
The woman abandoned her husband and disappeared for 14 years, hiding in her husband's house 300 meters away, and looking for her husband when she was sick

author:Stars in the deep sea

I was born into an ordinary family, my parents were both workers, and my family was not wealthy. My name is Wang Fang, I am the eldest in the family, and I have a younger brother and a younger sister below. Since I was a child, I have known that the hopes of my family are pinned on me, and I will study hard to strive for success in the future.

After graduating from junior high school, I was admitted to a key high school, but in order to reduce the burden on my family, I chose to drop out of school and go to work in the city. In the city, I met my husband, Li Qiang. He was a taxi driver, honest and kind, and he was very obedient to me. After two years of dating, we decided to get married.

The woman abandoned her husband and disappeared for 14 years, hiding in her husband's house 300 meters away, and looking for her husband when she was sick

The married life is not rich, but Li Qiang is very good to me, and we live happily. Soon, our daughter was born, bringing more joy to our lives. I thought I would be happy like this forever.

However, when my daughter was three years old, I met him – Zhang Wei. He was my high school classmate, who went to work in a foreign country after graduation and is now the owner of a company. He is mature, steady, and has a successful career, which makes my heart flutter.

The woman abandoned her husband and disappeared for 14 years, hiding in her husband's house 300 meters away, and looking for her husband when she was sick

I began to carry Li Qiang behind my back and secretly corresponded with Zhang Wei. I knew it wasn't right, but I couldn't control my feelings. Whenever I see Li Qiang working hard for life, I feel more and more that he is not worthy of me. And Zhang Wei, he can give me the life I want and let me live a carefree life.

Finally, one day, I decided to leave Li Qiang and pursue my happiness. That night, I packed my luggage and quietly left the house while Li Qiang was asleep. I didn't tell anyone, including my parents and younger siblings.

The woman abandoned her husband and disappeared for 14 years, hiding in her husband's house 300 meters away, and looking for her husband when she was sick

When I came to Zhang Wei's house, I started a new life. Zhang Wei was very kind to me, bought me a house, and arranged a light job for me. I thought I'd be happy like this forever. However, fate played a big joke on me.

After I had lived with Zhang Wei for fourteen years, I suddenly fell ill and needed a large sum of money for surgery. I asked Zhang Wei for money, but he was hesitant and pushed. My heart was cold and I realized that he didn't mean anything to me.

The woman abandoned her husband and disappeared for 14 years, hiding in her husband's house 300 meters away, and looking for her husband when she was sick

In desperation, I had no choice but to go to Li Qiang. When I came to his door, knocked on the door, and saw his surprised eyes, I couldn't help but burst into tears. He pulled me into the house and asked me where I had been all these years and why I had disappeared all of a sudden.

I cried and told him what had happened to me, and he was silent for a long time, then finally sighed and said, "Don't worry, I will raise money to treat you." With that, he turned and walked into the room.

The woman abandoned her husband and disappeared for 14 years, hiding in her husband's house 300 meters away, and looking for her husband when she was sick

At that moment, I understood that in this world, only Li Qiang was sincere to me. I regret leaving him in the first place, and I regret not cherishing our relationship. I think that if God can give me a chance to start over, I will definitely choose to stay by Li Qiang's side and cherish our family.

The surgery was successful and I gradually recovered. And Li Qiang, he didn't dislike me, but cared more about me. He said, let the past pass, let's start again.

The woman abandoned her husband and disappeared for 14 years, hiding in her husband's house 300 meters away, and looking for her husband when she was sick

I cried gratefully and hugged him tightly, tears soaking through his shirt. I know that this time, I will cherish the happiness in front of me and never let it slip through my fingertips again.

Now, Li Qiang and I have restarted our relationship, and we have gone through ups and downs hand in hand and faced the hardships of life together. And the Zhang Wei who once made my heart flutter has become a thing of the past and disappeared from my life.

The woman abandoned her husband and disappeared for 14 years, hiding in her husband's house 300 meters away, and looking for her husband when she was sick

I understand that true love is not a gorgeous material, but a companionship that is close to each other. By Li Qiang's side, I found the warmth and tranquility that I had not seen for a long time. And those mistakes in the past make me cherish the happiness in front of me even more.

Life is like a play, and drama is like life. We all play our respective roles in this scene, there are joys and sorrows, laughter and tears. But as long as we treat it sincerely and cherish the happiness in front of us, our life will definitely get better and better.

The woman abandoned her husband and disappeared for 14 years, hiding in her husband's house 300 meters away, and looking for her husband when she was sick