
Guan Zeyuan was washed again! Because he joked in the cafeteria: JKL won't lose to G2 to complete the big defeat, right?

author:Beta watches the game

After the first round of the MSI mid-season win and defeat group stage, while everyone was happy for BLG's victory, LPL commentator Guan Zeyuan offended JKL fans because of a sentence in the "Canteen" program, which led to his personal Weibo being blasted.

Guan Zeyuan was washed again! Because he joked in the cafeteria: JKL won't lose to G2 to complete the big defeat, right?

Here's the thing, in the "Canteen" program, when it was mentioned that TES was about to play G2 in the loser's group, Hupu E-sports posted that Guan Zeyuan said that JKL would not lose G2 next to complete Damanxiao, right?

Guan Zeyuan was washed again! Because he joked in the cafeteria: JKL won't lose to G2 to complete the big defeat, right?

After seeing this speech, many JKL fans were very angry and directly exploded Guan Zeyuan's personal Weibo, and many fans angrily reprimanded Guan Zeyuan: JKL is only the first time to lose to the LCK team, with a record of 11 wins and 1 loss, you can be ridiculed, and the loan lost to G2, which region are you commentators? Or do you not regard TES as a team in the LPL region and want TES to lose so much? Some people also angrily criticized: Don't engage in the black contestants of the show, it is better to make a show to comment on the major commentators, and find fans to comment on the commentary level of our Damanxiao Division! Some people even said bluntly: Guan Zeyuan has a problem with his character, and he has peace of mind with his back to a small group.

Guan Zeyuan was washed again! Because he joked in the cafeteria: JKL won't lose to G2 to complete the big defeat, right?

However, in fact, Guan Zeyuan did not say the sentence "JKL loses to G2, and completes Damanxiao", his original words are: Daman, Damanchu is the only one who has lost to LCS, LCK and LEC.

Guan Zeyuan was washed again! Because he joked in the cafeteria: JKL won't lose to G2 to complete the big defeat, right?

After that, Hupu E-sports also issued an apology, saying that it was negligent in information verification and content review, which caused trouble to the fans of Guan Zeyuan and the TES team, and I am very sorry. Subsequently, TES's official blog also reposted Hupu E-sports's Weibo, saying: I believe that it is more powerful than questioning.

Guan Zeyuan was washed again! Because he joked in the cafeteria: JKL won't lose to G2 to complete the big defeat, right?

Although the TES official blog responded, the fans didn't buy it, although the big man defeat is not as ugly as the big man filial piety, but it is also a negative word, and it is also talking about losing to the teams in the European and American regions, and it also means that the loan TES loses the game, so many fans are dissatisfied with the response of the TES official blog and bluntly said: Why can't you be tougher? Is it true to be generous externally and torture players internally? JKL is sorry TES for the past four years? Why can't you stand up for him? Let Guan Zeyuan apologize to JKL!

Guan Zeyuan was washed again! Because he joked in the cafeteria: JKL won't lose to G2 to complete the big defeat, right?

It's not the first time Guan Zeyuan has led the rhythm of a player, but because of his poisonous tongue, some words often pass after listening to them, but there will also be fans of the players who are dissatisfied and come out to defend their idols, and Guan Zeyuan has also been blasted many times, so the impact on him this time should not be great. It's just that before the game, he said that he might lose and can't beat, as an official commentary, it really shouldn't be, he can only say that the offensive attribute points are full, and he originally wanted to go to the reverse poisoned milk character, but the fans' opinions are too big, it is estimated that after the TES and G2 game, Guan Zeyuan will be sprayed with a wave.

Guan Zeyuan was washed again! Because he joked in the cafeteria: JKL won't lose to G2 to complete the big defeat, right?

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