
Why are more and more people not recommending tiling throughout? My girlfriend insisted on following the trend, and it was miserable to stay for 3 years

author:Home Miscellaneous Altar

Text/Home Miscellaneous Altar

At present, the home decoration floor is mainly based on ceramic tiles and wooden floors.

However, I don't know what the reason is, in the past few years, ceramic tiles have suddenly become popular.

The so-called tile paving means that the floor of each room in the interior is paved with tiles, and the door stone is also replaced by tiles. Connect the rooms with tiles.

Why are more and more people not recommending tiling throughout? My girlfriend insisted on following the trend, and it was miserable to stay for 3 years

However, at this stage, you will find that more and more people no longer choose tile paving.

Why are more and more people not recommending tiling throughout? My girlfriend didn't listen to persuasion, and after three years of moving in, she was miserable. Actually, this is also a real experience.

Why are more and more people not recommending tiling throughout? My girlfriend insisted on following the trend, and it was miserable to stay for 3 years
Why are more and more people not recommending tiling throughout? My girlfriend insisted on following the trend, and it was miserable to stay for 3 years

Why did my girlfriend insist on choosing tile paving?

At present, I believe that there are many friends who will consider tiling all over when decorating.

Many of us choose tile paving, because we see that the effect of other home tile paving is very good.

Among them, a large number of people just saw some good-looking photos of tiles paving.

So, what is the reason why his girlfriend insists on choosing tile paving?

Why are more and more people not recommending tiling throughout? My girlfriend insisted on following the trend, and it was miserable to stay for 3 years

(1) - Designer recommendation

In fact, my girlfriend insisted on choosing ceramic tiles at the beginning, which had a lot to do with the designer's recommendation.

Everyone knows that if we look for a designer for decoration design, the designer will first give us renderings.

Generally speaking, the designer will produce 2~3 versions of renderings, let us choose by ourselves.

However, in the two or three versions of the renderings, the floor given by the designer is tiled.

Why are more and more people not recommending tiling throughout? My girlfriend insisted on following the trend, and it was miserable to stay for 3 years

And it is this influence that invisibly affects his girlfriend:

(1) After seeing the renderings of the tiles, I was deeply attracted. It looks very high-end, and it goes well with the interior decoration style.

(2) Affected by the preconceived renderings, and then look at some other decoration plans, how to look at it is not pleasing to the eye. I think the designer's recommendation is good.

Why are more and more people not recommending tiling throughout? My girlfriend insisted on following the trend, and it was miserable to stay for 3 years

(2) - easy to take care of

At the beginning, my girlfriend insisted on choosing tiles to be paved, and she also took into account one reason, that is, it was easy to take care of.

Of course, in addition to being beautiful and durable, our home decoration should also be easy to take care of. In fact, to put it bluntly, it is to save the amount of housework.

For the ground in home decoration, in fact, the amount of housework is still relatively heavy in the later stage.

I believe that many friends have felt this way, that is, the work of doing housework and mopping the floor is more tiring. Every time I mop the floor, I feel a sore back.

Why are more and more people not recommending tiling throughout? My girlfriend insisted on following the trend, and it was miserable to stay for 3 years

The ceramic tile is paved throughout, and it does have the following advantages in the maintenance angle:

(1) Dirt resistance. Like the floor at home, if you don't sweep it for a week, if you don't look carefully, it looks very clean. Even if there are some stains, it is not very noticeable.

(2) Good cleanliness. If the floor is dirty, just mop it with a mop and it will be as clean as new. It's still very convenient to drag it up.

Why are more and more people not recommending tiling throughout? My girlfriend insisted on following the trend, and it was miserable to stay for 3 years

(3) - Cheap

My girlfriend's original intention was to choose tiles to be paved, and another point was to consider that the price was cheap.

For home decoration flooring, many friends will compare the cost between ceramic tiles and wooden flooring.

For most families, low-end tiles are generally chosen.

However, if you choose wood flooring, you will basically choose parquet or even solid wood flooring.

Therefore, after comparing this low-end ceramic tile and parquet, the price difference is obvious.

Why are more and more people not recommending tiling throughout? My girlfriend insisted on following the trend, and it was miserable to stay for 3 years

Because the price of tiles and parquet flooring really varies greatly:

(1) The price of ceramic tiles. If we choose low-end tiles, it may be sixty or seventy yuan per square meter, plus the paving fee, the cost per square meter is probably between 100 yuan and 150 yuan.

(2) The cost of parquet. Parquet flooring is generally between 150~200 yuan per square meter. The higher ones may exceed 200 yuan.

(3) Comparison of cost differences. Tile flooring per square meter and parquet, you will find that parquet is much more expensive per square meter than tile flooring.

Why are more and more people not recommending tiling throughout? My girlfriend insisted on following the trend, and it was miserable to stay for 3 years

(4) -- Overwhelming publicity

The reason why my girlfriend insisted on choosing tile paving was also caused by some overwhelming publicity.

I believe that there are many friends who will be swayed by some external publicity when choosing home improvement materials and home improvement solutions.

It just so happened that when I was decorating my home, the tiling was the hottest time.

Whether you go to the building materials market or go to some household goods stores, you will see the publicity of ceramic tiles, which can be said to be overwhelming.

Why are more and more people not recommending tiling throughout? My girlfriend insisted on following the trend, and it was miserable to stay for 3 years

So under this overwhelming publicity, it will undoubtedly affect our choice:

(1) It will affect our choice. Because the whole world is covered with tiles, in fact, I was brainwashed by this plan invisibly, and the same is true for my girlfriend.

