
【Health knowledge】The emergency doctor will take you to understand bronchial asthma

author:Healthy Shenyang
【Health knowledge】The emergency doctor will take you to understand bronchial asthma
【Health knowledge】The emergency doctor will take you to understand bronchial asthma
【Health knowledge】The emergency doctor will take you to understand bronchial asthma

Suddenly, like a night of spring breeze, thousands of trees and pear blossoms bloom. Shenyang in May is in the transition season of spring and summer, the climate changes from cold to warm, the temperature difference between day and night is large, and spring is the season for grass and trees to grow, and there are many pollen particles floating in the air, which is the season when asthma is susceptible. Here, I will take you to popularize the relevant knowledge about bronchial asthma.

Bronchial asthma is a global public health problem that has always been of great concern to the world, and it is also the most common disease in childhood, which can be extended to adults if not actively treated.

1. What is bronchial asthma?

The essence of asthma is inflammation, which is a non-infectious chronic inflammation involving a variety of cells, and under the stimulation of this inflammation, the structure of the airways changes, causing symptoms such as coughing and wheezing.

【Health knowledge】The emergency doctor will take you to understand bronchial asthma

2. What are the common symptoms of bronchial asthma?

Bronchial wheezing: refers to a continuous, high-pitched sound that occurs during breathing and can be heard in the chest.

Shortness of breath: Presents with a feeling of not being able to inhale enough air.

Chest tightness: A feeling of tightness in the chest.

Cough: often accompanied by other symptoms.

【Health knowledge】The emergency doctor will take you to understand bronchial asthma

3. What are the triggers of bronchial asthma?

1. Allergens: pollen, animal dander, etc.;

2. Physical stimuli: oil smoke, gas;

【Health knowledge】The emergency doctor will take you to understand bronchial asthma

3. Chemical irritation: irritating gases produced by fireworks and firecrackers;

4. Respiratory tract infection: cold and cold.

【Health knowledge】The emergency doctor will take you to understand bronchial asthma

4. How to prevent bronchial asthma?

1. Pay attention to keeping warm, increase or decrease clothing in time, and avoid being stimulated by colds and cold air;

2. Avoid contact with allergens, pay attention to indoor ventilation, and wash bedding regularly to avoid the breeding of dust mites;

3. Avoid indoor pollution, do not use down and silk products;

4. High-risk groups should reduce outdoor activities and wear masks when going out in spring;

5. No pets.

【Health knowledge】The emergency doctor will take you to understand bronchial asthma

5. How to identify an asthma exacerbation?

An asthma exacerbation can be identified by three looks.

One look at breathing: breathlessness, shortness of breath, weakness of speech, increased frequency of breathing.

Second, look at the look: sweating profusely, pale face, grumpy, restless, and bruised lips and fingers.

Three look at consciousness: extreme exhaustion, confusion, drowsiness.

【Health knowledge】The emergency doctor will take you to understand bronchial asthma

6. What should I do if I have an acute attack of bronchial asthma?

Acute asthma exacerbations can be managed with reliever drugs when symptoms are still under control, and drug therapy is central to asthma control, common drugs such as sinbil (budesonide/formoterol mixture) and vantoline (albuterol sulfate aerosol). When symptoms worsen rapidly, severe difficulty breathing, inability to speak comfortably, or lips to lips, call an ambulance immediately on 120.

【Health knowledge】The emergency doctor will take you to understand bronchial asthma

7. How to manage patients with bronchial asthma?

Inhaled drugs should be used twice a day in the morning and evening according to the doctor's instructions, even if there are no asthma symptoms, it is necessary to insist on it, and inhale at any time when asthma symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness appear.

【Health knowledge】The emergency doctor will take you to understand bronchial asthma

Even in patients with milder disease, there is a risk of an acute exacerbation and can lead to serious harm. Therefore, every asthma patient should have an asthma reliever drug to relieve the symptoms of an asthma exacerbation.

Author: Zhao Chunyang

Source: Shenyang Emergency Center

Editor: Sun Zhe

Proofreading: Sun Ping, Chen Zeming

Preliminary review: Jin Bo

Review: Xu Jiang