
Chasing the light丨Traditional Chinese medicine entered the campus, starting from the Olympic venue......


"These are our country's two Olympic champions –

Hou Zhihui, Shi Zhiyong

The gold medal they won is due to traditional Chinese medicine! ”

The words of the teacher Xu Jing attracted the children's attention

Chasing the light丨Traditional Chinese medicine entered the campus, starting from the Olympic venue......

May 11th

Yunnan Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Teachers and students of the First Clinical Medical College of Yunnan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Walked into Kunming Panlong Primary School

A lecture full of medicinal aromas was brought to the children

What people didn't expect is

The teacher actually started the topic of traditional Chinese medicine with the "Olympic Games".

Chasing the light丨Traditional Chinese medicine entered the campus, starting from the Olympic venue......

Tokyo Olympics women's weightlifting 49kg final

Hou Zhihui rested off the field

The coach handed her a thermos cup and asked her to drink hot water

He also handed the wind oil essence to her nose

Chasing the light丨Traditional Chinese medicine entered the campus, starting from the Olympic venue......

"Thermos cup, hot water, wind oil essence" is on fire

They are known as the "Three Treasures of Victory"

The classmates looked at it again, on the door of Uncle Shi Zhiyong's head

Is the fuchsia "scar" obvious?

Chasing the light丨Traditional Chinese medicine entered the campus, starting from the Olympic venue......

During the interview, Shi Zhiyong revealed the origin of the scars-

It's a hot day in Japan, and I have a little heat stroke at noon

Before the game, the team doctor gave him a few hard strokes on the head

He quickly stopped fainting and then won the championship

Sha scars are also called

"The Mysterious Mark of the East"

Chasing the light丨Traditional Chinese medicine entered the campus, starting from the Olympic venue......

"Wind oil essence can refresh the mind, relieve pain and cool

Rubbing and scraping can invigorate blood and dissolve stasis and dredge the meridians

So, behind the gold medal of our Olympic champions

With the escort of our Chinese medicine"

Xu Jing's words drew a cry of "wow" from the children

"It's not just us Chinese athletes

Foreign athletes also like Chinese medicine! ”

Two swimmers appear in the slideshow -

Chasing the light丨Traditional Chinese medicine entered the campus, starting from the Olympic venue......

On the left is American swimmer Phelps

On the right is Australian swimmer Chalmers

These big dark red round spots on their bodies

It is the imprint left after the "cupping" of traditional Chinese medicine

Chasing the light丨Traditional Chinese medicine entered the campus, starting from the Olympic venue......

"Why do swimmers love cupping?"

The teacher throws the question to the child

"Because it's cool" "Because it's good-looking"

"My grandmother also has a fire pot mark on her back......

The children's answers livened up the atmosphere

Xu Jing smiled and answered——

Cupping is done with suction power inside a glass jar

Lift the skin up, causing local bruising

It can achieve the functions of activating meridians, dispelling wind and dissipating cold

Chasing the light丨Traditional Chinese medicine entered the campus, starting from the Olympic venue......

Swimmers stay in the water for long periods of time

The temperature of the water is lower than the temperature of the human body

So there will be cold and moisture entering the body

Cupping can not only chase away cold and dampness

It can also relieve muscle pain in athletes

It can be seen that Chinese medicine has become a popular fashion

Hopefully at the Paris Olympics this summer

We can find more Chinese medicine."

Chasing the light丨Traditional Chinese medicine entered the campus, starting from the Olympic venue......

Xu Jing's opening ignited the students' curiosity

After "Finding acupuncture points in eye exercises"

"Identifying the herbs around you" and other links

The students actively experienced and interacted with each other

Chasing the light丨Traditional Chinese medicine entered the campus, starting from the Olympic venue......

Under the guidance of the teacher, the children use:

Huoxiang, cloves, mugwort leaves, nepeta, atractylodes

A series of exquisite anti-flu sachets were made

"It's a Mother's Day gift for mom!"

Chasing the light丨Traditional Chinese medicine entered the campus, starting from the Olympic venue......

Activities move from the classroom to the playground

Accompanied by soothing and melodious music

Students under the guidance of teachers

Practiced the traditional Chinese medicine fitness exercise "Baduanjin"

Bend your knees and tilt your head and turn your palms

Everyone carefully compared one move and one style

Expanding the understanding of traditional Chinese medicine

Chasing the light丨Traditional Chinese medicine entered the campus, starting from the Olympic venue......

Gao Hui, principal of Panlong Primary School, said:

"Traditional Chinese medicine is a treasure of the Chinese nation

It is an important part of traditional Chinese culture

Hopefully through such an event

There can be more children who love and use Chinese medicine

Participate in the learning and promotion of Chinese medicine culture

Become a 'little heir' of Chinese medicine culture"

Chasing the light丨Traditional Chinese medicine entered the campus, starting from the Olympic venue......

Teacher of the First Clinical Medical College of Yunnan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Wang Mao was deeply touched:

"I didn't expect the children to be very interested in Chinese medicine

Whether it is Bian Que and Cai Huan Gong in the textbook

Hua Tuo and hemp boiled

It's still what my mother often advises

"Drink hot water, wear pants, don't catch a cold"

It contains a wealth of knowledge of Chinese medicine

We hope to bring Chinese medicine to campus

Sowing the seeds of Chinese medicine in the hearts of children

Let them feel the charm of Chinese medicine culture

Learn to grow healthily in harmony between body and mind"

Chasing the light丨Traditional Chinese medicine entered the campus, starting from the Olympic venue......

Copywriter: Yue Ranran, Hu Chao

Photo: Hu Chao, Yue Ranran

Editors: Zhao Jiantong, Wang Qinou

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