
Difference and Repetition: The Textual Revolution and the Critique of Modern Capitalism in Deleuze's Philosophical Approach

author:Michito Kusatake
Difference and Repetition: The Textual Revolution and the Critique of Modern Capitalism in Deleuze's Philosophical Approach


This article explores the textual revolution and the critique of modern capitalism in Deleuze's philosophical approach. Through an in-depth analysis of Deleuze's theory of difference and repetition, its application and significance in modern society are revealed. Firstly, this paper expounds the criticism of the theory of difference and repetition on the tendency of homogenization and standardization in modern society, as well as the exposure of the mechanism of power concentration and control. Secondly, the eternal cycle of difference is discussed as a path and possibility to escape from the control of modern capitalism, as well as the enlightenment of individual liberation and social change.

Difference and Repetition: The Textual Revolution and the Critique of Modern Capitalism in Deleuze's Philosophical Approach

I. Introduction

As one of the important representatives of postmodern philosophy in the 20th century, Gilles Deleuze is very original and profound in his philosophical thoughts. In its philosophical system, difference and repetition are regarded as the core concepts and constitute its unique philosophical methodology. This dissertation aims to explore the importance of difference and repetition in Deleuze's philosophical approach, and to analyze its impact on the critique of modern capitalism and the textual revolution. Through an in-depth analysis of Deleuze's thoughts, we can better understand the context and direction of the development of contemporary philosophy, and at the same time, we can also provide new perspectives and enlightenment for practical problems in today's social, political, cultural and other fields.

Difference and Repetition: The Textual Revolution and the Critique of Modern Capitalism in Deleuze's Philosophical Approach

II. Deleuze's philosophical approach

A. Deleuze's Inheritance and Critique of Bergsonism

Deleuze's inheritance and critique of Bergsonism constitutes one of the important foundations of his philosophical thought. Bergson's ideas had a profound impact on Deleuze, especially Bergson's unique understanding of time, space, and life, which provided important implications for Deleuze's concept of difference and repetition.

Bergson's philosophical approach to intuition and intuition had a profound impact on Deleuze's thought. Bergson sees philosophy as an exploration of intuition, emphasizing that intuition plays a fundamental role in the knowledge of truth, rather than logical thinking or conceptual abstraction. Deleuze inherited this idea from Bergson, incorporated it into his own philosophical system, and further developed and deepened it.

However, Deleuze did not blindly follow Bergson, but critically inherited and developed his ideas. In Difference and Repetition, Deleuze offers a critique of Bergson's view of time. He believes that although Bergson's concept of time breaks through the traditional linear concept of time, it still regards time as a phenomenon of continuous flow, and lacks in-depth thinking about the difference and replication in time. Therefore, Deleuze tries to reconstruct time through the concept of difference and repetition, and sees time as a repetition of difference, thus transcending Bergson's view of time.

Difference and Repetition: The Textual Revolution and the Critique of Modern Capitalism in Deleuze's Philosophical Approach

B. Deleuze's reference and development of Bashelar's scientific epistemological methodology

Deleuze's reference and development of Bascheral's scientific epistemological methodology is also an important part of his philosophical approach. The nonlinear scientific approach to understanding advocated by Baschelar is closely related to Deleuze's concept of difference and repetition. Bashelaar believes that scientific understanding should not be limited to logical reasoning and empirical observation, but should be opened to the realm of nonlinearity, non-continuity, and non-determinism, and explore the complexity and chaos of systems.

Deleuze inherited this idea from Bashelaar and applied it to his philosophical approach. He believes that the duality and logical deduction in traditional philosophical methods often fail to capture the true nature of things, while the non-linear and discontinuous way of thinking can reveal the complexity and diversity of things. Therefore, Deleuze tries to expand the limitations of traditional philosophical methods through the concepts of difference and repetition, and apply them to the more complex and changing real world.

Difference and Repetition: The Textual Revolution and the Critique of Modern Capitalism in Deleuze's Philosophical Approach

C. The influence and critique of Nietzsche's philosophy on Deleuze's thought

Nietzsche's philosophy had a profound influence on Deleuze's thought and played an important role in Deleuze's philosophical approach. Nietzsche's transcendentalist ideas are closely related to Deleuze's concepts of difference and repetition, especially in the critique and transcendence of the real world.

