
Breast cancer screening and self-palpation|Thanksgiving for mother's love

author:Great River Health News

Reporter Meng Lei Correspondent Fu Jie Text/Picture

In order to care for women's health and praise the greatness and selflessness of maternal love, Henan Provincial People's Hospital and Henan Women and Children's Development Center jointly held a large-scale free clinic activity of "Thanksgiving Mother's Love, Angels by Your Side" at the Jingwulu Campus of Henan Provincial People's Hospital on May 11, 2024.

Breast cancer screening and self-palpation|Thanksgiving for mother's love

Henan Provincial People's Hospital selected high-quality medical teams from 9 major departments, including reproductive medicine center, gynecology, obstetrics, breast surgery, dermatology, endocrinology, respiratory medicine, anesthesia treatment, and women's health management center, to check the physical examination report, measure blood pressure and blood sugar, answer questions, and answer questions for the masses free of charge.

Breast cancer screening and self-palpation|Thanksgiving for mother's love

Bai Pingping, deputy chief physician of the Women's Health Management Center of Henan Provincial People's Hospital, Jingwulu Campus, said: "Women's full-cycle health management is very necessary. According to the characteristics and needs of different women, the Women's Health Management Center can provide personalized physical examinations for women based on health questionnaires, previous diseases, medication history, family history and other related conditions. The purpose of this free clinic is to provide health services to more female friends through our platform and expertise, and also to bring convenient and affordable medical experience and professional health guidance to surrounding residents. ”

Infertility requires both husband and wife to work together

At the scene of the free clinic, a young couple came to the free clinic table of Guo Haibin, deputy director of the reproductive center of Henan Provincial People's Hospital, and the wife took out her salpingogram results while anxiously saying to Guo Haibin: "My husband and I have been married for half a year, and I have not been pregnant for three months. ”

Guo Haibin comforted the patient in front of him after seeing the imaging results, explaining: "The examination results are fine, and the husband and wife can only be infertile if they have been living normally for more than one year without getting pregnant." You're only three months pregnant, so don't worry too much about not getting pregnant for a while. ”

Breast cancer screening and self-palpation|Thanksgiving for mother's love

Guo Haibin reminded that pregnancy is not the woman's own business, if there is infertility problems, it is recommended that both husband and wife go to a regular hospital for examination, the man's semen routine examination can check the sperm survival rate, sperm quality, etc., and the woman can do fertility evaluation examination. Identify the cause and solve the problem in a targeted manner.

Henan Provincial People's Hospital Jingwulu Branch is the first in the province to build a new model of all-round, whole-process and full-life cycle women's health services.

Breast cancer screening and self-palpation|Thanksgiving for mother's love

On the occasion of Mother's Day, the Women's Health Management Center has launched a special physical examination and screening for female breast cancer, cervical cancer, eugenics, polycystic ovary syndrome, perimenopause and other related physical examinations and screenings to escort women's health.

Breast cancer screening and self-palpation|Thanksgiving for mother's love

Do a good job in tertiary prevention of cancer to reduce the incidence of cancer

The reporter met 35-year-old Ms. Li at the free clinic, she said that she had accompanied a friend for a physical examination, and after listening to the introduction of women's health management by medical staff, she also did a breast ultrasound examination.

As a result, she was found to have a 5 mm (ultrasound class 4a) nodule in her left breast and was diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer. Liang Dong, chief physician of breast surgery, immediately performed radical breast-conserving surgery for her, which not only preserved the beauty of her breasts, but also preserved the function of her armpits, and cured the disease.

She came this time to have a follow-up examination and consult with the doctor on how to prevent the recurrence of breast cancer.

In response to Ms. Li's question, Yu Hongliang, Deputy Chief Physician of the Department of Breast Surgery, answered: "Cancer is a chronic disease that can be prevented and controlled, and the disease burden of cancer can be effectively reduced through a tertiary prevention strategy. ”

Tertiary prevention includes: primary prevention refers to the prevention of causes, secondary prevention refers to early screening, early diagnosis and early treatment of high-risk groups, and tertiary prevention refers to improving the survival rate and quality of life through reasonable treatment and rehabilitation.

Breast cancer screening and self-palpation|Thanksgiving for mother's love

Yu Hongliang suggested that female friends should do a good job of self-palpation, and they can also use breast ultrasound combined with mammography to detect breast cancer. It is necessary to maintain a good physical and mental state, enhance self-immunity, do a good job of psychological counseling, balance diet, exercise appropriately, and have regular physical examinations.

Tips: Learn to see and touch during breast self-examination

How to detect breast cancer early? It is recommended that women over the age of 35 have a mammography every 1~2 years.

There is no radiation effect on the ultrasound of the mammal, and it can be checked once every six months to a year. In addition, it is recommended that women have a breast self-examination once a month, 9~11 days after menstruation for women of childbearing age, and menopausal women can choose any day of the month.

Breast cancer screening and self-palpation|Thanksgiving for mother's love

The breast self-examination includes two aspects: inspection and palpation, and the inspection mainly observes the changes of the skin and nipple, including 3 aspects:

1. Appearance Breast shape, size, symmetry, etc.

2. Skin: Whether the skin is red, swollen, ulcerated, dimple, cellulite, etc.

3. Nipple Whether the nipple is retracted or changed in direction, and whether there is erosion, ulceration, eczema-like changes in the breast epidermis, etc.

Palpation should be done in a sitting or supine position, with one arm raised, and palpation should be performed horizontally with the pads of the index, middle, and ring fingers without pinching. The order of examination is palpation of the breast in the order of outer superior, outer inferior, inner inferior, inner superior, and finally palpation of the nipple. Then palpate axillary lymph nodes and supraclavicular lymph nodes, and if abnormalities such as hard lumps, lumps, and nipple discharge are found, high vigilance should be high.

Single-hole, bloody or coffee-colored nipple discharge should be noticed and medical attention should be sought promptly.