
Xiaoman is coming, remember to "eat 3 foods and do 3 things"! Follow the seasonal customs and spend the summer in good health for the whole family

author:Brief Food

Xiaoman, as one of the 24 traditional Chinese solar terms, is a solar term full of agricultural culture, usually between May 20 and 22 of the Gregorian calendar every year, marking the deepening of summer and an important stage of crop growth.

The origin of Xiaoman can be traced back to the ancient Chinese agricultural civilization, which is the crystallization of a set of wisdom that reflects the laws of natural climate change and agricultural production activities summed up by the ancient Chinese ancestors in the long-term agricultural production practice. There is a cloud in "The Seventy-two Candidate Explanations of the Lunar Order": "In April, the small is full, and the things are so small and full." This means that in the small full season, summer crops such as wheat in the northern region begin to fill the grain, but they are not yet fully ripe and are in a state of "small fullness", hence the name.

Xiaoman is coming, remember to "eat 3 foods and do 3 things"! Follow the seasonal customs and spend the summer in good health for the whole family

Worshipping the god of chariots is an ancient tradition during the Little Manchu season, especially in some rural areas. It is said that the god of the car is a white dragon, and people will place offerings such as fish and incense candles on the base of the waterwheel on this day, and pour a cup of white water into the field during the worship, implying that the water is abundant and the irrigation is smooth, and the crops are nourished by good water.

During the small full season, the temperature rises and the rain begins to increase, which is essential for the growth of crops. Therefore, there is a saying among the people that "if the small man is dissatisfied, the wheat is in danger", which means that if the rain is insufficient at this time, it will affect the output of wheat and other summer grains.

Xiaoman is coming, remember to "eat 3 foods and do 3 things"! Follow the seasonal customs and spend the summer in good health for the whole family

With the arrival of Xiaoman, the temperature gradually rises, and the human body is susceptible to dampness and heat, so during this period, pay attention to the light diet, eat more food, such as mung beans, barley, etc., and pay attention to heatstroke prevention and cooling. Xiaoman is coming, remember to "eat 3 foods and do 3 things"! Follow the seasonal customs and spend the summer in good health for the whole family.

Xiaoman is coming, remember to "eat 3 foods and do 3 things"! Follow the seasonal customs and spend the summer in good health for the whole family

1) Garlic. Fresh garlic is harvested during the Koman solar term, making it one of the recommended seasonal vegetables during this period. while also retaining a wealth of nutritional value. Fresh garlic contains protein, minerals and ingredients with sterilization and disinfection functions, and long-term moderate consumption has a good health care effect on the human body.

Eating fresh garlic during the small season can not only enjoy its tender taste, but also promote good health, improve the body's resistance, and prevent common summer diseases. Garlic can be incorporated into the daily diet in a variety of ways, such as tofu, stir-fried bacon, scrambled eggs, or made into small garlic white fungus porridge, which are both delicious and healthy ways to eat.

Xiaoman is coming, remember to "eat 3 foods and do 3 things"! Follow the seasonal customs and spend the summer in good health for the whole family

2: Bitter melon. The arrival of the small full solar term marks the deepening of summer, when the temperature gradually rises, the humidity increases, and the human body is easy to feel stuffy and uncomfortable. Therefore, in the small full season, the diet tends to be light and add some bitter foods to help clear away heat and relieve heat, promote digestion, and enhance appetite, and bitter gourd is one of the vegetables that are very suitable for consumption during this period.

Bitter gourd, especially suitable for hot and humid summer months. It is rich in vitamin C, a variety of minerals, and bitter melon to help the body cope with hot weather. It also symbolizes the pursuit of indifference and tenacity in the attitude towards life, that is, just like bitter gourd, although bitter, it can clear the heart and keep the heart peaceful and pure.

Xiaoman is coming, remember to "eat 3 foods and do 3 things"! Follow the seasonal customs and spend the summer in good health for the whole family

There are various ways to eat bitter gourd, which can be cold dressed, stir-fried, stewed soup or made into bitter gourd tea, etc., and different cooking methods can adjust the bitterness of bitter gourd to adapt to the taste of different people. For friends who don't like bitterness,

Xiaoman is coming, remember to "eat 3 foods and do 3 things"! Follow the seasonal customs and spend the summer in good health for the whole family

3: Cherry. In the small full season, it is early summer, the earth is luxuriant, and the cherry also ushered in its harvest season at this time. Cherries are known as the "diamonds of fruits" not only because of their attractive color and sweet taste, but also because of their rich nutritional value and unique health benefits.

Cherries not only have a bright appearance, but also have an excellent intrinsic nutritional value, which can help nourish the skin and promote cell regeneration, which has a significant effect on beauty. In particular, cherries are rich in anthocyanins, which are powerful antioxidants that fight free radicals and slow down the aging process.

Xiaoman is coming, remember to "eat 3 foods and do 3 things"! Follow the seasonal customs and spend the summer in good health for the whole family

In the small full season, select fresh and full cherries, eat them directly or make jam and juice, not only can you enjoy the deliciousness of cherries, but also use their natural power to regulate body functions and achieve the purpose of internal and external health preservation. However, just as the ancients said that "the extreme must be opposed", although it is good to enjoy cherries, they should also be eaten in moderation to avoid overeating and causing physical discomfort.

"Do 3 things"

Xiaoman is coming, remember to "eat 3 foods and do 3 things"! Follow the seasonal customs and spend the summer in good health for the whole family

1. Wake up early: As the days get longer, waking up early can allow people to fully absorb the fresh air and yang energy of nature, which helps to refresh the mind and enhance the body. Mornings are the most refreshing time of the day, and it is advisable to do a moderate amount of outdoor activities, such as walking, jogging or practicing tai chi, which will not only improve blood circulation and strengthen immunity, but also adjust the body clock and improve energy levels during the day.

2. Avoid irritability: During the small full period, the temperature rises, and people are easy to feel irritable and have great mood swings. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that anger hurts the liver and emotional instability will directly affect physical health, especially liver function. Therefore, it is crucial to maintain a calm mind and avoid negative emotions such as irritability, anger, etc. You can relax your mind through meditation, yoga, deep breathing, etc., or develop hobbies to divert your attention and maintain a good mental state.

3. Don't be greedy for cold: In hot weather, people often covet temporary coolness, such as blowing air conditioners for a long time, drinking a lot of cold drinks, etc., which will lead to the aggravation of cold and dampness in the body, which can easily cause or aggravate rheumatism, wet skin diseases and other diseases.

Xiaoman is coming, remember to "eat 3 foods and do 3 things"! Follow the seasonal customs and spend the summer in good health for the whole family

The temperature of the indoor air conditioner should not be too low, and the temperature difference between the indoor air conditioner and the outdoor should be controlled within 5 °C; In terms of diet, we should also pay attention to eating less raw and cold foods, and eat more foods that are easy to digest and can strengthen the spleen and dampness, such as barley, red beans, yams, etc., to help the body expel excess moisture and maintain a healthy balance.

Xiaoman is coming, remember to "eat 3 foods and do 3 things"! Follow the seasonal customs and spend the summer in good health for the whole family

Well, today's article will be shared here, if it is helpful to you, welcome to like, forward, follow, if you have different opinions, please leave a message in the comment area, Xiao Jane and you will discuss together! Life is a barren and lonely journey, you know yourself warm, you are bitter and happy, take care of yourself......
