
Who really understands that your tortoise always likes a "quiet" environment? It's okay to be noisy

author:Turtle lovers

Have you noticed that the turtles in the house always like to stay in a quiet corner, as if they are away from the noisy environment? Actually, there's a lot to learn about it. We also encourage you to keep your turtles in a quiet environment, and the farms are all in quiet areas.

Who really understands that your tortoise always likes a "quiet" environment? It's okay to be noisy

First of all, we need to understand the fact that the structure of the inner ear of the turtle is relatively fragile. Compared to humans and many other animals, turtles have a more sensitive inner ear and a relatively low tolerance to sound. Do you know? Sounds above 40 decibels can cause permanent damage to their hearing.

Imagine the sounds of televisions, the noise of human voices, and even the noise of vacuum cleaners that are common in our daily lives, which can become invisible killers of tortoise hearing.

So why are turtles so sensitive to these sounds? This is closely related to their habits. In nature, turtles typically live in relatively quiet environments, and they rely on a keen sense of hearing to catch subtle changes in their surroundings in order to respond to potential dangers in a timely manner.

Living in a noisy environment for a long time will not only affect their hearing, but also cause them to experience negative emotions such as nervousness and anxiety, which will affect their health and longevity.

Therefore, as the owners of turtles, we should create a quiet and comfortable living environment for them. First of all, the turtle box should be placed away from noise sources such as televisions and stereos. At the same time, we should also try to avoid making loud noises or making noise near the turtle box.

In addition, there are ways to reduce noise levels in the environment, such as using soundproofing materials, adjusting furniture placements, etc.

Who really understands that your tortoise always likes a "quiet" environment? It's okay to be noisy

In addition to noise issues, the bright picture of the TV may also cause discomfort to the tortoise. This is because the visual system of turtles is quite different from that of humans, and their ability to perceive and adapt to color is relatively weak. Prolonged exposure to bright images may make them feel uncomfortable or nervous. Therefore, we should also try to avoid letting the turtle watch TV or other electronic devices for long periods of time.

This time, you can see why we have been emphasizing the need for turtles and preferring a quiet environment.

Who really understands that your tortoise always likes a "quiet" environment? It's okay to be noisy