
Yang Qing, who became popular in the 90s: her ex-husband was actually a soldier, and her daughter is now a well-known actress

author:Tell gossip carefully

1. Today's dazzling, like the evergreen tree of life, Yang Qing's magnificent life road is not smooth

Speaking of the name Yang Qing, what flashed in the eyes of many audiences was undoubtedly that quiet, elegant and artistic image. She not only won many honorary awards such as the Plum Blossom Award, Wenhua Award, and Golden Lion Award on the drama stage, but also created a highly personalized mother image in film and television works many times, which won warm applause and high praise from the audience.

Today, she is active on major TV screens and is known as the "evergreen" in the entertainment industry.

Yang Qing, who became popular in the 90s: her ex-husband was actually a soldier, and her daughter is now a well-known actress

Looking back on Yang Qing's life journey, we can clearly see that her growth path is far from being as smooth as we think. Born in an ordinary working family, Yang Qing has been dependent on his grandparents since he was a child.

Soon after the end of the "Cultural Revolution", she was able to enter school to learn knowledge, and even actively responded to the call of the state to go to the countryside to work in the queue.

At this critical moment, a seemingly insignificant accident completely changed Yang Qing's fate. A friend who lives next to her suggested that she try to apply for the Central Academy of Drama.

Yang Qing, who became popular in the 90s: her ex-husband was actually a soldier, and her daughter is now a well-known actress

For Yang Qing, who had never been exposed to acting, this was undoubtedly a completely new field, but she still mustered up the courage to take the exam with trepidation, and finally succeeded in admission with her luck and talent, and in this way, she stepped into the field of drama, which was completely unfamiliar to her at that time.

2. In childhood, the figures and teachings of grandparents were deeply imprinted in Yang Qing's outlook on life

Yang Qing spent his childhood in the railway workers' dormitory in Mentougou, Beijing. Her parents were ordinary workers who worked hard to make ends meet, while she and her younger brother thrived under the care of their grandparents.

Yang Qing, who became popular in the 90s: her ex-husband was actually a soldier, and her daughter is now a well-known actress

Life at that time was simple, but it was full of the warmth of home. Grandpa was a veteran railroad worker with a heavy workload, taking turns between day and night shifts every day, and he could only go home the next afternoon for a short rest.

However, whenever he returned from work, the young Yang Qing would always hold hands with his grandmother and happily run to the railway platform to welcome his grandfather's return.

"God knows! What exactly do you want to do in the future? "The respected grandfather often asked his children and grandchildren in such an impassioned tone, and he especially loved to have this conversation with Xiao Yangqing.

Yang Qing, who became popular in the 90s: her ex-husband was actually a soldier, and her daughter is now a well-known actress

At this time, Xiao Yang Qing would respond in that firm and persistent tone: "My ideal is to become a doctor!" When Grandpa heard these young but determined words, he would always stroke her head with kindness and praise her for being an excellent child.

In addition to these light-hearted quiz games, grandpa will also teach Yang Qing the wisdom of being a person and doing things in a subtle way in daily life. One of his words was, "Don't be angry because others have, don't laugh at what others lack."

Although Yang Qing may not have fully understood these simple and profound life philosophies at that time, they had a profound and indelible impact on her later acting career.

Yang Qing, who became popular in the 90s: her ex-husband was actually a soldier, and her daughter is now a well-known actress

Whenever he has spare time, his grandfather will always take Yang Qing and his younger brother to climb in the mountains. On the way down the mountain, the three of them laughed and walked hand in hand along the country road until the sun set in the west.

3. This harmonious and beautiful parent-child time has left eternal and warm memories for Yang Qing.

It is no exaggeration to say that the figures of grandpa and grandma, as well as grandpa's earnest teachings, quietly influenced Xiao Yangqing like spring rain moisturizing things silently, shaping her future outlook on life as a simple, down-to-earth, brave and kind outstanding actor.

