
The "beautiful torture instrument" for adults was sold for 100 million in 90 days?

author:Red Star News

"Everyone Bailu (actor) is wearing it, as long as you are 65 years old, you will have time to adjust your shoulders, neck, waist and back!" A young female anchor said during the live broadcast of Beibeijia's official flagship store.

In the minds of many people, the back is a "childhood memory", and TV shopping channels have frequently broadcast advertisements for teenagers wearing it and no longer hunched over and with a wide body. But since then, Beibeijia has faded out of the public eye.

After the brand changed hands and the recent high-frequency exposure, the e-commerce commodity data query and data analysis platform Cicada Mama showed that the cumulative sales of Beibeijia exceeded 100 million in the past 90 days. "Splashing wealth" is back?

The sales volume of the live broadcast room exceeded 100 million in 90 days?

Zhongxin Jingwei noticed that the back of the back from the era of TV shopping returned to the public eye, and the method chosen was to walk into the live broadcast room.

According to the cicada mother platform, Beibeijia has three official accounts, namely "Beibeijia Official Flagship Store", "Beibeijia Official Flagship Store Strict Selection" and "Beibeijia Babaka Jiaozi Live Room", all of which are used for product live broadcasts. In the past week, the number of live broadcasts of the three official accounts mentioned above has reached 8, 9 and 8 respectively, and most of the live broadcasts have lasted more than four hours.

The "beautiful torture instrument" for adults was sold for 100 million in 90 days?

▲Screenshot of the live broadcast room

Zhongxin Jingwei noticed that in the live broadcast room of the official flagship store of Beibeijia on the Douyin platform, many female anchors took turns to broadcast. An anchor said that under the age of 65, both men and women can buy a good back, which can correct the body shape, support the spine, tuck the waist sideways, and wear it for a period of time to improve posture problems, and said that in addition to eating and sleeping, they must wear it.

According to the cicada mother platform, on May 8, Beibeijia's products ranked first in the list of live broadcast products in the health care category, with cumulative sales exceeding 100 million in the past 90 days (the maximum amount displayed by the platform's algorithm is 100 million yuan).

Regarding the sales situation, Kefu Medical replied to Zhongxin Jingwei on the evening of the 11th, saying that the data sources of the third-party platform include user behavior data of mobile applications and websites and third-party data providers. Recently, there has been some increase in the sales volume of Beibeijia products, but in order to ensure the fairness of information disclosure, it is inconvenient to inform the specific sales data according to the relevant regulatory rules.

Baidu index shows that the daily average value of Beibeijia's information index in the past month is 57919, a year-on-year increase of 1083% and a month-on-month increase of 213%.

Born in the era of TV shopping, Beibeijia was previously known for its marketing, and today's high-exposure route is similar to before.

In an article published in 2000 in the journal "Sino-foreign Management" titled "Beibeijia: Young First Brand", Du Guoying, the founder of Beibeijia and chairman of Tianjin Yipin Technology Development Co., Ltd., said that in 1997, Beibeijia was launched in the first year, when direct sales were relatively hot in the country.

At the same time, the article revealed that from the establishment of the company (established in 1997) to 2000, the company, together with agents across the country, invested nearly 90 million in advertising, only 25% of which was concentrated in the central station and 75% in more than 300 cities.

According to media reports, Beibeijia is Du Guoying's first entrepreneurial project, which was listed in 1997 and sold 450 million yuan in 1998. 25-year-old Du Guoying earned his first 100 million yuan and became the youngest self-made "billionaire" in China.

Now, Beibeijia has moved from TV shopping to live broadcast rooms at that time, how is it different from the past?

Internet analyst Liu Yanfei said in an interview with Zhongxin Jingwei that the data shows that taking the Douyin platform as an example, in the past 730 days, the official flagship store of Beibeijia has launched 94 products, and the sales structure is mainly based on the self-broadcast of the official flagship store, and more than 50% of the live broadcast traffic relies on the paid streaming of Beibeijia, far exceeding the 10-20% paid streaming of the general live broadcast room. "In a word, the back is good, and the previous TV advertising budget was spent on platforms such as Douyin." Liu Yanfei said.

Liu Yanfei further analyzed that many brands will choose to bring goods to the anchor, that is, talent broadcasting. However, Beibeijia chose to broadcast by the brand, and his own live broadcast room was the mainstay. On the other hand, Beibeijia also insists on communicating and attracting enough short video experts to bring goods, and the main sales product short video experts bring more than 1,000 people.

Beginning to "target" adults?

In addition to entering the live broadcast room, Beibeijia also shifted his audience from teenagers to adults.

In the article "Chinese and Foreign Management", Du Guoying said that the positioning of the back is mainly for primary and secondary school students. He also said that in the entire advertising and positioning, (Beibeijia) did not point the advertising to adults from beginning to end, and made every effort to compete for the youth market.

