
Advice: If you have had a dog for a long time, don't give it away easily!

author:Great love for teddy control

Dogs have been raised for a long time, and they must not be given away at will, these consequences are estimated to be unbearable!

Advice: If you have had a dog for a long time, don't give it away easily!

Messing around and urinating, not listening to discipline

A dog that has been kept for a long time, after being sent to a new home, will still have open defecation, which may be due to discomfort at first. But if it still doesn't change after being disciplined, it means that it has a vindictive mentality against its new owner and hates everything it has.

Advice: If you have had a dog for a long time, don't give it away easily!

Revenge mentality, deliberate sabotage

After being sent to a new home, the dog knows that it has been abandoned by the original owner, and it may deliberately cause sabotage. Dogs will scratch things in their new home and break things on purpose. Because it wants to send the new owner back to the original owner's house in this way!

Advice: If you have had a dog for a long time, don't give it away easily!

Unfaithful to the new owner

Dogs know they have been abandoned and may lose trust in humans. When you arrive at your new home, it's hard to trust another owner. At this time, the dog often treats the new owner as a bad person and is reluctant to get close to the new owner.

Advice: If you have had a dog for a long time, don't give it away easily!

May run away from home at any time

The dog knows that it has been given away, so it will find an opportunity to run away from home at any time, it does not want to stay in the new owner's house, it only wants to return to the original owner's house, so it will often run away.

Advice: If you have had a dog for a long time, don't give it away easily!

Hunger strike

Food is important for both humans and dogs. When the dog knows that he has been abandoned, he will be quiet and scared when he arrives in his new home, so he will not eat anything. It just won't eat anything no matter how hungry it is.

Advice: If you have had a dog for a long time, don't give it away easily!

If the dog has already experienced the above situation, what can the pet master do to cultivate a relationship with the dog?

I: Arrange the dog to familiarize yourself with the environment

Dogs are very unfamiliar with everything in their new home, so their old belongings are very important. You can place familiar toys, quilts, etc. in the kennel to let the dog gain trust in the new environment.

Advice: If you have had a dog for a long time, don't give it away easily!

II. Soothe the dog's emotions

After the dog is familiar with the new environment, the pet owner can start to interact with the dog and connect with the feelings. You can take out snacks to help the dog relieve its mood and coax it to be happy.

Advice: If you have had a dog for a long time, don't give it away easily!

III. Accompanying meals

After helping the dog soothe its mood, you can slowly feed the staple food, put the dog food on your hand and feed it yourself, and gradually let the dog let down his guard against you. Choose a delicious dog food with good palatability, and increase your dog's desire to eat in front of the food.

Advice: If you have had a dog for a long time, don't give it away easily!

Conclusion: How old is your dog?

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Advice: If you have had a dog for a long time, don't give it away easily!