
Depth: Take stock of the layout of the "six capitals" of the 2026 Kuomintang local elections


Analysis of the KMT's 2028 general election strategy: Can it break the DPP's iron wall?

As four years on Taiwan's political scene pass by in a hurry, we are about to usher in a new round of general elections. In this political contest, whether the KMT can break the solid defense line built by the DPP over the years has become the focus of heated discussions after dinner.

Depth: Take stock of the layout of the "six capitals" of the 2026 Kuomintang local elections

1. The new star is shining, who can become the leading figure of the Kuomintang?

Among the many talents of the Kuomintang, the two generals, Lu Xiuyan and Han Kuo-yu, are undoubtedly the most eye-catching. With her outstanding achievements in Taichung City, Lu Xiuyan has won high recognition from the general public. With her pragmatic work attitude and pro-people image, she won the hearts of the people and became a dazzling new star in the Kuomintang. Although Han Kuo-yu suffered a setback in Kaohsiung, he was not discouraged, but strengthened his determination to work for the well-being of the people. His unique leadership style and deep popular base made him a force to be reckoned with within the KMT.

Depth: Take stock of the layout of the "six capitals" of the 2026 Kuomintang local elections

So, who will be the leading figure of the KMT in the upcoming 2028 election? Will we continue to carry forward Lu Xiuyan's pragmatic style, or will we learn from Han Kuo-yu's people-oriented thinking? This is undoubtedly an issue that has attracted much attention both inside and outside the KMT. Everyone expects this leading figure to lead the KMT to a brighter future.

2. Is the DPP's "fortress" really impregnable?

Depth: Take stock of the layout of the "six capitals" of the 2026 Kuomintang local elections

The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has been in the limelight in Taiwan's political arena in recent years, and it has successfully won the support and trust of the people with a series of policy propositions and marketing strategies. However, with the continuous development of society and the increasing diversification of people's demands, is the DPP's "fortress" really impregnable?

In the past few years, although the DPP has made a series of achievements, it has also exposed some problems and shortcomings. They mishandled some sensitive issues, which caused strong discontent among the people. In addition, contradictions and disputes within the DPP have also occurred from time to time, which have brought considerable challenges to its ruling position.

Depth: Take stock of the layout of the "six capitals" of the 2026 Kuomintang local elections

Therefore, in the upcoming 2028 general election, whether the DPP can continue to maintain its dominant position will be a question full of uncertainties. If the KMT can seize the opportunity, put forward policies that meet the expectations of the people, and strengthen its own organizational building and improve the quality of its candidates, then it is entirely possible for them to break the DPP's iron wall and achieve a counterattack.

3. How does the Kuomintang realize the transformation of "breaking the cocoon into a butterfly"?

Depth: Take stock of the layout of the "six capitals" of the 2026 Kuomintang local elections

In past elections, although the KMT has shown some strength, it still faces many challenges overall. They need to carry out comprehensive reform and improvement in strategic direction, organizational construction, and candidate quality in order to achieve the transformation of "breaking out of the cocoon into a butterfly".

First, the KMT needs to clarify its strategic direction. They should conduct in-depth research on people's needs and demands, and come up with policy proposals that meet people's expectations. At the same time, they also need to strengthen cooperation with other political parties and social organizations to jointly promote Taiwan's development and progress.

Depth: Take stock of the layout of the "six capitals" of the 2026 Kuomintang local elections

Second, the KMT needs to strengthen its organizational building. They should establish a sound organizational system and enhance the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the organization. At the same time, they also need to strengthen the building of grassroots party organizations, expand the ranks of party members, and improve the quality of party members.

Finally, the KMT needs to improve the quality of its candidates. They should select those who have good moral character, political experience, and governance skills. At the same time, they also need to strengthen the training and education of candidates to improve their political literacy and leadership skills.

Depth: Take stock of the layout of the "six capitals" of the 2026 Kuomintang local elections

Only through these reforms and promotions will the KMT be able to achieve the transformation of "breaking out of the cocoon into a butterfly" in the future general election and become a new star in Taiwan's political arena.

4. How will cross-strait relations affect the outcome of the general election?

Depth: Take stock of the layout of the "six capitals" of the 2026 Kuomintang local elections

Cross-strait relations have always been a sensitive topic in Taiwan's politics. In the upcoming 2028 general election, cross-strait relations will undoubtedly become one of the important issues. So, how will the trend of cross-strait relations affect the outcome of the general election?

First of all, if the Kuomintang can put forward a cross-strait policy that meets the expectations of the people and strengthen communication and cooperation with the mainland, then they will win the support and trust of more people. This will help them achieve better results in the elections.

Depth: Take stock of the layout of the "six capitals" of the 2026 Kuomintang local elections

Second, if the DPP continues to take a provocative and repressive stance on the cross-strait issue, then they will lose more popular support and trust. This will give the KMT an opportunity to counterattack and give them a chance to break the DPP's iron wall.

Finally, the trend of cross-strait relations will also be affected by the international situation. If the international community's attitude towards cross-strait relations changes, then this will bring greater uncertainty to Taiwan's politics. Therefore, the KMT needs to pay close attention to the changes in the international situation and formulate corresponding response strategies.

Depth: Take stock of the layout of the "six capitals" of the 2026 Kuomintang local elections


The 2028 Taiwan general election is just around the corner, and this political contest will be full of variables and challenges. Whether or not the KMT can break the iron wall of the DPP, achieve a counterattack, and become a new star in Taiwan's political arena will depend on many factors, such as its strategic orientation, organizational building, the quality of its candidates, and the direction of cross-strait relations. Let's wait and see how this political drama unfolds!

Depth: Take stock of the layout of the "six capitals" of the 2026 Kuomintang local elections

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