
The end of the short-lived marriage: The man separated 24 days after receiving the license and sued for the return of 170,000 bride price

author:Ah Yi

The beginning of a marriage is often full of beautiful visions and longings. Two people who love each other enter the marriage hall hand in hand, thinking that they can spend their lives together hand in hand from now on. However, the reality is not so simple.


Just like the story of Mr. Zhang and Ms. Fang, even though their acquaintance seemed "destined", they were unable to overcome the challenges in their marriage in the end and eventually parted ways.

What is the crux of the problem? What does the bride price of 170,000 yuan symbolize? These questions are like a mirror, reflecting some hidden worries in the current social marriage relationship.

The search for the answer led me to a private house in a small town in the south of the Yangtze River. It used to be a sweet love nest for Mr. Zhang and Ms. Fang, but now it has become a battlefield for their disputes.

The end of the short-lived marriage: The man separated 24 days after receiving the license and sued for the return of 170,000 bride price

"I still don't understand why this is happening. How did we get to the point where we were supposed to be a husband and wife for eternity?" Mr. Zhang's tone was filled with helplessness.

Looking back, Mr. Zhang and Ms. Fang's acquaintance and love were quite smooth. It was an introduction from a friend that made them form this fate. Both are lonely hearts who find sustenance and reliance in each other.

"I remember the first time we met. Ms. Fang was wearing a light blue dress and looked lively and lovely. I was immediately attracted to her, and we chatted so well that it felt like we had known each other for many years. Mr. Zhang's eyes revealed the youthfulness and shyness of the year.

The end of the short-lived marriage: The man separated 24 days after receiving the license and sued for the return of 170,000 bride price

Time flies, and after knowing each other for more than a year, they finally embarked on the road of marriage. Mr. Zhang took out his savings for many years and prepared a bride price of 170,000 yuan, which was a lot of money at that time.

"I really wanted to build a warm family with Ms. Fang. Although 170,000 yuan has spent all my savings, I am willing to devote myself wholeheartedly to this marriage. It's not just a material support, it's all my commitment and expectation for this marriage. Mr. Zhang said with emotion.

Unfortunately, the good expectations didn't last long. Just 24 days after receiving the certificate, a fierce dispute broke out between the two, and finally they separated. Ms. Fang returned to her parents' house in an emotional state, while Mr. Zhang repeatedly went to Fang's house to persuade him to redeem himself.

The end of the short-lived marriage: The man separated 24 days after receiving the license and sued for the return of 170,000 bride price

"I was really anxious and wanted to be able to repair the relationship as soon as possible. But I don't know why, Ms. Fang is just cold to me, and my pleading voice is always blown away by the wind. Mr. Zhang's tone revealed a hint of sadness.

Subsequently, the situation deteriorated further. In court, the two sides became each other's opponents. Ms. Fang accused Mr. Zhang of concealing his criminal record and dishonest record, and complained that he was indifferent to his illness, all of which shattered the last vestiges of trust in the marriage.

In the end, the court ruled that the divorce was upheld and required Ms. Fang to return part of the bride price. This is undoubtedly a double loss of emotion and property for Mr. Zhang.

The end of the short-lived marriage: The man separated 24 days after receiving the license and sued for the return of 170,000 bride price

"After the divorce, my life became bleak. Not only do you have to face the loss of property, but the inner wounds are also difficult to heal. I was really sad, I felt like I was being stepped on. Mr. Zhang lowered his head, his eyes showing deep pain.

Through this story, it is not difficult for us to find that there are many hidden worries in the marriage relationship. First of all, what exactly does the bride price mean? Is it merely a material transfer, or does it contain a deeper emotional sustenance? This is obviously a question that requires us to think deeply.

It cannot be denied that in the traditional concept of marriage, the bride price is often seen as an act of "exchange", through which the groom expresses his importance and commitment to the bride. However, if we only stay at this superficial level, I am afraid that it will be difficult to reach a real consensus between the two sides.

The end of the short-lived marriage: The man separated 24 days after receiving the license and sued for the return of 170,000 bride price

As Mr. Zhang said, the bride price of 170,000 yuan is not only a transfer of property for him, but also his entire expectation and entrustment for this marriage. But unfortunately, Ms. Fang did not really appreciate the existence of this emotion. In her opinion, this is just a considerable "bride price".

This also reflects from the side that there is a certain "utilitarian" tendency in the marriage relationship in the current society. Some people attach too much importance to the material basis of marriage and ignore the importance of emotional communication. As everyone knows, only a marriage based on mutual understanding and trust can truly stand the test of time.

In addition, we cannot ignore another issue raised by Ms. Fang, that is, Mr. Zhang's concealment of criminal record and dishonest record. This undoubtedly undermined Ms. Fang's trust in this marriage.

The end of the short-lived marriage: The man separated 24 days after receiving the license and sued for the return of 170,000 bride price

The issue of integrity in marital relationships has always been a social topic that has attracted much attention. Unlike ordinary business transactions, marriage means that two people live together for a long time and are intimate. If even the most basic honesty cannot be maintained, then how can a marriage be strong?

