotion mode, can it become popular, let's take a look at it together~

The gameplay of the map is also a very conventional loop genre, with different combinations of heroes to match bonds, and the choice of types of bonds is quite rich.

Another unconventional promotion mode, can it become popular, let's take a look at it together~

And in addition to the basic fetters of these heroes,You can also choose unfettered UR heroes to play the game,This is slightly different from other maps,For UR heroes,There is no limit to the number,As long as you have enough population, you can get on,But the choice of the overall bonus will be slightly different,So in the process of the game, whether it is a single UR leader or UR group,This can have more different gameplay combinations。

Another unconventional promotion mode, can it become popular, let's take a look at it together~
Another unconventional promotion mode, can it become popular, let's take a look at it together~

At the same time as contacting heroes, we also have to take a good look at the enhancement methods of these heroes, although they are also improved by raising stars, but this map is a little different in the skill improvement of heroes, and the skill unlocking of heroes is done through star upgrading, but the level increase is not the case.

In the current version of the chicken experience, the hero has two skills, one skill requires us to obtain special props through challenges, and then improve through these props, and the second skill is related to the catastrophe we mentioned earlier, and only by reaching the highest level through the catastrophe can the challenge be completed.

The first skill is subject to the acquisition of these props, and the number we can obtain in each game is limited, and the second skill requires us to invest a lot of equipment to make the hero complete the apocalypse before completing the improvement, which is also to set the tone for this map, that is, the core cannot be too much, and the lineup needs to be built around individual heroes.

Another unconventional promotion mode, can it become popular, let's take a look at it together~

How can the thunder tribulation survive this stably is something we should consider in this map.,Chicken first revealed,The first few calamities are small-scale lightning strikes.,The surrounding heroes will also be hit.,The last few calamities are basically full-screen.,All heroes will be struck by lightning.。

And this is related to another point.,The heroes in this map will be attacked by the enemy.,It's also going to die.,It takes a certain amount of time to be resurrected.,If you die directly at the time of the catastrophe.,And the situation on the field is not good.,That's a direct explosion circle.,For us, the variables are greater.,The relative fun is more.。

Another unconventional promotion mode, can it become popular, let's take a look at it together~

Fortunately, we also have a variety of means to improve the heroes on the field, and then choose different immortals according to the different heroes of our own families.

Another unconventional promotion mode, can it become popular, let's take a look at it together~

The Immortal Fate itself can also be continuously improved by choosing the same Immortal Fate, and each improvement has a huge enhancement.

Another unconventional promotion mode, can it become popular, let's take a look at it together~
Another unconventional promotion mode, can it become popular, let's take a look at it together~

How, after understanding the basic information, do you think there is any drama on this map? For more content, let's wait for the map to go online and then talk in detail, there are still places in the current test hall, and if you want to feel it, you can go and play it in advance~