Nietzsche's theory of will to power provides important implications for Deleuze's concept of difference. According to Nietzsche, the essence of everything lies in the expression and manifestation of its willpower, rather than in a fixed entity or concept. Deleuze inherited this idea and applied it to the concept of difference and repetition, arguing that the existence of all things is the repetition of difference, the expression and manifestation of the power of will.

However, Deleuze also critically inherited and developed Nietzsche's ideas. Nietzsche's theory of the superman and the notion of will to power are still too abstract and idealistic in Deleuze's view, lacking deep thinking about the complexity of the real world. Therefore, Deleuze tries to deepen and expand Nietzsche's transcendentalist ideas through the concepts of difference and repetition, so as to reveal the diversity and complexity of things.

Difference and Repetition: The Textual Revolution and the Critique of Modern Capitalism in Deleuze's Philosophical Approach

III. The philosophical concept of difference and duplication

A. The concept of difference and its importance in Deleuze's philosophy

In Deleuze's philosophical thought, the concept of difference is one of the core of his theoretical system. Difference is not simply opposition or contrast, but a colorful state of being, encompassing various forms of change, mutation, and change. In Deleuze's philosophy, difference is both the distinction and difference between entities, but also the interaction and process of change between various forces and factors.

The importance of the difference is reflected in the following aspects:

The source of creativity: Deleuze believes that difference is the source of creativity and the impetus for new things. It is precisely because of the differences that the world is constantly generating new forms and structures, constantly creating new possibilities.

Resistance and Change: Difference makes things resistant and transformative. Each entity is made up of differences that allow the entity to maintain and renew itself, as well as to interact with the outside world and adapt to changes in the environment.

Basis of Awareness and Understanding: Difference is the basis of our knowledge and understanding of the world. It is because of these differences that we are able to distinguish between things, understand the relationships between things, and further deepen our understanding of the world.

Difference and Repetition: The Textual Revolution and the Critique of Modern Capitalism in Deleuze's Philosophical Approach
Difference and Repetition: The Textual Revolution and the Critique of Modern Capitalism in Deleuze's Philosophical Approach

B. The concept of repetition and its significance in Deleuze's philosophy

In Deleuze's philosophy, repetition is not a simple reproduction or repetition, but a dynamic, creative process. Repetition encompasses all forms of repetition, cycle, and evolution, and is the driving force behind the constant change and development of the world.

The significance of repetition is mainly reflected in the following aspects:

Creative Reproduction: According to Deleuze, repetition is creative reproduction. Things do not simply repeat past patterns or forms, but evolve and change in the process of repetition, giving rise to new structures and forms.

Impetus for History and Change: Repetition drives the development and transformation of history. History is not a linear progression, but a complex process of repetition and change. Every repetition is a part of the development of history, which promotes the continuous evolution and change of history.

The relationship between the individual and society: Repetition also reflects the relationship between the individual and society. Individuals do not exist in isolation, but are the product of interaction with society and the environment. Repetition creates a close connection and interaction between the individual and the society, and promotes the development and change of the society.

Difference and Repetition: The Textual Revolution and the Critique of Modern Capitalism in Deleuze's Philosophical Approach
Difference and Repetition: The Textual Revolution and the Critique of Modern Capitalism in Deleuze's Philosophical Approach

C. Relationship and interaction between differences and duplication

Differences and duplications do not exist in isolation, but are closely related and interact. The relationship between them reflects the complexity and diversity of the world.

Complementary relationships: Differences and repetitions complement each other and together make up the diversity and complexity of the world. Difference provides the source of change and creativity, while repetition drives the realization of change and creation, and together they contribute to the development and evolution of the world.

Dynamic equilibrium: There is a dynamic equilibrium relationship between difference and repetition. Difference drives change and innovation, while repetition maintains stability and continuity, and the two interact to maintain the world's dynamic equilibrium and stability.

Evolving relationships: The relationship between difference and repetition is not static, but constantly evolving and changing. Over time and the environment has changed, the interplay between difference and repetition has evolved and evolved, taking on new forms and structures.

