
Zhou Xiaoping: How did the US moon landing fraud deceive everyone?


Zhou Xiaoping:

U.S. moon landing fraud,

How did you fool everyone?

Text | The fog is full of barrage


Comrade Zhou Xiaoping, conscientiously popularize science.

-- Mainly related to the fraud of the US moon landing:

Zhou Xiaoping: How did the US moon landing fraud deceive everyone?

Screenshot of Comrade Zhou Xiaoping's Weibo page

Zhou Xiaoping solemnly pointed out that our aerospace academicians have expressed doubts about the authenticity of the US moon landing:

Zhou Xiaoping further pointed out that those who believe that the US moon landing is real are intellectually suspicious and unreliable.

Zhou Xiaoping: How did the US moon landing fraud deceive everyone?

Zhou Xiaoping worked hard.

Science popularization is difficult, and enlightenment is not easy.

- But there is a bar essence, and Zhou Xiaoping raises the bar:

Zhou Xiaoping: How did the US moon landing fraud deceive everyone?

This bartender asked Zhou Xiaoping, which Chinese aerospace academician doubted the authenticity of the US moon landing?

Well, who is it? Come out and take two steps.

So the question arises - is the American moon landing true or false?

Which astronaut academician thinks that the American moon landing is fake?

Zhou Xiaoping's science popularization is so hard, why do people still raise the bar with him?



Let's talk about the U.S. moon landing first, whether it's true or not.

Does the United States exist?

Look at the Tao High School Questions:

Zhou Xiaoping: How did the US moon landing fraud deceive everyone?

13. Ingredients

Xu Tong (1819~1900), a minister of the Daoguang, Xianfeng, Tongzhi, and Guangxu dynasties, successively served as a scholar of the Ministry of Rites, Officials, Soldiers, and Engineers, as well as a scholar of Tirenge. Xu Tong advocated clarifying the rule of officials and opposed the blasphemy and appointment of private individuals by Li Hongzhang and other foreign ministers. Xu Tong was also a famous physicist in the late Qing Dynasty, and the "Qing History Manuscript" called it "Chongzong Confucianism", and Lu Xun once said that Xu Tong was "the crystallization of Confucianism in the late Qing Dynasty." "Xu Tong is upright, incorruptible, loyal to the Qing court, upholds the guidelines, and abides by tradition.

Xu Tong "hated the West like hatred", once said that "Xiban has teeth, grapes have teeth, teeth become a country, the end of history, the book is not contained, absurd, nothing more than this", he "every time he sees a Westerner, he hides his face with a fan." The Qing government discussed the construction of the railway, and he led the street to resolutely oppose it. In the Wucheng Reform Law, he claimed that "it is better to lose the country than to change the law". After the coup d'état, Xu Tong won the trust and courtesy of the Empress Dowager of the West, "all major matters are decided by Tong", when the Boxers entered Beijing, Xu Tong personally went out of the city to greet him, saying that "China should be self-reliant", he encouraged Cixi to declare war on the outside world, believed in the Boxer Rebellion, advocated the use of the Boxer masses to deal with the foreigners, the Boxers burned the church, he set up a stage at home and invited the opera troupe to sing for 20 days. After the Eight-Nation Coalition entered Beijing, he was martyred.

--Excerpted from Zhang Lizhou and Zhang Lisheng, "Xu Tong: A Typical Conservative Bureaucrat of Modern Chinese Retreat"

(1) According to the materials and combined with the knowledge learned, summarize the background of Xu Tong's life with mixed reputations.

(2) According to the materials and combined with the knowledge learned, evaluate the merits and demerits of Xu Tong.

This question is about the period of the Qing Empire, the scholar Xu Tong - a scholar, who is now an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences - has a heavenly dynasty, and is meeting the Westernists talking about the United States, Spain, Portugal and other countries, Mr. Xu was angry, and rushed forward to shout: Xiban has teeth, grapes have teeth, teeth become a country, unheard of in history, unrecorded, absurd, nothing more than this!

Zhou Xiaoping: How did the US moon landing fraud deceive everyone?

What does Mr. Xu mean?

Empress Dowager Cixi made a shining appearance: Students, what Teacher Xu means is that the United States, Spain, Portugal, does not exist at all, it is you evil Westerners who make it up to scare the hardworking and kind Chinese.

