
"Post-00s" girls, more than 40 people were arrested!

author:China Women's Daily

Cheng Shiyi, a hardcore girl from Wuhan, Hubei Province, who was born in 2000 and was born in 2000, has been determined to join the police since she was a child, and has personally arrested more than 40 suspects in less than a year and a half


She was the women's sanda champion at the Police Academy

"Post-00s" girls, more than 40 people were arrested!

Police officer Cheng Shiyi. Photo by correspondent Cui Junyang

In 2018, Cheng Shiyi was admitted to Hubei Police College, and she loved sports, and she won the women's championship of the school's sanda competition not long after she entered the school

In the fall of 2022, Cheng Shiyi was admitted to the Wuhan Police Barracks as he wished

In order to get familiar with public security work more quickly, in addition to handling cases, Cheng Shiyi not only took the initiative to ask for duty, but also took the initiative to join the 110 police work, almost "greedily" accumulating work experience

"Post-00s" girls, more than 40 people were arrested!

Cheng Shiyi (left) captures a theft suspect. Photo by correspondent Cui Junyang

In June 2023, Cheng Shiyi and three colleagues traced all the way to a city square in Qiaokou District in civilian clothes, and after a search, two suspects involved in the case were found at an intersection

At this time, one of them was sitting on an electric car, and the other was standing on the side of the road, chatting

Cheng Shiyi motioned to his colleagues to stand still first, and after secretly observing and confirming that there were no other accomplices, they pretended to be passers-by and walked to the intersection

"Police, don't move!" Walking to a distance of 5 meters from the suspect, Cheng Shiyi and his colleagues suddenly accelerated and rushed over, Cheng Shiyi took the lead and firmly grabbed the suspect's right hand, cleanly pressed him to the ground from the electric car, and the other suspect ran away when he saw this, and was also chased back and subdued

"Skillful!" On the way back, colleagues praised Cheng Shiyi

At the age of 8, he aspired to join the police

4 months as an apprentice and 8 months as a teacher

Influenced by his military father, Cheng Shiyi was full of enthusiasm for serving the country and the people since he was a child, and was sent to a martial arts school by his family at the age of 4 to study, and aspired to join the police at the age of 8

"I want to be a detective." At the beginning of November 2022, Cheng Shiyi firmly stated his ambition on the first day he reported to the Jianghan Erqiao Police Station of the Hanyang District Bureau of the Wuhan Municipal Public Security Bureau

Wang Yu, the criminal policeman in the office, and Cheng Shiyi became a master and apprentice. Cheng Shiyi, who had just entered the police barracks, was thirsty for knowledge and did not let go of any case that he could participate in

"Master, have you rested?" At about 0:00 a.m. on December 11, 2022, the suspect who had stayed up late for two days to track the suspect mysteriously "disappeared", and the puzzled Cheng Shiyi asked the master for help, and the two discussed until 1 a.m

The next day, under the guidance of Wang Yu, Cheng Shiyi traced all the way to the community where the suspect sold the stolen goods, recovered the stolen electric car and returned it to the victim, so he received the first pennant in his police career

Recalling the scene at that time, Cheng Shi has always said: At that moment, there was a kind of satisfaction with the realization of ideals

"Post-00s" girls, more than 40 people were arrested!

Cheng Shiyi (right) retrieved the stolen electric car and was presented with the first pennant from the police. Photo by correspondent Cui Junyang

However, four months later, Wang Yu left the police station due to a job transfer, and Cheng Shiyi was "forced to leave the school"

At the beginning of July 2023, with the arrival of a group of new police officers, Cheng Shiyi, who has been in the police for more than 8 months, became the master of leading apprentices, and her apprentice Liu Qian said: "When encountering dangerous moments, she always says, 'I have kung fu, I will go first'." ”

Du Hai, a political instructor at the Jianghan Second Bridge Police Station, said that Cheng Shiyi was full of praise, "She never said that she had never done it or would not do it, and she saw difficulties as an opportunity to polish herself." ”


China Women's Daily, China Women's Movement

Source/Editor-in-charge of Yangtze River Daily/Tian Yuan Huang Die, Chen Xiaobing review/Yifan producer/Zhifei

"Post-00s" girls, more than 40 people were arrested!