Yang Qing, who became popular in the 90s: her ex-husband was actually a soldier, and her daughter is now a well-known actress

When the college entrance examination was approaching, a chance opportunity made Yang Qing embark on the unknown journey to dramatic art.

Soon after the end of the Cultural Revolution, Yang Qing was finally able to return to normal study and life. She has always maintained the excellent quality of diligence and studiousness, and although her family is not wealthy, she has never slacked off in her studies.

However, in her third year of high school, she responded to the country's call to go to the countryside to participate in labor training, thus temporarily interrupting her education.

Yang Qing, who became popular in the 90s: her ex-husband was actually a soldier, and her daughter is now a well-known actress

After returning from the countryside, the state has reinstated the college entrance examination system. Faced with the choice of the future, Yang Qing and his family were a little confused. What kind of major should I choose? The whole family was at a loss for what to do.

Yang Qing has loved singing and recitation since childhood, and can always perform well in literary and artistic activities during school. Therefore, she decided to give it a try and signed up for the entrance exam of Beijing Broadcasting Institute.

However, fate always seems to be full of drama, and Yang Qing encountered difficulties during the examination process and ultimately failed to get into the university of her choice.

Yang Qing, who became popular in the 90s: her ex-husband was actually a soldier, and her daughter is now a well-known actress

originally thought that he could only return to the countryside to continue to live a hard life, but who would have thought that an unexpected turn of events would make Yang Qing's life trajectory change 180 degrees.

An unknown Chinese opera? What do they mean exactly? For Yang Qing, she knows nothing about drama, and no one in her family can interpret her in detail.

She only vaguely remembers that there seemed to be such a school, located in the famous Cotton Hutong near the bustling intersection of Beijing.

Yang Qing, who became popular in the 90s: her ex-husband was actually a soldier, and her daughter is now a well-known actress

With full of apprehension and curiosity, Yang Qing resolutely devoted himself to the selection examination of the Central Academy of Drama. As soon as she stepped into the examination room, she was stunned by the sight in front of her, in which many beautiful and moving girls shone brightly, and she looked out of place like a little maid.

However, Yang Qing has always had a tenacious character and has never had the idea of giving up. With her stupid energy, she overcame all the obstacles all the way, and with luck and natural talent for drama, she miraculously succeeded in being admitted to this academy.

In this way, Yang Qing stepped into the field of drama, which was completely unfamiliar to her at that time. At first, she didn't know anything about acting skills, but she was hungry for knowledge, trained hard, and finally embarked on a unique acting path.

Yang Qing, who became popular in the 90s: her ex-husband was actually a soldier, and her daughter is now a well-known actress

4. In the early 90s, Yang Qing attracted much attention for playing the role of Xu Yuejuan in the TV series "Desire", but she chose to temporarily withdraw from the screen and turn her focus to stage plays.

In 1990, a classic film and television masterpiece "Desire" that swept the country was released, and the role of Xu Yuejuan played by Yang Qing in the play became a well-known and powerful actor.

Ironically, this Xu Yuejuan's role was originally tailor-made for Yang Qing. However, because she was busy with other affairs at the time, the director visited her many times but was unable to see her in person.

Yang Qing, who became popular in the 90s: her ex-husband was actually a soldier, and her daughter is now a well-known actress

In desperation, this role had to be taken over by Zhang Kaili. When Yang Qing finally found time, "Desire" had been successfully completed. However, the director was unwilling to let go of this excellent actor easily, so he temporarily carefully designed the role of Xu Yuejuan for her.

At first, Yang Qing was still a little hesitant in her heart, because the protagonist of the crew had already been determined, and if she came a little later, I was afraid that she would only be reduced to a supporting role. However, the director has the foresight to dispel her concerns: "A great actor should not only be able to play the positive role, but also play the negative role to the fullest."

Yang Qing, who became popular in the 90s: her ex-husband was actually a soldier, and her daughter is now a well-known actress

The director's words gave Yang Qing great encouragement. She knows that as a newcomer to the film industry, she should be humble and have the courage to challenge various roles.