(2) Under the general trend, I dare not make other choices. That is to say, under the trend are all advertised tiles, if you are very personal to lay wooden floors, it will look out of place.

Why are more and more people not recommending tiling throughout? My girlfriend insisted on following the trend, and it was miserable to stay for 3 years

Why is it miserable after 3 years of moving in?

The tiles were laid throughout, and it was really hot during that time. Of course, there are many advantages.

However, for tile paving, it is not suitable for all families.

Moreover, the tiling itself has its drawbacks.

If we don't understand these defects or don't understand the environment, it can cause misery after moving in.

It is precisely the following four points that cause my girlfriend to be miserable and regret her original choice after three years of entry.

Why are more and more people not recommending tiling throughout? My girlfriend insisted on following the trend, and it was miserable to stay for 3 years

(1) - The more you look at it, the more monotonous it becomes

After the tiles are paved in the house, it gives people the feeling that the more they look at it, the more monotonous it becomes.

The tiles are paved throughout, and before the furniture is not put into the furniture after the paving, if it is cleaned very cleanly, it is still very good-looking.

However, when we successively installed furniture and household appliances in our homes, we found that the tiles were not so good-looking.

Why are more and more people not recommending tiling throughout? My girlfriend insisted on following the trend, and it was miserable to stay for 3 years

Because after moving in, the furniture and appliances in the home are full, and the following situations will occur:

(1) The effect of the whole shop is completely interrupted. Because there are many places in our house that need to be equipped with furniture and appliances. Therefore, only partial tiles are exposed, and the paving effect is gone.

(2) For the tiles in each room, if you look at it often, it will indeed look very monotonous. This is especially prominent for bedroom tiles.

Why are more and more people not recommending tiling throughout? My girlfriend insisted on following the trend, and it was miserable to stay for 3 years

(2) - Poor matching effect

I don't know if you have noticed that the tiles are not very ideal with the overall decoration effect.

Because for most families, looking at the tiles throughout, often only look at the effect of the floor tile paving.

And the new tiles themselves have brightness, plus the unconventional paving, it is really beautiful.

However, once you really start to mix and match, you will find that the effect is often not very ideal.

Why are more and more people not recommending tiling throughout? My girlfriend insisted on following the trend, and it was miserable to stay for 3 years

Because the tile floor is matched with the interior decoration, there are often the following problems:

(1) The effect of matching with the wall is average, and the effect is not particularly good. No matter what color we use for the walls in our interior, it always feels cheap when paired with tiles on the floor.

(2) It is not particularly compatible with indoor furniture. Because the current tiles are nothing more than gray, coffee, white and so on. However, these colored tiles are not easy to match with furniture.

Why are more and more people not recommending tiling throughout? My girlfriend insisted on following the trend, and it was miserable to stay for 3 years

(3) - Feeling cold

A very important reason why my girlfriend is miserable after three years of moving in is that she feels very cold indoors.

In fact, this is also an important reason why individuals have not recommended the use of too many ceramic tile materials indoors.

This is felt differently for different families.

If we have a large population in our house and it is very lively, in fact, this is not felt at all.

However, if the population of our family is very small, only two people, and even some of them are single dormitories, then it is very obvious.

Why are more and more people not recommending tiling throughout? My girlfriend insisted on following the trend, and it was miserable to stay for 3 years

Because the tiles are paved throughout, there are generally the following problems:

(1) The surface of the tile is cold. If you use too much of this cold material, it will cause the room to be cold and hardly feel warm.

(2) Staying at home with tiled tiles, I always feel that the home is cold. Especially for the spring and autumn seasons, this is very profound.

Why are more and more people not recommending tiling throughout? My girlfriend insisted on following the trend, and it was miserable to stay for 3 years

(4) - It feels very cheap

After three years of moving in, my girlfriend is miserable, and there is another very important reason, that is, I always feel that the decoration of the home is very cheap.

The decoration is cheap, which is not to say that the materials we use are all very cheap materials.

It's that when we match these materials together, they look very cheap and not so high-end.

In fact, if you pay attention to observation, for many rich people, almost no tiles will be laid when decorating their homes.

Because it is really difficult for tiles to create a relatively high-end decoration effect.

And after our check-in experience, we will feel that the decoration of the home is very cheap, and the reason has a lot to do with the tiles.

Why are more and more people not recommending tiling throughout? My girlfriend insisted on following the trend, and it was miserable to stay for 3 years

Because the tiles are paved throughout, the following situations will be brought to the interior:

(1) It is difficult for tiles to show a particularly high-end sense. Moreover, most families are paved with tiles, and every day they see the tiles are paved, and over time, they will feel that the home is particularly cheap.

(2) The shop will lower the grade of the overall decoration. If our home is tiled throughout, but we choose a solid wood cabinet, then you will find it out of place.

Why are more and more people not recommending tiling throughout? My girlfriend insisted on following the trend, and it was miserable to stay for 3 years

Written at the end of the article

Home decoration, in fact, for each location, you must choose some suitable materials to create a good effect and atmosphere.

Tile laying for home decoration floors is indeed very popular in previous years. It can be said that during that time, nine out of ten households would consider tile paving. However, very little has been done at this stage. Therefore, whether you want to choose tile paving, you must also figure out these problems. #头条创作挑战赛#

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