Difference and Repetition: The Textual Revolution and the Critique of Modern Capitalism in Deleuze's Philosophical Approach
Difference and Repetition: The Textual Revolution and the Critique of Modern Capitalism in Deleuze's Philosophical Approach

IV. The Methodological and Philosophical Creativity of the Textual Revolution

A. Deleuze's redefinition of philosophy and the concept of textual revolution

Deleuze's redefinition of philosophy is one of the cores of his philosophical thought, and the textual revolution is a revolutionary formulation of his philosophical method.

Deleuze's redefinition of philosophy:

Deleuze argues that traditional philosophy focuses too much on fixed concepts and forms, ignoring the diversity and complexity of the world. Therefore, he tries to redefine philosophy as a "philosophical art", that is, the process of exploring and creating new concepts and concepts, rather than sticking to traditional modes and forms of thinking.

The Concept of the Textual Revolution:

The Textual Revolution is a philosophical approach proposed by Deleuze that aims to uncover the hidden power and potential of texts by deconstructing and reconstructing them. Deleuze sees the text as a kind of "machine" or "producer" that contains all kinds of potential forces and possibilities, and the text revolution is the process of unleashing and realizing these potential forces through the interpretation and reorganization of the text.

Difference and Repetition: The Textual Revolution and the Critique of Modern Capitalism in Deleuze's Philosophical Approach

B. Philosophical Creativity and Concept Generation

Deleuze emphasized the creativity of philosophy, believing that the task of philosophy is not only to understand the world, but also to create new concepts and concepts.

Significance of philosophical creativity:

Philosophical creativity means challenging and innovating traditional ideas and concepts, as well as reimagining and interpreting the world. Deleuze argues that philosophers should, like artists, break with old ways of thinking and open up new areas of understanding through creative thinking and expression.

Concept generation:

In Deleuze's philosophy, the generation of concepts is a creative process, a reimagining and understanding of the world. Deleuze advocates the continuous dismantling and reorganization of concepts, as well as the exploration of potential forces and possibilities, to generate new concepts and concepts, so as to promote the development and progress of philosophy.

Difference and Repetition: The Textual Revolution and the Critique of Modern Capitalism in Deleuze's Philosophical Approach

C. The Influence and Enlightenment of the Textual Revolution Method on Modern Philosophy

The influence and enlightenment of the textual revolution method on modern philosophy is multifaceted, it provides a new way of thinking and methodology, and opens up a new path for the development and innovation of philosophy.

Deconstruction and Refactoring Mindset:

The textual revolution approach emphasizes the deconstruction and reconstruction of texts, which is of great significance for the development of modern philosophy. It reminds us not to cling to traditional modes and forms of thinking, but to dare to challenge and reimagine traditional ideas and concepts.

Exploration and realization of potential power:

The textual revolution approach emphasizes the hidden power and possibilities in texts, which has important implications for the development of modern philosophy. It reminds us to pay attention to the deeper meaning and meaning behind the text, and to constantly explore and tap into the power and potential contained in it.

Creative Philosophical Practice:

The textual revolution approach emphasizes the creative practice of philosophy, which has important implications for the development of modern philosophy. It reminds us that philosophers should, like artists, break out of old ways of thinking and open up new areas of understanding through creative thinking and expression.

Difference and Repetition: The Textual Revolution and the Critique of Modern Capitalism in Deleuze's Philosophical Approach

V. The Eternal Cycle of Difference and Modern Capitalism

A. The meaning and theoretical significance of the eternal cycle of differences

Deleuze's theory of difference holds that the world is made up of various differences, and that these differences are constantly circulating, repeating, and mutating, forming an eternal cycle. The eternal reincarnation of this difference has important theoretical significance and profound implications:

The Infinity of Difference: The eternal cycle of difference shows that difference is infinite and inexhaustible. In this world, no two things are exactly the same, everything is different and diverse. This infinity makes the world full of possibilities and changes, while also challenging traditional notions of identity.

The Dialectical Unity of Cycle and Variation: The eternal cycle of difference emphasizes the dialectical relationship between cycle and variation at the same time. In a loop, differences are constantly repeated and replicated; In mutation, differences are constantly changing and transforming. This dialectical unity makes the world both stable and dynamic, full of dynamics and dynamism.

