
My husband gave me a card before the divorce, and my son got married 15 years later

author:A gardener playing the piano in the Old Summer Palace

My divorced ex-husband gave me a card, and my son got married 15 years later.

My husband gave me a card before the divorce, and my son got married 15 years later

When I held that card, it felt like I was back in time, when we were still together. Although we have long since lived a new life, this card has become a special memento of our love and life.

My husband gave me a card before the divorce, and my son got married 15 years later

Fifteen years later, the son got married, which is a joyous moment for any mother. But when I opened the card and saw the balance inside, I couldn't help but feel a little heavy. Maybe when he gave me this card, he was out of apology and gratitude, but today, 15 years later, this number makes me feel an inexplicable sadness.

My husband gave me a card before the divorce, and my son got married 15 years later

The balance on this card is not just a number, but also a kind of memory of the past and anticipation for the future. It reminds me of the life we used to have, the years when we worked hard and struggled together. But at the same time, it also made me realize that the variables and challenges in life are always everywhere, and we need to cherish the people in front of us more and cherish the present.

My husband gave me a card before the divorce, and my son got married 15 years later

Maybe when he gave me this card 15 years ago, he didn't expect it to be where it is today. But it is this card that witnesses the story between us and records the bits and pieces of our past. Even though we are no longer husband and wife, it still makes me feel a deep emotional connection at this special moment when my son gets married.

My husband gave me a card before the divorce, and my son got married 15 years later

Perhaps, life is like this, full of unpredictable variables and ups and downs. But it is these experiences that make us stronger and more mature. Today, 15 years later, I would like to use the balance of this card to bless my son and his bride, and may they be happy and go on forever.

My husband gave me a card before the divorce, and my son got married 15 years later

Everyone and everything in life has their own stories and emotions. The balance on this card may not be very large, but it represents a precious memory and a deep emotion. Let us cherish the people in front of us, be grateful for the bits and pieces in life, and face every challenge in the future with love and perseverance.

My husband gave me a card before the divorce, and my son got married 15 years later
My husband gave me a card before the divorce, and my son got married 15 years later
My husband gave me a card before the divorce, and my son got married 15 years later
My husband gave me a card before the divorce, and my son got married 15 years later
My husband gave me a card before the divorce, and my son got married 15 years later
My husband gave me a card before the divorce, and my son got married 15 years later
My husband gave me a card before the divorce, and my son got married 15 years later
My husband gave me a card before the divorce, and my son got married 15 years later
My husband gave me a card before the divorce, and my son got married 15 years later
My husband gave me a card before the divorce, and my son got married 15 years later
My husband gave me a card before the divorce, and my son got married 15 years later
My husband gave me a card before the divorce, and my son got married 15 years later
My husband gave me a card before the divorce, and my son got married 15 years later
My husband gave me a card before the divorce, and my son got married 15 years later
My husband gave me a card before the divorce, and my son got married 15 years later