However, at present, Zhongxin Jingwei noticed that the anchor used "children, adults, the sooner you use it, the better it will improve", "the anchor wears a good back every day, and it is easy to wear a good body", "you can wear it with children, do housework, and drive to work" and other descriptions of product functions.

In addition, the interface of the live broadcast room has words such as "image and body management", saying that it can improve the hunchback, slipped shoulders, high and low shoulders, and forward neck tilt.

According to the e-commerce platform, Beibeijia has a variety of products, including the new E orthopedic belt for men and women, KU orthopedic belt for both men and women, etc., with prices ranging from 199 yuan to 249 yuan, and the height of the suitable people ranges from 110cm to 195cm. In the comment area, many netizens paid attention to the problem of adult posture correction: "Can adults be corrected, 30 years old." "Are there any breastfeeding mothers who use it?" "Is it suitable for adult men to correct hunchbacks?"

The "beautiful torture instrument" for adults was sold for 100 million in 90 days?

▲Screenshot of the e-commerce platform

Regarding the turn of the back of the best, some market comments said: The back of the back has always been locked by the post-90s people. It's just that as they grow up, the selling point of Beibeijia publicity has also changed from "brainwashing" their parents to "brainwashing" themselves. Primary school students who used to be extremely resistant to writing homework and wearing good backs have now voluntarily put on this "beautiful torture instrument" in order to urgently improve their posture.

It is worth noting that data from the data analysis platform Feigua shows that in January 2024, the sales popularity of orthopedic belt-related products increased by 482% month-on-month, far exceeding the parent category of personal health care. Judging from the portrait, women under the age of 40 are the main consumers of content related to posture bands, of which women aged 24-30 account for 41.43%, and the TGI index (target group index) is as high as 226, and the consumption preference is significant.

At the same time, Feigua Data mentioned that the Beibeijia brand has set exclusive marketing words for the different pain points of children, women, and men. For example, the "Comfort Bus" for children and the "Beautiful Back and Waist Sculpting" for women can help brands communicate and interact with different groups of people, so as to achieve the purpose of expanding the customer base. Feigua data said, "Refined marketing has brought considerable revenue to the brand, and the sales popularity of the Beibeijia brand in January was close to 90 million, setting a new high in the brand's history." ”

As for why it launched adult products, Kefu Medical replied to Zhongxin Jingwei that after the official acquisition of the Beibeijia brand in 2022, the company has expanded the applicability of posture correction products, from the previous mainly for teenagers with poor daily posture habits, to a wider range of people, especially adults with higher requirements for healthy posture and some users who are prone to spinal muscle fatigue due to work relationships. At present, a number of new orthopedic products have been launched on the market, and a number of research projects have been reserved, which will be introduced to the market one after another.

The brand has changed hands several times

It is worth noting that the Beibeijia brand itself has changed hands many times, and even dying and resurrected.

As mentioned above, the Beibeijia brand was founded by Du Guoying in 1997 and achieved sales of more than 100 million yuan in the following year, but public information shows that not long after hitting a new sales high, Beibeijia fell into a patent dispute lawsuit with Yingzi Company's "Yingzi Belt" brand.

In 2004, Du Guoying joined Acorn International with the "08 version of Beibeijia" he founded to achieve a "resurrection".

Founded in 1998, Acorn International was once known as the "TV shopping giant" and is a cross-media, multi-platform integrated marketing company.

According to media reports, the price of each of the 08 version of Beijia is about 400 yuan, and advertisements about Beibeijia appear frequently on various TV stations, and products appear in TV shopping counters in major shopping malls. In 2005, star He Jie endorsed Beibeijia and sang the advertising song "Happy Baby", this year, Beibeijia achieved sales of more than one million.

But with the change of the era of TV shopping, Beibeijia has faded out of public view.

Until November 2021, Kefu Medical announced that it planned to acquire 100% of the shares of Acorn Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Acorn Trading), which is a subsidiary of ChinaDRTV, Inc (hereinafter referred to as DRTV), and DRTV is a subsidiary of Acorn International, for no more than 177 million yuan.

According to the announcement, after preliminary negotiations, DRTV will integrate all the stores related to the Beibeijia business in its affiliated companies, and divest all assets, creditor's rights and debts that are not related to the Beibeijia business in Acorn Trading. Upon completion of the restructuring, Kefu Medical will acquire 100% of the equity interest in Acorn Trading and the intellectual property rights related to Beibeijia in its affiliates.

From this point of view, Beibeijia has once again achieved "resurrection", and the brand has changed hands to the listed company Kefu Medical.

In January 2024, Kefu Medical disclosed that the investor Q&A form said that Beibeijia had completed the delivery in April 2022, and on the one hand, Kefu Medical will carry out iterative upgrades of products; On the other hand, the e-commerce sales channels of Kefu Medical are highly overlapping with the sales channels of Beibeijia, and Kefu Medical can empower products from the channel, and explore the layout of interest e-commerce such as Douyin and Kuaishou, and the overall operation effect is good.

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