The dialectical relationship between freedom and control: The eternal cycle of difference provides a possibility of transcending reality, that is, through the understanding and acceptance of difference, the transcendence and liberation of reality can be realized. At the same time, however, the control mechanisms of modern capitalist society are constantly discipline and manipulate differences, trying to incorporate them into a unified system. Thus, the eternal cycle of difference also implies a dialectical relationship between freedom and control, challenging the power structures and ideologies of modern capitalism.

Difference and Repetition: The Textual Revolution and the Critique of Modern Capitalism in Deleuze's Philosophical Approach

B. Deleuze's critique and reflection on modern capitalism

Deleuze has made a profound critique and reflection on modern capitalism, which is mainly reflected in the following aspects:

Homogenization and Standardization of Capitalism: Deleuze points out that modern capitalist society tends to homogenize and standardize, trying to eliminate differences and bring everything into a unified system. This homogeneity and standardization deprives individuals of their diversity and uniqueness, leading to the rigidity and rigidity of society.

Concentration and Control of Power: Deleuze critiques the power structure of modern capitalist society, arguing that it tends to centralize and control, depriving individuals of their freedoms and rights. The power apparatus of capitalist society constantly disciplines and manipulates differences, trying to incorporate them into a unified discourse system, limiting the development and expression of individuals.

The Ideology of Consumerism: Deleuze criticized the ideology of consumerism in modern capitalist society, arguing that it emphasizes material pleasures and utilitarianism, and ignores the spiritual needs and inner pursuits of the individual. The ideology of consumerism treats the individual as a consumer and a producer of goods, depriving him of his subjectivity and independence.

Difference and Repetition: The Textual Revolution and the Critique of Modern Capitalism in Deleuze's Philosophical Approach

C. The eternal cycle of difference as a path to escape the control of modern capitalism

The eternal cycle of difference offers a path and possibility to escape the grip of modern capitalism:

Understanding and Acceptance of Difference: The eternal cycle of difference encourages individuals to understand and accept differences, to recognize the diversity and complexity of the world, and to transcend traditional notions of identity. Through the understanding and acceptance of differences, individuals can get rid of the homogeneity and standardization of modern capitalist society and achieve self-liberation and transcendence.

Creation and expression of difference: The eternal cycle of difference encourages individuals to create and express their differences, and actively participate in the cycle and variation of differences. By creating and expressing differences, individuals can break through the power structures and ideologies of modern capitalist society and realize the reimagining and change of reality.

Community and Joint Resistance of Difference: The eternal cycle of difference promotes the community and joint resistance of difference, through which individuals can unite to resist the control and oppression of modern capitalist society and seek the way and possibility of freedom and liberation.

Difference and Repetition: The Textual Revolution and the Critique of Modern Capitalism in Deleuze's Philosophical Approach

VI. Conclusion

In this article, we explore the textual revolution and the critique of modern capitalism in Deleuze's philosophical approach, focusing on the application and significance of Deleuze's theory of difference and repetition in modern society. Through an in-depth interpretation of Deleuze's philosophical thought, we find the following important conclusions and reviews:

First, Deleuze's theory of difference and repetition offers a new perspective on complex phenomena in modern society. He emphasized the eternal cycle of differences, pointing out that the world is made up of differences that are constantly circulating, repeating, and mutating. This theory reveals the tendency towards homogenization and standardization in modern capitalist society, as well as the mechanism of concentration and control of power.

Secondly, Deleuze has made a profound critique and reflection on modern capitalist society. He pointed out that modern capitalist society tends to homogenize and standardize, depriving individuals of diversity and uniqueness; At the same time, the concentration and control of power deprives individuals of their freedoms and rights. This critique not only reveals the problems in modern society, but also provides important enlightenment for us to think about social change and individual emancipation.

Difference and Repetition: The Textual Revolution and the Critique of Modern Capitalism in Deleuze's Philosophical Approach

Author: Lu Xilin


Protevi, John. Political Affect: Connecting the Social and the Somatic. University of Minnesota Press, 2009.

Buchanan, Ian. Deleuze and Guattari's Anti-Oedipus: A Reader's Guide. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2009.

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