
Highly toxic! 12 provinces have been invaded, and the discovery is reported immediately

author:Haibo TV

The weather is getting hotter

Outdoors, all kinds of bugs are active

If you're not careful, you'll get stung

And some bugs are extremely aggressive

A sting can even be fatal!

The woman was bitten several times

The wound was sore and itchy

Recently, Ms. Xia from Hubei

Walking in the neighborhood in slippers

The community is rich in greenery

She was accidentally stung in her right leg by a red fire ant

Then went out a few times

Even though she was wearing socks and trousers

But it's still one after another

Bitten on the left leg, ankle and back of the hand

Ms. Xia described it this way

How I feel after being stung by a red fire ant


"On the night of the bite, it was red, swollen and hot, bulging up the size of a palm, like another knee on the leg, and it itched so much that I couldn't sleep at all.

Later, during that time, the process of blood scabs and scratching was repeated, and it was not only itchy but also painful. At the worst time, the scalp is numb and the whole person is dizzy.

It's been a month and a half now, and it's not completely healed, and the bite area is still itchy. ”

Highly toxic! 12 provinces have been invaded, and the discovery is reported immediately

Wounds after being stung by red fire ants. Source: Courtesy of the interviewee

Ms. Xia also said

I will use a hair dryer to blow hot air

to relieve itchy skin

But the effect is short-lived, and in the end, it can only be boiled


"Being bitten by a red fire ant once is 'fatal', not to mention that I have been bitten several times in a row, and now I still have marks everywhere on my body."

Highly toxic! 12 provinces have been invaded, and the discovery is reported immediately

Marks left after being stung by red fire ants. Source: Courtesy of the interviewee

Red fire ants are aggressive

In severe cases, it can lead to shock and even death

Red fire ants, native to South America, are reddish-brown in color and resemble common ants in appearance, about 3 mm to 6 mm long. It has been described as "recognized as one of the 100 most dangerous invasive species in the world" and has been listed as a national agricultural, forestry and phytosanitary pest.

According to reports, red fire ants can threaten the health and even life safety of humans and animals. Red fire ants are very prone to high-density colonies in newly invaded areas, and once a person or livestock steps on an anthill, they will dump out of their nests and crawl on their bodies in swarms to bite.

Unlike ordinary ants, red fire ants are very aggressive. When a red fire ant stings, it will bite the skin with the upper jaw forceps, pierce and release venom with a tail needle, and the sting will have a burning pain, followed by redness, swelling and suppuration, and a few people will be severely allergic to the protein in the venom, and will have fever, temporary blindness, vomiting, shock and even death.

October 2020

A young man in Nanning, Guangxi, was curious

Kicked the arched ant's nest

Being bitten by red fire ants can cause systemic allergies

Highly toxic! 12 provinces have been invaded, and the discovery is reported immediately

Recently, Shixing County, Shaoguan, Guangdong

A man comes home to visit a grave

Accidentally bitten by red fire ants

On the spot, the limbs were weak and it was difficult to walk

Fortunately, it was found by the passing town and village cadres

The man was in shock when he was taken to the hospital

Fortunately, the rescue was timely

Now the man has recovered and returned to work

There are almost no natural predators on the mainland

Invaded 12 provinces

The biggest feature of red fire ants is their nests, which often appear in grass, farmland, wasteland, roadsides, parks and other places, and pile up the fine particles of soil chips dug from the ground into mound-like ant nests, which are honeycomb-shaped inside, while the nests of ordinary ants will not rise; If you peel off the surface, there will be many dark red ants gushing out, large and small, among which the large is a soldier ant, and the small one is a worker ant, all of which can bite and sting.

Highly toxic! 12 provinces have been invaded, and the discovery is reported immediately

Nest morphology of red fire ants in the wild. Source: Xinhua News Agency

Highly toxic! 12 provinces have been invaded, and the discovery is reported immediately

Some netizens said that they had also found the nest of red fire ants by the lake↑

Red fire ants are extremely fecundive, the number of individuals in a mature ant nest can reach hundreds of thousands, and an ant nest often has multiple queens, each queen ant can lay thousands of eggs per day, and ant mounds can be built on the ground in a short time, which has a great competitive advantage in the ecosystem, and has almost no natural enemies in the mainland.

According to the statistics released by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, in 2016, red fire ants invaded 281 counties (cities and districts) in 11 provinces, and by 2023, the data will change to 625 counties (cities and districts) in 12 provinces, and 344 counties (cities and districts) will be newly invaded in 7 years, and its spread rate is still very fast.

Hit a small mound like this on the side of the road

Be sure to stay away

Experts remind

At present, the red fire ant has entered the active stage

If you find a nest of red fire ants around your home

Try to walk around and avoid being near the nest

It is also recommended to report to the Department of Gardens and Forestry immediately

by the relevant technical department

or professional prevention and control institutions and companies to prevent and remove

Highly toxic! 12 provinces have been invaded, and the discovery is reported immediately

The nest of red fire ants is relatively easy to identify, generally 30 cm ~ 40 cm high, and it is easy to highlight after rain

Other than that

A red fire ant bite should not be taken lightly

If the degree is mild

It can be handled like this


(1) Wash the bite area with water or soapy water;

(2) Apply cold compresses to the bitten area with cold water or ice;

(3) Pay attention to keep the bite wound clean, and do not scratch it with your hands to avoid secondary infection;

(4) If necessary, use the corresponding medicine under the guidance of a doctor to relieve allergic reactions.

If there is a history of allergies

or those who have a more severe reaction after being bitten

It's important to get to the hospital quickly

Anti-allergy and local debridement are performed


Red fire ants are less likely to be found in residents' homes

The most seen is

Small yellow house ants, rhombic knot big-headed ants, Indian big-headed ants, etc

Highly toxic! 12 provinces have been invaded, and the discovery is reported immediately

Except for ants

Poisonous insects are active outdoors during this season

If you are accidentally bitten, you are susceptible to a variety of diseases

In severe cases, it can be life-threatening!

Put this away

The most complete insect control manual and how to deal with it

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Highly toxic! 12 provinces have been invaded, and the discovery is reported immediately
Highly toxic! 12 provinces have been invaded, and the discovery is reported immediately
Highly toxic! 12 provinces have been invaded, and the discovery is reported immediately
Highly toxic! 12 provinces have been invaded, and the discovery is reported immediately
Highly toxic! 12 provinces have been invaded, and the discovery is reported immediately
Highly toxic! 12 provinces have been invaded, and the discovery is reported immediately
Highly toxic! 12 provinces have been invaded, and the discovery is reported immediately
Highly toxic! 12 provinces have been invaded, and the discovery is reported immediately

Source: Yangtze River Daily, CCTV Finance, Guangzhou Daily, Jiupai News, Xinhua News Agency

Editor: Chen Yanyan

Review: Weng Chenlan, Duan Shengqi

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