So, Yang Qing let go of all her doubts and devoted herself to the shaping of the role of Xu Yuejuan.

As expected, Yang Qing successfully created a unique "villain" Xu Yuejuan on the screen. She abandons the pretentiousness of not being oily and salty, and shows a simple and sincere charm.

Yang Qing, who became popular in the 90s: her ex-husband was actually a soldier, and her daughter is now a well-known actress

5. Since the broadcast of the series, the vibrant Xu Yuejuan has not only deeply touched many audiences, but also aroused their deep resonance, making Yang Qing internationally famous and a well-known actor in the world.

However, circumstances are varied, but not always pretty. During this period, many people came to the door, hoping that Yang Qing could return and play a role like Xu Yuejuan again.

In the face of these invitations, Yang Qing firmly chose to refuse, because she knew that for a real actor, the stage play is their foundation, and only on that stage can she unreservedly release her talent Therefore, in the next nearly ten years, Yang Qing devoted herself to the creation of the drama stage, and won many heavyweight awards in the process, such as the Plum Blossom Award for Chinese Theatre, the Wenhua Award, the Golden Lion Award and so on.

Yang Qing, who became popular in the 90s: her ex-husband was actually a soldier, and her daughter is now a well-known actress

After entering the new century, Yang Qing returned to the screen again, participated in a number of high-profile film and television works, and was known as a "mother professional household". At the dawn of the new millennium, the actor, who had once faded out of the public eye, appeared on the screen again.

At this time, she has entered middle age, and most of the time she is playing the role of a mother, however, every mother is unique and distinctive under her shaping, which makes the title of "mother professional" perfectly reflected in her.

In the 2003 urban drama "Acacia Tree", Yang Qing played a generous and kind mother who has gone through vicissitudes. Despite the ups and downs of the plot, she successfully brought this mother figure to life in front of the audience with her simple and sincere emotional expression.

Yang Qing, who became popular in the 90s: her ex-husband was actually a soldier, and her daughter is now a well-known actress

In 2008, Yang Qing once again challenged the role of a mother in the urban sitcom "Little Daddy", this time with Ma Yili playing her daughter Zhou's mother. In the play, she plays a traditional housewife with a gentle and kind personality who plays a vital role in a series of family conflicts and ethical entanglements.

Whether it is from the depiction of the subtleties of the role or the in-depth interpretation of emotions, Yang Qing has performed with ease and won warm praise from the audience.

In 2015, Yang Qing portrayed a beautiful, fashionable, independent and capable modern professional woman Yao Mu in the sitcom "Unmarried Men and Women". This role is completely different from her previous mother figures, but Yang Qing is still able to deal with it easily, and interprets this rather "modern" mother role with great coolness.

Yang Qing, who became popular in the 90s: her ex-husband was actually a soldier, and her daughter is now a well-known actress

In addition to these fascinating character creations, Ms. Yang Qing's outstanding performances in many well-known film and television works are amazing! For example, the TV series "New Water Margin" directed by the famous director Ju Jueliang and its sister story "One Servant and Two Masters", as well as the critically acclaimed romantic light comedy "Love is Back" and the youth nostalgic drama "The Year in a Hurry" and so on.

And her outstanding performance in the movie "Search" is even more unforgettable, always able to use unique and profound acting skills, as well as elegant and calm demeanor, to interpret the seemingly ordinary mother role vividly, full of tension, and distinct personality.

It is precisely because of her accurate grasp and in-depth portrayal of the role of mothers that the audience has a deep admiration for Ms. Yang Qing, and affectionately calls her "mother professional".

Yang Qing, who became popular in the 90s: her ex-husband was actually a soldier, and her daughter is now a well-known actress

However, Ms. Yang Qing didn't care about this title, she said: "Every mother has her own unique life experience and inner world, and it is undoubtedly the most meaningful thing for an actor to successfully control various types of mother figures."

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