
Raimondo said that he focused on China's science and technology every day, and as soon as the voice fell, the Chinese Academy of Sciences came with great good news

author:Tech Starry Sky 7e2Q


Recently, the high-profile technology war between China and the United States has escalated again, and U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo has publicly stated in an interview that China has been stealing advanced American technology through various means, and she also claimed that Chinese companies are engaging in unfair competition around the world. In response, the U.S. government also announced the cancellation of semiconductor licenses for companies such as Huawei, which undoubtedly brought new uncertainty to Sino-US technology cooperation and the global semiconductor industry chain, and also caused more worries about the development prospects of Sino-US technology competition.

Raimondo said that he focused on China's science and technology every day, and as soon as the voice fell, the Chinese Academy of Sciences came with great good news

1. Raimondo's remarks were accused of distorting the facts and smearing Chinese companies

As the U.S. Secretary of Commerce, Gina Raimondo has always been the focus of great attention from the outside world, and her series of public remarks have undoubtedly brought a great impact on Sino-US scientific and technological cooperation and the global semiconductor industry chain. In an interview with the American media, Gina Raimondo said that China has been stealing advanced technology from the United States through various means, and she also said that Chinese companies have implemented unfair competition around the world, which has seriously damaged the global level playing field, and has also greatly affected more and more countries and regions.

It can be said that Gina Raimondo's remarks are undoubtedly openly smearing Chinese companies, creating public opinion around the world, and trying to find a so-called "reasonable" excuse for the US government to suppress Chinese companies. In fact, China has always attached great importance to the protection of intellectual property rights, and the Chinese government has been urging all enterprises to operate in accordance with the law and regulations, and never allow any enterprise to obtain other people's technology through improper means.

Raimondo said that he focused on China's science and technology every day, and as soon as the voice fell, the Chinese Academy of Sciences came with great good news

Second, the Sino-US scientific and technological cooperation has been disrupted by new disruptions, and the global semiconductor industry chain is facing challenges

As soon as Gina Raimondo's public remarks came out, they immediately caused a very big reaction around the world, and also brought new uncertainty to Sino-US science and technology cooperation and the global semiconductor industry chain. The technology war between China and the United States has always been in a state of white heat, and Gina Raimondo's remarks this time undoubtedly added another fire to the contradictions between China and the United States, and also made the already very tense Sino-US relations more complicated.

In addition, in response, the U.S. government also announced the cancellation of semiconductor licenses for Huawei and other companies, which undoubtedly brought new obstacles to the development of Huawei and other Chinese companies, and also plunged the global semiconductor industry chain into turmoil again. As a world-renowned leading enterprise in the field of communications, Huawei's products and technologies have always occupied a very important position, and have been unanimously recognized by many customers around the world, especially in the layout and development of the 5G field.

Moreover, according to relevant data, the Chinese market accounts for 27% of Intel's total operating income, and also accounts for 62% of Qualcomm's overall operating income in 2023. Moreover, affected by the export restrictions of the US government, Qualcomm's operating income may be affected by 6%, and Intel's revenue expectations have been lowered, it can be said that the unilateral approach of the US government has seriously disrupted the normal market order, and the global semiconductor industry chain is facing more challenges and tests.

Raimondo said that he focused on China's science and technology every day, and as soon as the voice fell, the Chinese Academy of Sciences came with great good news

3. The rise of China's scientific and technological strength is an irreversible trend, and global scientific and technological progress should be promoted through win-win cooperation

Gina Raimondo's public remarks this time are undoubtedly an attempt to hinder China's scientific and technological development through political means, however, no matter what measures the US government takes, it will not change the general trend of China's rising scientific and technological power. Because China has always attached great importance to scientific and technological innovation and talent training, and Chinese technology companies have also made very significant achievements in the world, whether in 5G, artificial intelligence, chips and other fields, Chinese companies have been in the leading position in the world.

The rise of China's scientific and technological strength has become an irreversible trend, and it has also brought great opportunities and challenges to the global scientific and technological innovation and development. In the current era of globalization, scientific and technological cooperation and exchanges between various countries are particularly important, and only through win-win cooperation can we truly promote the progress of global science and technology, and make scientific and technological achievements better benefit all mankind.

China's technology companies have made remarkable achievements in the world, whether in 5G, artificial intelligence and other fields, Chinese companies are already in the leading position in the world.

In the current era of globalization, scientific and technological cooperation and exchanges between various countries are particularly important, and only through win-win cooperation can we truly promote the progress of global science and technology, and make scientific and technological achievements better benefit all mankind.

Raimondo said that he focused on China's science and technology every day, and as soon as the voice fell, the Chinese Academy of Sciences came with great good news

IV. Conclusion

Gina Raimondo's public remarks are undoubtedly an attempt to discredit Chinese companies through political means, but her actions are not only distorting the facts, but also seriously disrupting the global process of scientific and technological cooperation and development. I believe that with the continuous rise of China's scientific and technological strength, more and more people will be able to realize the hypocrisy and ulterior motives of Gina Raimondo's remarks, and will also look at the development status of Sino-US science and technology competition more rationally.

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