
Too much simplicity? Simple logo and VI

author:Park Joo brand design
Too much simplicity? Simple logo and VI

The trend of simplicity and flattening is the mainstream design trend in the future, and many brand logos and VI upgrades have been basically upgraded based on this design trend in recent years.

The more simple the design, the more efficient the visual communication (theoretically speaking), therefore, in many industries and fields, the visual design of enterprises adopts the concept of "less is more" to make the vision more focused and the communication more efficient.

At the same time, whether it is logo or VI visual symbols and applications, these minimalist designs will be easier to use and unified, giving people a more advanced and compelling visual sense.

Next, I will share with you two very simple logos and VI creative designs, and see how these scientific and technological styles and minimalist designs are creatively presented.


Super brand, top minimalist design, minimalist logo, science and technology design

Too much simplicity? Simple logo and VI
Too much simplicity? Simple logo and VI

The entire corporate brand logo adopts a minimalist and technological design style, and the transparent blue with a sense of science and technology is used as the main color of the enterprise.

The logo symbol design is based on the circle creativity, and at the same time, a triangular incision design is made at the bottom of the circle, seeking differentiated design expression in the highly focused visual symbol logo, but the overall communication is simple and recognizable super logo.

The font adopts a more modern and trendy isolinear design, which is more in line with the industry characteristics of technology brands and smart brands.

Based on the brand symbol, different color matching has been carried out in different industry fields of the enterprise.

Too much simplicity? Simple logo and VI
Too much simplicity? Simple logo and VI

The logo idea is based on the human eye pupil, compass elements and extracted minimalist logo graphics, concise, direct, is the top visual logo symbols.

Too much simplicity? Simple logo and VI
Too much simplicity? Simple logo and VI
Too much simplicity? Simple logo and VI
Too much simplicity? Simple logo and VI

The application of the brand logo on wearable smart devices

Too much simplicity? Simple logo and VI
Too much simplicity? Simple logo and VI
Too much simplicity? Simple logo and VI
Too much simplicity? Simple logo and VI
Too much simplicity? Simple logo and VI
Too much simplicity? Simple logo and VI

The design display of the logo on the brand VI application side

Too much simplicity? Simple logo and VI
Too much simplicity? Simple logo and VI
Too much simplicity? Simple logo and VI
Too much simplicity? Simple logo and VI
Too much simplicity? Simple logo and VI
Too much simplicity? Simple logo and VI
Too much simplicity? Simple logo and VI
Too much simplicity? Simple logo and VI

Minimalist and high-tech office supplies design

Too much simplicity? Simple logo and VI
Too much simplicity? Simple logo and VI

Brand standard font design

Too much simplicity? Simple logo and VI
Too much simplicity? Simple logo and VI
Too much simplicity? Simple logo and VI
Too much simplicity? Simple logo and VI
Too much simplicity? Simple logo and VI
Too much simplicity? Simple logo and VI
Too much simplicity? Simple logo and VI
Too much simplicity? Simple logo and VI

Minimalist, high-tech creative design of store space

Too much simplicity? Simple logo and VI
Too much simplicity? Simple logo and VI
Too much simplicity? Simple logo and VI
Too much simplicity? Simple logo and VI
Too much simplicity? Simple logo and VI
Too much simplicity? Simple logo and VI
Too much simplicity? Simple logo and VI
Too much simplicity? Simple logo and VI
Too much simplicity? Simple logo and VI
Too much simplicity? Simple logo and VI
Too much simplicity? Simple logo and VI
Too much simplicity? Simple logo and VI
Too much simplicity? Simple logo and VI
Too much simplicity? Simple logo and VI