
Learning to be flexible is the great wisdom of life

author:Tianfu Fusions
Learning to be flexible is the great wisdom of life

Brave people can always change their fate with perseverance and courage.




When faced with life's difficulties, some people often can't make up their minds to make changes.

Some seemingly unsolvable dilemmas, change the angle and turn the direction, maybe it will suddenly become clear.

If you don't know how to adapt in a timely manner, it is easy to fall into a dead end, and it is difficult to continue.

Learning to be flexible is the great wisdom of life

Think differently

When life is in a difficult situation, it is easy to become depressed.

At this time, instead of running away, it is better to look for opportunities in a different way of thinking.

Adversity is not the end, but sometimes it is a corner for a better outcome.

Brave people can always change their fate with perseverance and courage.

In the face of difficulties, hold the throat of fate, find love in life, let yourself be full of strength, and achieve a different life.

Learning to be flexible is the great wisdom of life

Know how to be in control

Only by letting go of the burden can we move forward easily.

Whether it is at work or in life, you need to know how to stop losses in time and get rid of negative emotions as soon as possible.

If we can stabilize our emotions, not be swayed by the outside world, give full play to our best state without distractions, and deal with problems with a good attitude, we will be able to deal with anything calmly instead of letting our emotions get out of control.

You don't have to be too much of a perfectionist, you don't have to care too much about what others think, and you don't have to lose your true self in order to meet expectations.

Learning to be flexible is the great wisdom of life

Have the courage to break through

There are two sides to everything, experience is wealth on the one hand, but it can also be a burden on the other.

In reality, it is easy for people to be stuck in past experiences, not only worried about missing opportunities, but also suffering from gains and losses, and it is difficult to break through themselves.

In the face of choices, don't blindly cling to what you're good at and be blindly confident in past successes, but have the courage to step out of your comfort zone, withstand pressure, meet challenges, and open up new horizons.

Update your cognition in a timely manner, maintain an empty cup mentality, maintain a keen sense of the development of things, and move forward bravely.

May we have the courage to broaden the boundaries of cognition, be good at changing perspectives, improve the pattern in our hearts, and constantly refine ourselves in the face of fierce competition and complex environments.

#YUE DU#好书推荐

Learning to be flexible is the great wisdom of life
Learning to be flexible is the great wisdom of life
Learning to be flexible is the great wisdom of life

"Accompany you to see Su Dongpo"

[Middle] Elophon

Main content:

This is a cultural essay with the theme of searching for Su Shi's traces, and it is a cultural travelogue that combines literature, geography, and historical materials through the past and present. Dialyzing Dongpo's literature and art, he is not afraid of smoke and rain, and the road is bumpy, paying tribute to the true love of the "idol" Su Dongpo.

▪ The first half of the book is guided by a personal travelogue-style prose, outlining the author's academic journey and field visit path focusing on Su Shi's research.

▪ The second half interprets Su Shi's literary and artistic works related to it, analyzes historical facts, talks about poetry, appreciates calligraphy and painting, and accompanies readers to complete a humanistic journey to explore Su Shi's spirit.

Learning to be flexible is the great wisdom of life

· Produced by Meishan Tianfu New Area Financial Media Center ·

Editor/Duty Editor: Hua Xia Yu Responsible Editor: Lin Jiahao Article source: Xinhua News Agency