
The phenomenon of "fishing for women": revealing the mature industrial chain and warning behind it

author:Lucky Little Fish op8

In recent years, the term "fishing for women" has frequently appeared in the public eye, revealing an undesirable social phenomenon of using emotional relationships for economic gain. What is even more worrying is that this phenomenon has developed into a well-organized and multi-faceted mature industrial chain, which seriously distorts the purity of human relations and poses a challenge to social morality.

The secret of the industrial chain is revealed

The phenomenon of "fishing for women": revealing the mature industrial chain and warning behind it

1. Professional training and livestream guidance: Some so-called "mentors" use livestreaming platforms to teach skills, claiming to help women achieve "independent entrepreneurship", but in fact teach how to quickly obtain wealth from the opposite sex. These livestreams, which often last for years, under the guise of legitimate transactions, essentially teach the tricks of emotional manipulation and financial fraud.

The phenomenon of "fishing for women": revealing the mature industrial chain and warning behind it

2. Image building and target selection: The "women" group carefully shapes their appearance and social image, using plastic surgery, highly educated backgrounds, or positions in specific industries (such as finance, real estate, and Internet celebrities) as a cover, and uses social media to show well-planned life clips to attract potential "targets" - men with better economic conditions. The positive content they post on the platform, such as fitness and academic progress, is all aimed at lowering men's vigilance and creating the illusion of trustworthiness.

The phenomenon of "fishing for women": revealing the mature industrial chain and warning behind it

3. Emotional manipulation and economic exploitation: Once they have established a relationship with men, they induce them to give financial assistance through emotional manipulation, such as creating conflicts and imaginary difficulties (such as unemployment, illness). Even use pregnancy as a coercion to force the other party to provide a larger amount of money, otherwise they may choose to terminate the pregnancy. In this extreme case, children become a tool for their economic interests.

The phenomenon of "fishing for women": revealing the mature industrial chain and warning behind it

4. Multi-pronged operations and resource maximization: "Fishing women" often maintain relationships with multiple men at the same time, maneuvering through carefully arranged schedules and lies. Once a "resource" is depleted, it does not hesitate to move on to the next target and continue to cycle its gold-making strategy.

Deep-seated warnings

- Moral Decline and Crisis of Trust: The phenomenon of "fishing for women" reflects the disregard for traditional morality and the great destruction of integrity by some people. When emotions become a tool for fraud, the foundation of trust in society will be severely eroded.

- Distortion of gender relations: This phenomenon not only harms the economic interests of the victimized men, but also distorts the normal mode of interaction between the sexes at a deeper level, and exacerbates the mistrust and misunderstanding between the sexes.

- Legal and social responsibility: In the face of the increasingly rampant industrial chain of "fishing for women", all parties in society need to strengthen legal supervision, improve public awareness of the law, and strengthen emotional education and value guidance to help young people establish a correct view of love and wealth.

The phenomenon of "fishing for women": revealing the mature industrial chain and warning behind it

In short, the proliferation of the phenomenon of "fishing for women" is not only a slippery slope of personal morality, but also a wake-up call for the overall social environment, suggesting that we urgently need to pay attention to and solve the problems of lack of integrity and moral anomie in interpersonal relationships while developing rapidly. All sectors of society should work together to create a healthy and honest interpersonal environment.

The phenomenon of "fishing for women": revealing the mature industrial chain and warning behind it