
Lang Lang took a photo with his mother to celebrate Mother's Day, and his 70-year-old mother was beautiful and temperamental

author:Sweet fun fact

On May 12, the well-known pianist Lang Lang posted a photo with his mother with the text "I wish my dear mother a happy Mother's Day, you have worked hard!" This simple blessing is full of affection. So that netizens can feel their happiness through the screen.

Lang Lang took a photo with his mother to celebrate Mother's Day, and his 70-year-old mother was beautiful and temperamental

In the photo, Lang Lang and his mother Zhou Xiulan are sitting in the car, the two are smiling, and their eyes reveal a strong family affection, as if announcing his endless love for his mother to the world. And Zhou Xiulan on the side, although she is seventy years old, her overall state and temperament look very young, her face is ruddy and healthy, and her whole person looks very energetic. She dresses exquisitely and fashionably, elegantly and extravagantly, and is in the same frame with her son as if she is a sister and brother.

Lang Lang took a photo with his mother to celebrate Mother's Day, and his 70-year-old mother was beautiful and temperamental

Netizens left messages saying that Lang Lang looks very similar to his mother, and his mother's temperament and beauty are very outstanding. Indeed, it is not difficult to see from the photos that the two are very similar in terms of face shape and facial features. This kind of natural tacit understanding and family affection makes people feel warm and envious.

Lang Lang took a photo with his mother to celebrate Mother's Day, and his 70-year-old mother was beautiful and temperamental

On this Mother's Day, we can't help but think about the question: What do you want in life? Looking back at Lang Lang's music journey, it was not all smooth sailing, he was also disappointed and confused on the way to study, and it was with the companionship and support of his family that he was able to persevere, and finally achieved today's achievements. Now, whether he is celebrating his birthday with his mother or sharing the moments of his life, you can see that he cherishes and appreciates his family. Especially for parents, I am grateful for their selfless love and support, and cherish the elderly parents who are still by my side. The power of family is endless, it can give us courage and confidence when we encounter difficulties and setbacks, and let us move forward. Parents are always the home of our hearts, and they can make us more determined and courageous on the road to pursuing our dreams.

In this way, we would like to thank the mothers of the world for giving us life and selfless care, thank them for their selfless dedication, giving us warmth, soothing our hearts, and allowing us to have the most real place in this vast world to stop and heal before setting off. As Jay Chou sang in "Rice Fragrance": Home is the only castle. After that, we need to make more time to go back to our mothers and talk about the past and let them know that we love her!