From this point of view, Mr. Zhang's approach is undoubtedly unacceptable. Even if it is for self-protection, such concealment is bound to cause serious damage to the marital relationship. Ms. Fang's anger and disappointment are understandable.

So, what exactly made Mr. Zhang make such a choice? Do you want to maintain your image? Or are you afraid of losing a loved one? Or is it just impulsiveness and selfishness? The reason for this is probably best known only to the parties themselves.

The end of the short-lived marriage: The man separated 24 days after receiving the license and sued for the return of 170,000 bride price

But in any case, this is to blame. The quality of a marriage often depends on the honesty and understanding of both parties. If even these most basic elements are missing, how can we expect a marriage to last?

In general, the story of Mr. Zhang and Ms. Fang reflects some hidden worries in the current social marriage relationship. We need to not only reflect on the tradition of bride price.

The story of Mr. Zhang and Ms. Fang reflects some of the deep-seated problems in the marriage relationship in today's society. We should not only reflect on the connotation behind the traditional custom of bride price, but also think about the root cause of integrity in marriage.

The end of the short-lived marriage: The man separated 24 days after receiving the license and sued for the return of 170,000 bride price

It cannot be denied that in the traditional concept, the bride price is often seen as an act of "exchange", through which the groom expresses his value and commitment to the bride. But as Mr. Zhang said, this bride price of 170,000 yuan is not only a transfer of property for him, but also represents all his hopes and expectations for this marriage.

The problem is that Ms. Fang has not really appreciated the existence of this emotion. In her opinion, this is nothing more than a considerable "bride price". This reflects from the side that there is a certain "utilitarian" tendency in the marriage relationship in the current society. Some people attach too much importance to the material basis of marriage and ignore the importance of emotional communication.

As everyone knows, only a marriage based on mutual understanding and trust can truly stand the test of time. How can a marriage be strong if even the most basic honesty cannot be maintained?

The end of the short-lived marriage: The man separated 24 days after receiving the license and sued for the return of 170,000 bride price

As Ms. Fang alleged, Mr. Zhang concealed his criminal record and dishonesty. This undoubtedly undermined Ms. Fang's trust in this marriage. The issue of integrity in marital relationships has always been a social topic that has attracted much attention.

So, what exactly made Mr. Zhang make such a choice? Do you want to maintain your image? Or are you afraid of losing a loved one? Or is it just impulsiveness and selfishness? The reason for this is probably best known only to the parties themselves.

But in any case, this is to blame. The quality of a marriage often depends on the honesty and understanding of both parties. If even these most basic elements are missing, how can we expect a marriage to last?

The end of the short-lived marriage: The man separated 24 days after receiving the license and sued for the return of 170,000 bride price

We cannot ignore that this kind of marital relationship, which lacks integrity and understanding, often brings great pain and trauma to both parties. As Mr. Zhang said, after the divorce, his life became bleak, and the wounds in his heart were difficult to heal. This is undoubtedly a double loss, not only financial, but also emotional.

From a broader societal perspective, this wave of divorces also reflects some of the deep-seated problems facing the marriage system in the mainland. According to the latest data, the number of divorces in mainland China reached 3.78 million in 2021, a record high. This not only breaks up the family, but also exacerbates the accumulation of social contradictions.

The end of the short-lived marriage: The man separated 24 days after receiving the license and sued for the return of 170,000 bride price

The reason for this is that, in addition to the above-mentioned issues of integrity and understanding, we cannot ignore the influence of social and environmental factors. For example, financial pressures, work-life imbalances, and disputes between family and friends can be catalysts for the deterioration of marital relationships.

Against this backdrop, how should the government and all sectors of society respond? In my opinion, first of all, it is necessary to establish a sound marriage laws and regulations to provide more comprehensive protection for the parties. At the same time, strengthen guidance and intervention in marital relations, provide professional marriage counseling and other services, and help couples resolve conflicts.

The end of the short-lived marriage: The man separated 24 days after receiving the license and sued for the return of 170,000 bride price

In addition, it is also necessary to start from the conceptual level to guide the whole society to establish correct marriage values. Advocate the concept of mutual understanding, mutual trust and mutual care for marriage, so that marriage is not only a legal relationship, but also a beautiful way of life.

Only in this way can we truly curb the current trend of deterioration of marital relations and make more families happy. This is not only a matter of personal care, but also a contribution to social harmony.

The end of the short-lived marriage: The man separated 24 days after receiving the license and sued for the return of 170,000 bride price

I believe that as long as we look at and solve the marriage problem with an open and rational attitude, we will be able to make this sacred system shine with the glory it deserves. Let's make unremitting efforts to weave a warm dream for every family! #彩礼之争: The newlyweds separated after 24 days, and the man claimed 170,000 bride price to arouse heated discussions#