
If a woman has a relationship outside the home, will the other half know?

author:Stars in the deep sea

If a woman has a relationship outside the home, will the other half know?

My name is Lin Yuxin, I am 30 years old this year, and I am an ordinary white-collar worker. I have a happy family, a loving husband and a lovely daughter. Although our lives are ordinary, they are full of warmth and joy.

If a woman has a relationship outside the home, will the other half know?

My husband, Chen Yang, is a middle manager in a company. He was gentle and considerate to me, and he was very kind to my daughter. Our married life, though uneventful, is full of sweetness and harmony. I always thought that I would live my life happily ever after.

However, life is always full of surprises. That year, I was sent on a business trip to another city by the company because of my work. That was the first time I had left Chen Yang and my daughter and lived alone. In that strange city, I felt lonely and helpless. It was at that time that I met him, Li Feng.

If a woman has a relationship outside the home, will the other half know?

Li Feng is my colleague, and we met at work. He was humorous and knowledgeable, and I had a deep crush on him. We help each other at work and accompany each other in life. Slowly, we began an unusual romance.

I know it's not right for me to do that. I have a husband and a family, and I shouldn't have betrayed them. However, Li Feng's charm made me irresistible, and I fell into his gentle trap. We had an unforgettable time in the field.

If a woman has a relationship outside the home, will the other half know?

After the business trip, I returned home. In the face of Chen Yang and my daughter, I felt guilty and self-blamed. I decided that I was going to end this dysfunctional relationship, that I was going to return to my family, that I was going to be a good wife, a good mother.

However, things are not as simple as I thought. Li Feng didn't want to end our relationship like this, he started contacting me frequently, and even threatened me to tell my husband about us. I felt scared and helpless and I didn't know what to do.

If a woman has a relationship outside the home, will the other half know?

Just when I was in despair, Chen Yang discovered my abnormality. He asked me what had happened, and I couldn't hide it anymore, so I told him everything. I thought he would be angry and leave me. However, he chose to forgive me.

He said: "Yuxin, I know that you must be very conflicted and painful in your heart. However, you must remember that you are my wife and I will always love you and support you. His words warmed me. I decided that I would cherish this opportunity and that I would make up for my mistakes with my actions.

If a woman has a relationship outside the home, will the other half know?

Since then, I've been working hard to change myself. I try to minimize contact with Li Feng and put all my energy on my family. I started learning how to be a good wife, a good mother. I also began to try to understand and tolerate Chen Yang, to understand his hard work and difficulty.

Time passed slowly, and I found that Chen Yang did not alienate me because of my past. On the contrary, he cherished and loved me even more. Our relationship has also become deeper and stronger because of this incident.

If a woman has a relationship outside the home, will the other half know?

Now, I've come out of that dysfunctional relationship. I began to learn how to face my past and how to cherish my family. I knew that I couldn't make the same mistake again, and I couldn't let Chen Yang and my daughter get hurt again.

Looking back, I am filled with emotion. I would like to thank Chen Yang for his tolerance and understanding of me, and thank him for giving me a second chance. I am also grateful to myself for my own bravery and persistence. I know that as long as we have love in our hearts, we can create our own happiness.

It's a story of love, a story of inclusion, and a story of perseverance. I hope that my story can inspire you to know that no matter how wrong we are, if we are willing to change, we can find our own happiness.