Yes, Mr. Xu shouted: The United States just doesn't exist, and I don't accept it.

Let's come up with a Western: Mr. Xu, the United States really exists, my sister-in-law's ex-boyfriend traveled from Mexico to the United States some time ago.

Teacher Xu: Rumors, lying, nonsense, deceiving people, dragged out and cut.

One bar spirit was cut, and the other bar spirits instantly stopped talking.

Mr. Xu won the debate.

Everyone reached a consensus that the United States did not exist - but the Eight-Nation Coalition invaded and captured the erudite and talented Mr. Xu.

Teacher Xu was killed.

If he had left his last words, it would have been: Even if you kill me, the United States does not exist, and I will defend myself if I am not convinced!


From Mr. Xu's point of view, the United States does not exist at all.

How can a non-existent country go to the moon?



Mari Yue Yue Ming.

The lower the intelligence, the more people believe in this statement.

In his early years, Einstein came up with the theory of relativity and became popular.

Hitler was not convinced, so he organized experts in Germany to tackle key problems and produced the book "100 Scientists Prove that Einstein Was a Fool X".

Then Hitler shouted to Einstein: the theory of relativity is wrong, and he will defend himself if he is not convinced.

Albert Einstein said: It's tiring to say one more word to stupid X - the original sentence is: if the theory of relativity is wrong, it is enough for a scientist to say it, and it will not take more than 100 at all.

Hey, doesn't it mean that the truth becomes clearer the more you argue? Why didn't Einstein dare to argue with everyone?

Guo Degang said it well - insiders don't argue with laymen. For example, I said to rocket experts, your rocket is not good, the fuel is not good. I think you have to burn wood, preferably coal, and coal must be refined, not washed coal. If the rocket scientist looks me squarely, he's lost.

Why didn't Einstein argue with Hitler?

Because Hitler is a rocket to the sky, whether it is the level of refined coal or anthracite, you even just look at him, you will lose miserably.

Similarly, for those online articles on the Internet that "washed coal is not good, it must be refined coal" and the so-called argument that the US moon landing is fake, will the aerospace academicians take a second look?

Will it?

Take one more look, and the academician loses.


The last question, academician of the Academy of Astronautics, do you believe the United States landing on the moon or not?

If you want to know this answer, you must first know what academicians are most afraid of.

What the academician is most afraid of is that idlers are arguing with him!

You are an idler, a waste, a manure machine, alive and redundant, dead and occupied. Many academicians eat bran and all kinds of efforts to make you eat fat. You're so uncomfortable that you're walking around the house: what are you doing, what's going on, what's going on, mom is so idle...... Yes, I went to the Academy of Astronautics and talked to academicians.

I will debate with the academician for ten days and ten nights.

Debate topic: Why the U.S. moon landing was fake.

Walk up.

Idle is idle anyway.

Academicians, who are busy with scientific research, saw you coming from afar, and their souls flew with fright.

After half a month of talking to you, no matter how high the level of the academician is, he will be abolished.

But he is an academician, and his intelligence is too high, so he shouts at you from afar: The American moon landing is fake, it is fake, you don't have to come over, big brother.

Sure enough, the U.S. moon landing was faked.

You are satisfied, and you go to someone else to popularize science.

But except for the bar spirit, who dares to mess with you?

You're so idle.

The U.S. moon landing was in 1969.

In that year, the world was full of gunfire and gunfire, and various local forces grabbed territory. The Cold War between the Soviet Union and the United States engaged in a military race.

A big rock far away in the sky can be faked or not.

None of that matters.

The important thing is: we really "fell for it"!

We worked hard, dreamed of it, stepped on the fertile soil, and really set foot on the moon.

Zhou Xiaoping: How did the US moon landing fraud deceive everyone?

In the era of peace, we have steadily achieved a breakthrough from 0 to 1, from the myth of Chang'e, which can only be looked up, to the Chang'e-5 (which can be brought back to the lunar soil) that can be seen up close.

From "raising a glass to invite the bright moon" to "picking the stars with your hands", we have spanned decades of hardship and hard work. No, it's thousands of years of dreams and efforts!

One day, we will be able to step on the land of the moon, run to the infinite starry sky, explore the limits of human beings, and realize the ultimate dream of human beings.

It is not limited to verbal disputes and gratuitous internal friction between human beings.

That's what we're really supposed to do!

(*The picture in this article is from the Internet)

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